Скачать презентацию U S GPS Program and Policy Update Ken Скачать презентацию U S GPS Program and Policy Update Ken


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U. S. GPS Program and Policy Update Ken Alexander Senior Advisor, National Coordination Office U. S. GPS Program and Policy Update Ken Alexander Senior Advisor, National Coordination Office United States of America SBAS International Working Group Saint Petersburg, Russia June 25, 2013

Overview • U. S. Space-Based PNT Policy • Global Positioning System Status • Space Overview • U. S. Space-Based PNT Policy • Global Positioning System Status • Space System Modernization • Ground System Modernization • Affordability • International Interoperability

U. S. Space-Based PNT Organization Structure WHITE HOUSE Defense Transportation Interior Agriculture ADVISORY BOARD U. S. Space-Based PNT Organization Structure WHITE HOUSE Defense Transportation Interior Agriculture ADVISORY BOARD Executive Steering Group State NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR SPACE-BASED PNT Sponsor: NASA Co-Chairs: Defense, Transportation Commerce Homeland Security Joint Chiefs of Staff NATIONAL COORDINATION OFFICE Host: Commerce NASA GPS International Working Group Chair: State Engineering Forum Co-Chairs: Defense, Transportation Ad Hoc Working Groups 3

U. S. National Space Policy 2010 • Provide continuous worldwide access to GPS for U. S. National Space Policy 2010 • Provide continuous worldwide access to GPS for peaceful uses, free of direct user charges • Open, free access to information necessary to use civil GPS and augmentations • Encourage global compatibility and interoperability with GPS and its augmentations • Non-U. S. PNT services may be used to augment and strengthen the resiliency of GPS • Invest in domestic capabilities and support international activities to detect, mitigate and increase resiliency to harmful interference U. S. policy on civil GPS access has been stable and consistent for 30 years 4

PNT Critical Infrastructure Resiliency • Critical Infrastructure sector dependencies on satellite navigation discussed 2010 PNT Critical Infrastructure Resiliency • Critical Infrastructure sector dependencies on satellite navigation discussed 2010 -2012 – Communications (e. g. cellular phone tower synchronization) – Energy (e. g. power grid synchronization) – Emergency Services (e. g. location) – Transportation Systems (Next. Gen) http: //www. gps. gov/news/2013/05/2013 -05 -NRE-publicsummary. pdf • February 2013 Presidential Policy Directive 21 and Executive Order 13636 address critical infrastructure • Ongoing interagency activities will address our Nation’s Critical Infrastructure sectors reliance upon GPS/GNSS for PNT services 5

Overview • U. S. Space-Based PNT Policy • Global Positioning System Status • Space Overview • U. S. Space-Based PNT Policy • Global Positioning System Status • Space System Modernization • Ground System Modernization • Affordability • International Interoperability

Fourth GPS IIF Satellite Launched May 15, 2013 Set healthy June 21, 2013 Next Fourth GPS IIF Satellite Launched May 15, 2013 Set healthy June 21, 2013 Next launch: Planned for November 2013 7

GPS Constellation Status 31 Satellites Available to Users As of Jun 23, 2013 • GPS Constellation Status 31 Satellites Available to Users As of Jun 23, 2013 • “Expandable 24” configuration (27 slots) • 8 Block IIA • 12 Block IIR • 7 Block IIR-M • 4 Block IIF • 4 residuals satellites on orbit • Continuously assessing constellation health to determine launch need 8

GPS Civil Commitment The GPS Triad • Global GPS civil service performance commitments met GPS Civil Commitment The GPS Triad • Global GPS civil service performance commitments met continuously since Dec 1993 • Extensive International and Civil Cooperation – Agreements with 55 international customers – Over 1 billion civil/commercial users • GPS embedded in all facets of life – Aviation, Emergency Services, Timing, Agriculture, Rescue, Automotive, Tracking, Science, Military, Robotics/Control Systems Joint GPS User Support Service USAF GPSOC (military) USCG NAVCEN (surface) FAA NOCC (airspace)

