Скачать презентацию UK people and nationalities political system economy Скачать презентацию UK people and nationalities political system economy


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UK – people and nationalities, political system, economy Autor: Ing. Vladimír Havlík Autor: Autor UK – people and nationalities, political system, economy Autor: Ing. Vladimír Havlík Autor: Autor je výhradním tvůrcem materiálu. Datum vytvoření: 20. 07. 2013 Datum vytvoření: Klíčová slova: the UK - people and nationalities, political system, Klíčová slova economy Anotace: prezentace je určena na získání základních znalostí o Anotace: obyvatelstvu, politickém systému a ekonomice Spojeného království Velké Británie a Severního Irska. Ve zpracovaném materiálu jsou také cvičení k procvičení.

Způsob využití: určeno pro výklad a procvičení základních znalostí Způsob využití: o obyvatelstvu, politickém Způsob využití: určeno pro výklad a procvičení základních znalostí Způsob využití: o obyvatelstvu, politickém systému a ekonomice Spojeného království Velké Británie a Severního Irska. Tyto znalosti je možno využít u maturity z anglického jazyka na středních školách. Číslo šablony: VY_32_INOVACE_ANJ_09 Číslo šablony

 UK – people and nationalities, political system, economy PEOPLE AND NATIONALITIES v v UK – people and nationalities, political system, economy PEOPLE AND NATIONALITIES v v Population: total number of people in the UK - 60 million of people; 233. 0 persons per square kilometre; 91. 5 percent of people live in cities and 8. 5 percent of people live in the country. Major Language: English (official). Language Minority languages: Wales - Welsh language; Scotland - Scottish languages Wales Gaelic = 1 % of Scotland, 30 % of Scottish speak Scots language; in Northern Ireland – 7 % of the population in Northern Ireland speak Irish language. Ethnic Groups: e. g. Indian, Caribbean, Pakistani, African, Groups Chinese, Bangladeshi, Arab, Polish.

UK – people and nationalities, political system, economy POLITICAL SYSTEM The United Kingdom is UK – people and nationalities, political system, economy POLITICAL SYSTEM The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. This means that the official head of the state is the monarch, monarch but his or her powers are limited by the constitution (ústava). v Parliament is the supreme (nejvyšší) law-making body in the country. It consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords v The House of Commons has 650, they are elected and paid Members of Parliament. v

 UK – people and nationalities, political system, economy POLITICAL SYSTEM v The House UK – people and nationalities, political system, economy POLITICAL SYSTEM v The House of Lords is made up of hereditary (dědičný) and life (na doživotí) peers (aristokrati; lordi), two archbishops and 24 bishops of the Church of England. v The Government is formed by the party which has the majority in the Parliament and the Queen appoints its leader as the Prime Minister. v The Prime Minister appoints a team of main ministers as the Cabinet (about 20 people).

 UK – people and nationalities, political system, economy ECONOMY v v The main UK – people and nationalities, political system, economy ECONOMY v v The main industries are steel, metals, vehicles, ship building, shipping, banking, insurance, textiles, chemicals, electronics, aircraft, machinery, distilling. Important centres of industry are Yorkshire, London, Manchester, South Wales. Agriculture - 30% of land is arable (obdělávaný) and the main agricultural products are grains, sugar beet, fruit, and vegetables. British cattle and sheep breeding earn lots of money.

 UK – people and nationalities, political system, economy ECONOMY v v Britain’s natural UK – people and nationalities, political system, economy ECONOMY v v Britain’s natural riches are mainly coal (black coal in Midland have world significance, this area is called also Black-land). Next tin, oil and gas (in the North Sea), limestone (vápenec), iron, salt, clay, chalk, zinc and lead. v Major economic activities are manufacturing and trade. v Main exports: machinery, chemicals, clothing, cars, lorries, jet exports aircraft, ships, drugs, scientific instruments, arms, books, whisky (scotch whisky).

 UK – people and nationalities, political system, economy ECONOMY v The valid currency UK – people and nationalities, political system, economy ECONOMY v The valid currency in Britain is one pound, which has hundred pence. v The best known newspapers and magazines in Britain are The Times, The Independent, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph and The Daily Mirror.

 UK – people and nationalities, political system, economy ECONOMY v There are two UK – people and nationalities, political system, economy ECONOMY v There are two main public institutions ensuring television and radio broadcasting in Great Britain: BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) and IBA (Independent Broadcasting Authority). v The best known channels are BBC I, BBC II, ITV and Channel IV. There also many local televisions, which brings local news, such as Grenada television in Liverpool.

UK – people and nationalities, political system, economy Choose the correct answer: CVIČENÍ 1. UK – people and nationalities, political system, economy Choose the correct answer: CVIČENÍ 1. Total number of people in the UK is ………. million. a) 100 80 60 50 b) c) d) 2. a) b) c) Parliament consists of ……… and ………. . The House of Representatives The House of Lords The House of Commons

 UK – people and nationalities, political system, economy CVIČENÍ Fill in the gaps UK – people and nationalities, political system, economy CVIČENÍ Fill in the gaps with information from the ellipse below the text to get correct statements. You will not use all information there. a) b) c) d) The constitutional monarchy means that the official head of the state is the………. but his or her powers are limited by the …………. The House of Commons has ……… members. The House of Lords is also made up of ………. archbishops. The………. appoints a team of main ministers as the Cabinet (about 20 people). Prime Minister 600 650 constitution Monarch 10 Queen 5 army President 750 2

Zpracoval: Ing. Vladimír Havlík Bibliografie: v http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/United_Kingdom v http: //anglictina-maturita-otazky. blogspot. Zpracoval: Ing. Vladimír Havlík Bibliografie: v http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/United_Kingdom v http: //anglictina-maturita-otazky. blogspot. cz/2012/02/ukgeography. html