Ukraine General characteristics of the country
Ukraine Poland (Ukrainian Belarus Ukraina) - a Russia country in Eastern the east, northeast and north borders with Russia… ak ia Rom ania Moldova and Azov Seas. In Ukraine ov gary south by the Black Sl Hun Europe, on the ov o a se Bla ck Se a z f A
v Independence received August 24, 1991. The capital - the city of Kiev.
GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION The territory of Ukraine has the dimensions of 1316 km from east to west and 893 kilometers from north to south. The total area of Ukraine is 603 700 km ²
ORIGIN OF THE NAME OF THE COUNTRY v-From the common Slavic "oukraina", "border area", which was first applied to the border territories of Kievan Rus'; vtoponym, "Ukraine" is derived from the Old Slavonic "ukrayati" (ie, select, cut out part of the total); vthe name comes from the Ukrainian word "edge", "Krajina", that is just a "country" as "the land populated by their own people, " and "Ukrainian" means "countryman";
ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Ukraine is divided into 24 regions, 2 cities under the central government and territorial autonomy - the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
largest Cities Kiev- the capital of Kievan Rus historical and present-day Ukraine on the Dnieper River, the "mother of Russian cities. " Ancient churches and monasteries, wide boulevards, beautiful views and a variety of cultural institutions. Lviv - the medieval "old town" and the unique architecture of the Polish and German elements. Odessa Black Sea port, lots of beaches and a unique blend of different cultures. Yalta - a health resort on the southern coast of Crimea. Sevastopol - Black Sea port. Chernigovthe old city with many monuments of ancient architecture. -
The population of Ukraine 01. 08. 2007 Population: 46, 294, 180 people. , 25 th in the world Density: 76. 9 pers. / Km ²
ETHNIC COMPOSITION v The Ukrainians - 77. 8%; v Russian - 17. 3%; v Belarusians - 0. 6%; v The Crimean Tatars - 0. 5%; v Moldovans - 0. 5%; v The Bulgarians - 0. 4%; v Hungarians - 0. 3%; v Romanians - 0. 3%; v Poles - 0. 3%; v The Jews - 0. 2%; v The Greeks - 0. 2%; v Armenians - 0. 2% v Tatars - 0. 2%.
LANGUAGE Gosudarstvennym language of Ukraine is Ukrainian. In recent years Ukraine has been paid much attention to the status of Russian language, but according to the latest sociological research, the number of people who consider Russian their mother tongue, decreased, while the largest number of respondents were in favor of the only official language - Ukrainian.
CALENDAR OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS • March 9, 2008 - Carnival. You need to go to Pirogovo - eat pancakes, barbecue, horseback riding, watching Ukrainian lodges • May 25, 2008 - Kiev City Day • Summer 2008 - Opening of Kazantip • June 22, 2008 - Night of Ivan Kupala • Mid-August - the Feast of Neptune in Koktebel • August 2008 - Fair Sorochinskaya • last weekend of September 2008 - Lions: Day of • December 2008 - Start of the snow season in the Carpathians • December 25, 2008 - Catholic Christmas
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