Standard Positioning Service (SPS) Signal-in-Space Performance 2001 Standard Positioning Service (SPS) Performance Standard (PS) Standard Positioning Service (SPS) Signal-in-Space Performance 2001 Standard Positioning Service (SPS) Performance Standard (PS) Signal-in-Space User Range Error is the difference between a GPS satellite’s navigation data (position and clock) and the truth, projected on the line-of-sight to the user Decreasing range error 2008 Standard Positioning Service (SPS) Performance Standard (PS) (Worst of any SPS SIS URE) = Increasing accuracy System accuracy exceeds published standard Better Performance (RMS over all SPS SIS URE)

GPS Operational Control Segment Greenland Alaska Schriever AFB Colorado Vandenberg AFB California New Hampshire GPS Operational Control Segment Greenland Alaska Schriever AFB Colorado Vandenberg AFB California New Hampshire USNO Washington Cape Canaveral Florida United Kingdom Hawaii South Korea Bahrain Guam Ecuador Kwajalein Diego Garcia Ascension Tahiti Argentina Master Control Station Ground Antenna Air Force Monitor Station South Africa Australia New Zealand Alternate Master Control Station AFSCN Remote Tracking Station NGA Monitor Station 11

Overview • U. S. Space-Based PNT Policy • Global Positioning System Status • Space Overview • U. S. Space-Based PNT Policy • Global Positioning System Status • Space System Modernization • Ground System Modernization • Affordability • International Interoperability

GPS Modernization Program Increasing System Capabilities w Increasing User Benefit GPS IIA/IIR Basic GPS GPS Modernization Program Increasing System Capabilities w Increasing User Benefit GPS IIA/IIR Basic GPS • Standard Service – Single frequency (L 1) – Coarse acquisition (C/A) code navigation • Precise Service – Y-Code (L 1 Y & L 2 Y) – Y-Code navigation GPS IIR-M, IIF GPS IIR-M – Basic GPS plus: • 2 nd civil signal (L 2 C) • M-Code (L 1 M & L 2 M) GPS IIF – GPS IIR-M capability plus: • 3 rd civil signal (L 5) • 2 Rb + 1 Cs Clocks • 12 year design life GPS III • Backward compatibility • 4 th civil signal (L 1 C) • 4 x better User Range Error than GPS IIF • Increased availability • Increased integrity • 15 year design life

GPS III Status • GPS Block III, Satellites 1 -8 – Non-Flight Satellite Testbed GPS III Status • GPS Block III, Satellites 1 -8 – Non-Flight Satellite Testbed testing complete – First 4 satellites in production • GPS Block III, Satellites 9+ – On track to add search and rescue payload (SAR-GPS) and satellite laser retroreflectors – Studying options for dual launch and other cost savings 14

New Civil Signals • Second civil signal “L 2 C” – – Designed to New Civil Signals • Second civil signal “L 2 C” – – Designed to meet commercial needs Available since 2005 without data message Phased roll-out of CNAV message Currently 11 SVs in operation • Third civil signal “L 5” – Designed to meet transportation safety-of-life requirements – Uses Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service band – Currently 4 SVs in operation • Fourth civil signal “L 1 C” – Designed for GNSS interoperability – Specification developed in cooperation with industry – Launches with GPS III – Improved tracking performance L 5 and L 1 C Provide improved performance in challenged environments Urban Canyons

New Civil GPS Signals Signal Benefits # of Satellites Broadcasting Now Availability on 24 New Civil GPS Signals Signal Benefits # of Satellites Broadcasting Now Availability on 24 Satellites L 2 C Meets commercial needs for ionospheric correction, higher effective power, etc. 11 ~2018 L 5 Meets requirements for safety-oflife transportation; enables triplefrequency positioning techniques 4 ~2021 L 1 C GNSS interoperability; performance improvements in challenged environments Will start with GPS III in 2015 ~2026 16

