«Ukrainian cuisine»
Ukrainian cuisine Evolved over the centuries One of the most popular, diverse and rich The Ukrainian kitchen contains cooking traditions of other peoples Whole nationwide
Peculiarities of Ukrainian cuisine Ingredients: pork (meat and especially FAT), products of processing of vegetables, cereals and pulses (wheat flour, cereals, beans, etc. ) The crude product is first exposed to a light roasting and relatively rapid short-term Combined cooking large quantities of food components against the backdrop of one Chief and defining.
The basic dishes of Ukrainian cuisine. Borsch, vareniki, dumplings, baked ham, blood sausage, lard in all kinds of forms, potato pancakes, cabbage rolls, KULISH. Honey, beer, kvass, wine, liqueurs, horilka.
Borsch is the most popular "soup" in Ukraine. There are three varieties: Red Meatless Green Borsch is the ideal product for cleansing the body.
Vareniki In the small konvertike of the test, you can detect: potatoes, mushrooms, cabbage, meat, cheese, fruit, berries. . . Dumplings are excellent nutritious dish.
Galushki Once cooked dumplings for dinner almost every day. Dumplings are easy in execution and very nutritious. It is an ideal food for athletes before exercise
Salo All Slavic peoples love lard Fat is rich in vitamins A, D, E, F, carotene. All these substances to detoxify the body from cholesterol. It contains the indispensable arachidonic acid. Lard is used in folk medicine.