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UFCEKP-20 -2 Client Server Programming Jin Sa http: //www. cems. uwe. ac. uk/~jsa/Client. Server UFCEKP-20 -2 Client Server Programming Jin Sa http: //www. cems. uwe. ac. uk/~jsa/Client. Server 08/ Julia Dawson http: //squanderette. co. uk/ufcekp/ 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 1

What is this module about? • Aim of the module, what you should be What is this module about? • Aim of the module, what you should be able to do by the end of module • Content of the module • How is the module delivered • How are you assessed • Where can you find resources 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 2

Aim of the module • By the end of the module you should be Aim of the module • By the end of the module you should be able to develop programs that implement simple network applications based on some protocols using a number of techniques. • This leads to these questions: – What do we mean by network applications and protocols? – What are the implementation techniques? – What programming language do we use? 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 3

Module context • Network applications – Enable end users/processes from different hosts to communicate Module context • Network applications – Enable end users/processes from different hosts to communicate with each other to perform certain tasks. E. g. email, browsing, MSN, i. Player, file transfer • Protocols – Rules defining how the processes should communicate with each other. smtp, http, ftp, and other proprietary protocols • Implementation paradigms and techniques – Paradigms: Client-server and peer-to-peer – Technology: Sockets, Datagram , RMI, etc. • Programming languages – Java, C++ etc 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 4

Module Content Applications and protocols Implementation paradigms and techniques Well known ones, e. g. Module Content Applications and protocols Implementation paradigms and techniques Well known ones, e. g. file Network Basics and IPC transfer, web browsing, email, p 2 p file sharing Programming language Java basics/revision Protocols for some of these well know network applications, ftp, http, smtp Implementation paradigms: Java interface, client server and peer-toexception peer. Simple server, concurrent server Develop your own applications and protocols, e. g. “World timer” server Technology: Sockets, datagram, RMI 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming Java threads and concurrency 5

Module plan – semester 1 Wk Lecture 1 Introduction and network basics █ █ Module plan – semester 1 Wk Lecture 1 Introduction and network basics █ █ Java revision █ 2 Client server paradigm and event Java revision █ synchronisation █ █ 3 Assignment briefing 4 Java (from Lewis&Loftus) █ Java interface and exception █ 5 Overview of some well known network Research network applications and their protocols, e. g. and protocols (to be signed off) http █ █ 6 Java thread █ Applications and protocols 15/03/2018 Lab Java exercises (to be signed off) █ Implementation paradigms and techniques Java thread █ Programming language Client-Server Programming 6

Module plan – semester 1 cont. Wk Lecture 7 Client socket and simpler server Module plan – semester 1 cont. Wk Lecture 7 Client socket and simpler server █ █ Socket 1 █ █ 8 More about server █ █ Socket 2 █ █ 9 Building our own application █ █ █ 10 Java GUI █ Java GUI █ 11 Build your own application cont. █ █ █ 12 Review – topics chosen by student Applications and protocols 15/03/2018 Lab Implementation paradigms and techniques Programming language Client-Server Programming 7

Module plan – semester 2 Wk Lecture 1 Datagram █ █ Datagram █ █ Module plan – semester 2 Wk Lecture 1 Datagram █ █ Datagram █ █ 2 Datagram and multicast █ █ Datagram and multicast █ █ 3 Overview of a peer-to-peer example 4 Email application and SMTP █ █ █ SMTP █ █ █ 5 Email application and SMTP █ █ █ SMTP █ █ █ 6 More threads example █ Applications and protocols 15/03/2018 Lab Implementation paradigms and techniques Build an application based on a given protocol (to be signed off) █ █ █ An example based to simulate the open day activities █ Programming language Client-Server Programming 8

Module plan – semester 2 cont. Wk Lecture Lab 7 RMI █ █ 8 Module plan – semester 2 cont. Wk Lecture Lab 7 RMI █ █ 8 RMI cont. █ █ RMI █ █ 9 Revision 10 CSP in context – related issues Easter break 11 Assignment feedback 12 Review – topics chosen by student Applications and protocols 15/03/2018 More applications Implementation paradigms and techniques Programming language Client-Server Programming 9

Delivery and Assessment • One lecture and one practical per week • Assessment consists Delivery and Assessment • One lecture and one practical per week • Assessment consists of one exam (50%) and one assignment (50%). 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 10

Resources • “Java Network Programming”, 3 rd edition, by Elliotte Rusty Harold, published by Resources • “Java Network Programming”, 3 rd edition, by Elliotte Rusty Harold, published by O‘Reilly • “Computer Networking: A top-down approach”, Fourth edition, by Kurose and Ross, published by Pearson Addison Wesley, chapter 1 Computer network and the Internet, chapter 2 Application layer • Some of the tutorials from http: //java. sun. com/docs/books/tutorial/networking/ • Some of the tutorials from http: //java. sun. com/docs/books/tutorial/essential/ • “Distributed Systems Concepts and Design”, 4 th edition, by Coulouris, Dollimore and Kindberg, published by Addison Wesley. Chapter 4 Interprocess comminucations • “Java Software Solutions”, 5 th (International) ed, Lewis and Loftus (2006). Addison-Wesley 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 11

Basic network concepts and the Internet • Outline of the rest of the unit Basic network concepts and the Internet • Outline of the rest of the unit – – – – Distributed system Types of networks Internet provides services to network applications Protocols Network architecture TCP/IP protocols suite Connection-oriented and connectionless communications – Network resources – Addressing a process running on a host 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 12

Distributed system • In Coulouris et al “We define a distributed system as one Distributed system • In Coulouris et al “We define a distributed system as one in which hardware or software components located at networked computers communicate and coordinate their actions only by passing messages. ” 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 13