CNAV Message Testing • L 2 C and L 5 signals are in development CNAV Message Testing • L 2 C and L 5 signals are in development status (i. e. no navigation data provided) • OCX control segment will enable upload of civil navigation (CNAV) messages for L 2 C and L 5 • Live-sky testing of L 2 C and L 5 with CNAV ongoing (Jun 15 – July 1, 2013) – Public participation encouraged; see www. gps. gov/pros • L 2 C and L 5 will eventually replace civil need for semi-codeless access to military P(Y) signals • All semi-codeless GPS users expected to migrate from military P(Y) signals use by Dec 31, 2020 17

Overview • U. S. Space-Based PNT Policy • Global Positioning System Status • Space Overview • U. S. Space-Based PNT Policy • Global Positioning System Status • Space System Modernization • Ground System Modernization • Affordability • International Interoperability

GPS Modernized Ground System • Current system Operational Control Segment (OCS) – Now flying GPS Modernized Ground System • Current system Operational Control Segment (OCS) – Now flying GPS IIA/IIR-M/IIF constellation – Currently provides legacy L 1 C/A signal • Next Generation Operational Control System (OCX) Monitor Station – Block 0 (2014) • Supports GPS III launch and checkout – OCX Block I • Operational capability projected in 2016 • Provides operational CNAV for L 2 C and L 5 • Command & control for GPS IIR/IIR-M/IIF/III – OCX Block II • Operational capability projected in 2017 Ground Antenna • Delivers new international signal (L 1 C) and M-Code

Overview • U. S. Space-Based PNT Policy • Global Positioning System Status • Space Overview • U. S. Space-Based PNT Policy • Global Positioning System Status • Space System Modernization • Ground System Modernization • Affordability • International Interoperability

GPS III Dual Launch • Significantly reduces launch costs – Studies indicate capability can GPS III Dual Launch • Significantly reduces launch costs – Studies indicate capability can be provided with minor changes in GPS III SV 09+ production line • Future Size, Weight, Power (SWAP) considerations – Battery & Solar Array Efficiency, Star Tracker/ IMU, etc… – Allows SV 09+ payload considerations – SAR GPS (formerly DASS), Laser Reflectors, USB • GPS/Launch Directorate Coordination – Developing final requirements • GPS--specific dual payload adapter • Mission profile • Reduces launch vehicle schedule needs SV 1 SV 2 Notional Dual Launch Configuration on Atlas V 551

GPS Augmentation Satellite Initiative • Smaller GPS Navigation Satellites (Nav. Sats) – Augments GPS GPS Augmentation Satellite Initiative • Smaller GPS Navigation Satellites (Nav. Sats) – Augments GPS III capabilities • No secondary payloads • PNT-only reduces size, weight and power (SWAP) SV 1 – Increased resiliency • Constellation of 24 GPS IIIs & 6 Nav. Sats – Enables reduced launch costs • Multiple launch capability SV 2 • Commercial launch capability – Improves access to space by replenishing the constellation faster Pursuing single on-orbit demonstration

Overview • U. S. Space-Based PNT Policy • Global Positioning System Status • Space Overview • U. S. Space-Based PNT Policy • Global Positioning System Status • Space System Modernization • Ground System Modernization • Affordability • International Interoperability

International Cooperation • U. S. goals for GNSS cooperation: – Compatibility and interoperability – International Cooperation • U. S. goals for GNSS cooperation: – Compatibility and interoperability – Transparency in provision of civil services – Fair market access – Detecting, mitigating, and increasing resiliency to harmful interference • Bilateral relationships – Russia, Europe, Japan, India, Australia, China • Multilateral engagement – ICG, APEC, ICAO, IMO, ITU, NATO 24

International Committee on GNSS (ICG) • Promotes use of GNSS and its integration into International Committee on GNSS (ICG) • Promotes use of GNSS and its integration into infrastructures, particularly in developing countries • Encourages compatibility and interoperability among global and regional systems • Members include: GNSS Providers (U. S. , EU, Russia, China, India, Japan), Other Member States of the United Nations, International organizations/associations • Multi-GNSS Monitoring Subgroup approved Jun 2012 – Identify what service parameters should be monitored – Define the level & methods for monitoring • ICG-8 will be held in November 2013 in Dubai http: //www. icgsecretariat. org 25

U. S. - Russia Cooperation • GPS-GLONASS cooperation statement signed 2004 – Compatibility/interoperability of U. S. - Russia Cooperation • GPS-GLONASS cooperation statement signed 2004 – Compatibility/interoperability of GPS and GLONASS – Interoperability of Search and Rescue (SAR-GPS and SAR -GLONASS) • Collaborating toward placement of GLONASS/ SDCM monitoring stations in U. S. • U. S. is closely monitoring Russian mandates for GLONASS equipage on certain vehicles – Threshold operational requirements are unclear to U. S. aircraft manufacturers – Technical regulations must comply with WTO obligations on Technical Barriers to Trade – U. S. recommends technology-neutral, performancebased navigation (PBN) airspace requirements 26

Information to Facilitate GLONASS Use • Provision of a GLONASS Standard Precision Performance Standard Information to Facilitate GLONASS Use • Provision of a GLONASS Standard Precision Performance Standard commitments (e. g. comparable to 2008 GPS SPS Performance Standard) – Establishes State commitment to minimum performance levels – Including Satellite and Constellation failure rates • Updated GLONASS Interface Control Document (ICD) and ICAO Annex 10 SARPS for L 1 OC and L 5 OC CDMA signals – Currently ICAO Annex 10 and GLONASS ICD, Edition 5. 1, 2008 only address L 1 OF (and L 2 OF) FDMA signals: – GLONASS-K 2 L 1 OC CDMA (BOC 1, 1) signals and GLONASS-KM L 5 OC CDMA (BOC 4, 4) signals centered at 1176. 5 MHz facilitate compatibility & interoperability/ complementarity • Jun 2013, received Russian equivalents (modified for GLONASS) to RTCA MOPS for DO-229 C (SBAS) – Looking for DO-253 (LASS/GBAS) / DO-316 equivalents (in English) • SDCM ICD for regional augmentation of GPS and GLONASS – Need to validate interoperability with DO-229 C avionics (including 1575. 42 MHz downlink)

GPS Interoperability Initiative • CNAV Demonstration Summer 2013 – Civil Navigation message Type 35 GPS Interoperability Initiative • CNAV Demonstration Summer 2013 – Civil Navigation message Type 35 • Allows foreign interoperability of L 2 C and L 5 • Tests GPS/GNSS Time Offset defined protocols – GPS to Galileo – GPS to GLONASS • Ongoing coordination with other GNSS providers – RF Compatibility • Prevent interference between GPS and other GNSS – Interoperability of Open Service (civil) signals • Benefits of multi-GNSS civil services • GPS PRN code assignment management and coordination • Use GPS PRN codes SV 2

Summary • GPS constellation is healthy with 31 usable satellites • Continuously increasing accuracy Summary • GPS constellation is healthy with 31 usable satellites • Continuously increasing accuracy and capabilities • Modernization of all GPS segments is on track – Pursuing innovative, cost effective solutions for future GPS • Striving to improve international GNSS cooperation and compatibility • GPS-GLONASS cooperation ongoing – Identification of minimum operational capabilities for each phase of flight is essential – Dual Frequency/Multi-constellation (DFMC) with future GLONASS L 1 OC and L 5 OC Standardization avionics can: • Optimize aviation operational capabilities • Improve GLONASS compatibility and interoperable • In support of U. S. avionics and aircraft manufacturers, the FAA desires to continue an open dialogue

For Additional Information… www. gps. gov 30 For Additional Information… www. gps. gov 30