Types of network • • Local area networks (LAN), e. g. Ethernet Wide area Types of network • • Local area networks (LAN), e. g. Ethernet Wide area network (WAN) Internetwork, e. g. Internet Wireless local area network (WLAN), e. g. Wi. Fi • Etc. 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 14

A typical intranet 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 15 A typical intranet 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 15

The “nuts and bolts” view of the Internet • millions of connected computing devices: The “nuts and bolts” view of the Internet • millions of connected computing devices: hosts, end-systems – PCs workstations, servers – PDAs phones router server workstation mobile local ISP running network apps • communication links regional ISP – fiber, copper, radio, satellite – Links have different bandwidth • routers: forward packets • Packet: a piece of messg. company network 1 -16

Internet provides services to network applications • Applications: email, web surfing, instant messaging, Vo. Internet provides services to network applications • Applications: email, web surfing, instant messaging, Vo. IP, distributed games, P 2 P file sharing, remote login etc. • Applications are distributed involving multiple end systems exchanging data with each other. • End systems provide services defined as Application Programming Interface (API) • So the Internet is an infrastructure for providing services to network applications. 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 17

Network standards and protocols • When two or more processes communicate with each other, Network standards and protocols • When two or more processes communicate with each other, in order to accomplish a task, they need to follow some rules that decide how and when they can communicate with each other. • Such rules, called protocols, specify such matters as the formatting and semantics of data, flow control. 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 18

Protocol (taken from Wiki) • In computing, a protocol is a convention or standard Protocol (taken from Wiki) • In computing, a protocol is a convention or standard that controls or enables the connection, communication, and data transfer between two computing endpoints. In its simplest form, a protocol can be defined as the rules governing the syntax, semantics, and synchronization of communication. 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 19

Example Protocols • Network applications need to have protocols associated with them. Examples are: Example Protocols • Network applications need to have protocols associated with them. Examples are: – Email: SMTP – Web surfing: HTTP – File transfer: FTP – Getting the daytime: Daytime protocol • Protocols are defined in layers 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 20

Network architecture The division of the layers is conceptual: the implementation of the functionalities Network architecture The division of the layers is conceptual: the implementation of the functionalities need not be clearly divided. The conceptual division serves at least two useful purposes : 1. it allows protocols to be specified systematically 2. it allows programs to be written in terms of logical data flow 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 21

Protocol layers in the ISO model 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 22 Protocol layers in the ISO model 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 22

The TCP/IP protocol suite • The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol suite is a set The TCP/IP protocol suite • The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol suite is a set of network protocols which supports the following network architecture. • It is currently the protocol suite employed on the Internet. • Java’s network classes are based on the TCP/IP protocol 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 23

The TCP/IP protocol suite • The Internet layer implements the Internet Protocol, which provides The TCP/IP protocol suite • The Internet layer implements the Internet Protocol, which provides the functionalities for allowing data to be transmitted between any two hosts on the Internet. • The Application layer gives an application access to the communication environment. Examples of protocols found at this layer are Telnet, FTP, HTTP and SMTP • The Transport layer provides delivery services for the application layer. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol) are at the transport layer • The internetwork layer is responsible for the routing and delivery of data across networks. 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 24

TCP and UDP • TCP is a reliable, connection-oriented protocol that provides error checking TCP and UDP • TCP is a reliable, connection-oriented protocol that provides error checking and flow control through a virtual link. This gives a reliable service, therefore TCP would be utilized, for example, by file transfer and email delivery. • UDP is an unreliable, connectionless protocol that provides data transport with lower network traffic overheads than TCP - UDP does not error check or offer any flow control, this is left to the application process. Applications such as short transaction and Vo. IP use UDP. 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 25

Connection-oriented and connectionless communication Connection-oriented connectionless Addressing At connection time With each packet Connection Connection-oriented and connectionless communication Connection-oriented connectionless Addressing At connection time With each packet Connection Establishing connection N/A Data delivery Maintain order Protocols 15/03/2018 Difficult to main order TCP: Exchange large UDP: Small amount of stream and/or number of data in limited rounds of data, e. g. file exchanges, Vo. IP transfer Client-Server Programming 26

How does this module fits • In this module, we will be concerned with How does this module fits • In this module, we will be concerned with developing applications at the Application layer using the services provided at the Transport layer (and the layers below). • The Java network classes are based on the TCP/IP protocols. Hence we can use the APIs provided in these classes to write Java programs for the application layer. 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 27

Network resources • Network resources are resources available to the participants of a distributed Network resources • Network resources are resources available to the participants of a distributed computing community. • Network resources include hardware such as computers and equipment, and software such as processes, emailboxes, files, web documents. • An important class of network resources is network services such as the Web and file transfer, which are provided by specific processes running on computers. 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 28

How to identify processes running on a host 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 29 How to identify processes running on a host 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 29

Identifying processes with ports • Domain names (or IP addresses) locate computers (hosts) • Identifying processes with ports • Domain names (or IP addresses) locate computers (hosts) • The logical entity port is used to identify a process running on a host • In the transport layer, both TCP and UDP use ports on each host for dispatching data to processes • A process that wishes to exchange data with another process must be assigned a port • To send data to a process associated with port p on host H, an applicatin programm must address the data to (H, p) in the code. 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 30

Well-known ports 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 31 Well-known ports 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 31

Review questions • • • What is a network application? What is a protocol? Review questions • • • What is a network application? What is a protocol? What is the TCP/IP protocol? What are TCP and UDP? Explain the concepts of connection-oriented communication and connectionless communication • Understand how to address Internet host; how to address a running process 15/03/2018 Client-Server Programming 32