 Спасибо 2518 Herbert C. Hoover Building Washington, D. C. 20230 United States of Спасибо 2518 Herbert C. Hoover Building Washington, D. C. 20230 United States of America Tel: +1 (202) 482 -5809 Email: PNT. office@PNT. gov

BACKUP FAA Charts 32 BACKUP FAA Charts 32

U. S. Avionics Standards Process • TSOs and ACs are based upon Minimum Operational U. S. Avionics Standards Process • TSOs and ACs are based upon Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) • Experience has shown that use of industry consensus standards is very beneficial – Industry has the greatest technical expertise – Industry consensus promotes fair competition among vendors, driving cost-effective solutions – Industry consensus reduces risks of divergent industry input during formal comment period • Industry consensus is developed in standards-making bodies; for GPS avionics, that is RTCA, Inc. • RTCA, Inc. is a federal advisory committee and complies with the Federal Advisory Committee Act – Meetings are open to public and announced in Federal Register • Consensus on Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) is built through collaboration • FAA invokes industry consensus in Technical Standard Orders

Current FAA GNSS Orders and Guidance • TSO-C 129 a (KT-3401 equivalent) is cancelled Current FAA GNSS Orders and Guidance • TSO-C 129 a (KT-3401 equivalent) is cancelled – No new approvals or major modifications are permitted – Standard inadequate for Radiofrequency interference environment – Equipment will be phased-out • Technical Standard Orders for new GPS equipment incorporate more stringent standards and test requirements – TSO-C 145 c/C 146 c (GPS augmented by SBAS) evoke RTCA DO-229 D – TSO-C 161 a (GPS augmented by GBAS) evokes RTCA DO-253 C – TSO-C 196 a, (GPS ABAS for supplemental use) evokes RTCA DO-316 • Receivers must detect Selective Availability removal – More restrictive RF interference mask minimizes RF noise induced performance degradations • AC 20 -138 D (in final coordination) for airworthiness approval of positioning and navigation aircraft installations – Adds appendix addressing addition of GLONASS “not for credit”

Integrating GLONASS with GPS (AC-138 D) (Slide 1 of 3) • Since there is Integrating GLONASS with GPS (AC-138 D) (Slide 1 of 3) • Since there is no FAA TSO, nor RTCA MOPS for GLONASS or GPS/GLONASS avionics: – Adding GLONASS capability must be accomplished as a non-TSO function until a GPS/GLONASS MOPS and TSOs are available – Adding GLONASS capability according to Advisory Circular guidance does not ensure compatibility nor compliance with future requirements • Some U. S. manufacturers are interested in initiating development of multi-constellation MOPS to include combined GPS/GLONASS and GPS/GLONASS/SBAS avionics • Annex 10 SARPs do not provide: – Performance and test standards – Satellite/Constellation reliability commitments – Standards for new signal configurations

Integrating GLONASS with GPS (AC-138 D) (Slide 2 of 3) • Manufacturers must ensure Integrating GLONASS with GPS (AC-138 D) (Slide 2 of 3) • Manufacturers must ensure that GLONASS is integrated on a non-interference basis • Addition of GLONASS to GPS, GPS/SBAS, GPS/GBAS avionics must provide an equivalent level of Safety and Performance (i. e. , not degrade accuracy, integrity or continuity) • GPS, GPS/SBAS, and GPS/GBAS equipment must continue to meet the requirements of its approval – Any GLONASS failures, errors, or alerts must not affect GPS, GPS/SBAS, or GPS/GBAS capability – Additionally, loss of GLONASS function must not affect the GPS, GPS/SBAS, or GPS/GBAS functions or performance • GLONASS must not be used to supplement or aid GPS, GPS/SBAS, or GPS/GBAS performance requirements, nor, GPS RAIM prediction requirement

Integrating GLONASS with GPS (AC-138 D) (Slide 3 of 3) • No credit for Integrating GLONASS with GPS (AC-138 D) (Slide 3 of 3) • No credit for non-precision approach prediction availability, nor FDE availability for oceanic/remote operations until GLONASS is approved for operational credit • Adding GLONASS is considered a new and novel major change – The applicant must present a data package detailing proposed performance, intended function, and limitations • Expect to upgrade to more stringent requirements of TSO-C 196 when adding GLONASS to TSO‑C 129 a receivers • No operational credit should be expected for GLONASS use

Evolving Integrity Algorithms • Current RAIM algorithms are based upon: – Satellite/ constellation failure Evolving Integrity Algorithms • Current RAIM algorithms are based upon: – Satellite/ constellation failure rates equal to 10 -5 and 10 -4 respectfully – Probabilities are based upon 10 satellites in view and not the increased number of satellites available from GPS and GLONASS – Not designed to mitigate more than one failed satellite at a time • Multi-constellation RAIM requires essential capability to account for increased (or degraded) satellite and/or constellation performance including failure rates • The FAA is investigating how Advanced Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (ARAIM) might support global vertical approach operations using two or more constellations • Monitoring and other Architecture needs are balanced by the amount of “trust” that can be placed in the core constellation – Reference ARAIM Technical Subgroup Interim Report, Issue 1. 0) http: //www. gps. gov/policy/cooperation/europe/2013/work ing-group-c/

Advanced RAIM (Slide 1 of 3) • Availability of four core constellations by 2020 Advanced RAIM (Slide 1 of 3) • Availability of four core constellations by 2020 challenges both aircraft operators/manufacturers and ATC service providers to assess strategic planning for future GNSS use given the potential variations using ABAS (RAIM), SBAS, and GBAS • SBAS and GBAS fulfil aviation needs using only GPS, but require significant infrastructure investments • Use of two, or more, constellations improves ABAS availability; however, multi-constellation SBAS and GBAS, as well as use of L 5 (2 nd civil GPS signal) operational benefits are not clear

Advanced RAIM (Slide 2 of 3) • On-going ARAIM studies are attempting to evaluate Advanced RAIM (Slide 2 of 3) • On-going ARAIM studies are attempting to evaluate a proper balance between: – RAIM-like approach - high “trust” in performance of satellites across multiple core constellations allows sparse monitoring and infrequent satellite “health” updates to avionics – SBAS-like approach – reduced dependence upon “trust” in multi-constellation satellite performance requires dense monitoring networks and frequent updates to avionics

Advanced RAIM (Slide 3 of 3) • The outlook for ARAIM vertical approach operations Advanced RAIM (Slide 3 of 3) • The outlook for ARAIM vertical approach operations using two or more constellations, is favourable, but not yet decisive; • Less challenging en route and horizontal approach performance requirements might be satisfied by simpler RAIM algorithms, but require further study and validation • GLONASS provides the opportunity to operationally test potential multi-constellation ARAIM implementations

RAIM and Advanced RAIM Comparison RAIM ARAIM Operations Down to RNP 0. 1 LPV RAIM and Advanced RAIM Comparison RAIM ARAIM Operations Down to RNP 0. 1 LPV 200 Hazard category Major Hazardous Signals L 1 CA/E 1 -L 5/E 5 a Threat model Single fault only Multiple faults Nominal error model Constellations Gaussian + Uses bound nominal/max bias broadcast by GPS validated by independent ground monitoring GPS Multi-constellation

Avionics incorporating GLONASS for Credit • The FAA envisions future operational credit for GLONASS: Avionics incorporating GLONASS for Credit • The FAA envisions future operational credit for GLONASS: – After GLONASS system and service provider performance capabilities are identified (e. g. GPS SPS Performance Standard) – GLONASS operational support commitments (e. g. publication and distribution of GLONASS international NOTAMs is required prior to any scheduled maintenance and after the onset of any unscheduled outages – RTCA has completed development of GPS/GLONASS avionics performance standards • Next generation GNSS Dual-Frequency/Multiconstellation (DFMC) MOPS expected to enable improved performance using GLONASS (or other constellations) in combination with GPS consistent with 2010 Presidential Policy