- Количество слайдов: 26
u. Mobility Across Platforms Ray Bonneau Product Management
Why Buy u. Mobility? ▐ What if you could take your existing infrastructure and: l Bring all of your cell phones into the enterprise voice network l With consistent telecom policy enforcement for international and long distance usage l With all users reachable with one phone number l While using only one voice mailbox l Engaging service from all wireless operators and network types l Using the Wi-Fi network you’ve already paid for l Inside and Outside of the Enterprise Network - Seamlessly
u. Mobility: Turn your Smartphone into PBX Extension ▐ Smartphone platform flexibility l Multiple smart phone support ▐ Intuitive dual mode user experience l Voice over Wireless LAN / Wi-Fi l “Dial via Office” over Cellular l Over-the-air activation l Tight integration with native dialer ▐ Secure ▐ Popular PBX features l Dual/simultaneous ringing with Deskphone l Call waiting, hold, transfer, … ▐ Seamless network transition (to/from Wi-Fi)
Hospitals and Affiliated Doctors ▐ Drivers l NMH wanted to solve cellular coverage issues in the hospital. NMH staff uses Smartphones/tablets for dedicated clinical applications ▐ u. Mobility Benefits l Continuous coverage leveraging voice grade Wi. Fi network l Privacy – Publish office number and sign off l Paging over smartphone devices using u. Mobility Alert application ▐ ROI l Replace dedicated phones and maintenance with inexpensive alternative saving hundreds of dollars a year per device l Allow multiple carrier environment servicing doctors affiliated with multiple hospitals
NECAM u. Mobility Solution Plan u u. Mobility Client Supported System All platform!! On premise server solution are available on SV 81/83/85 and 3 C Apple i. OS devices including i. Pod Touch, i. Pad, i. Phone Blackberry u Support Wi. Fi only (Summer 2012) Wi. Fi client with NEC Logo Directly connect to SIP Server SV 81(SL 1100)/83/85 and 3 C BB 9000 (OS 5. x) BB 9300 (OS 6. x) BB 9600 (OS 7. x) Android Atrix 2 Android Galaxy II Android Tablet (Galaxy Tab) MAC and PC client ~ Sept 2012 Requires STD SIP License u Wi. Fi only client to be distributed through App Stores (i. e. i. Tunes App Store) u Page 5 © NEC Corporation 2010 Roadmap features: SMSo. IP – Target Sept 2012 Video – Target Sept 2012 NAT Traversal – Target Sept 2012 Push-To-Talk - TBD
NECAM u. Mobility Sales Approach 1 Wi. Fi Client 2 Add u. Mobility Server Add Server for additional benefits: • Over the Air Provisioning • Enhanced Security • Device Management • Enterprise Dialing (Cellular) Download Client and connect NEC SIP Server! Use same u. Mobility SIP client on Smartphone Upgradable Solution for All Platforms 3 Add FMC Features Full FMC Solution • Seemless Hand Off Between PSTN and Wi. Fi • Always receive a phone call whether on Cell or Wi. Fi
“Hybrid – Cloud” Model On Premise To Be Released FY 3 Q/4 Q Port Forward SIP-NAT u. Mobility Cloud Server Global IP 143. 101. 157. 85 (Port forward to SV 8500) 143. 101. 157. 245 (Port forward to UNIVERGE 3 C) SIP-NAT Another Office u. Mobility Client Ext: xxxx IP: xxx Currently below Ports plan to be opened: UDP: 5060 3462 30000 UNIVERGE SV 8500/SV 8300/SV 8100 IP: xxx(Floating IP) Domain: Same as IP UNIVERGE 3 C IP: xxx Domain: Same as IP Voice Conference Server IP: xxx It provides External Mo. H and 3 way conference bridge. NEC IP phone Ext: xxxx IP: xxx u. Mobility Client Ext: xxxx IP: xxx E-mail address: xxxxx
Varaha Development NEC DQA As of 7/12/2012 u. Mobility Roadmap - Core NEC Release 2012 6 7 i. OS 5. 0 support 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 Complete Android ICS (4. x) Support 8 2013 Complete Wi. Fi Only Client NEC Branded PC/MAC Client Includes “Headless” Media By Pass Except for BB Vo 3 G – G 729 and AMR Video Calling Except for BB New OS Releases i. OS 6? WM 8? Device Management Media Bypass - BB Video Enhancements Page 8 BB Support 5
u. Mobility Roadmap - Full u. Mobility Roadmap Platform MESA Applications Features Solutions Page 9 Features New OS Releases(? ) Device Management Media Bypass User Auto Provisioning enhancements Video Calling (? ) Vertical market Apps - Nurse Call NECAM Release Notes Sep-12 ? expecting i. OS 6 - could be delayed until oct/nov FY Q 3 u. MC Data Wipe, Device Data Wipe, Load Configuration (other apps), Device Lock FY Q 3 BB Peer to Peer Support - BB 10 OS supported FY Q 3 LDAP authenication, Auto Discovery (DNS/DHCP) FY Q 3 Suspected Enhancements FY ‘ 14 Q 1 Nurse Call Integration application - Amcom/EXTENSION SMSo. IP - built into product (requires SMS service) - SMS to office number (~$. 03/msg Two way secure messaging - SMS ? outside) XMPP Federation FY Q 4 separate product - separate licenses (NEC to use UCE/3 C for XMPP) Push to Talk FY Q 4 Separate product - XMPP federation licenses - SIP/SIMPLE Mobile Presence/IM FY Q 4 Same product as XMPP SOAP/Web 2. 0 FY ‘ 14 Q 1 Interface to u. MC for third part apps to use u. Mobility as a mobile platform Notification Server(Ads) FY ‘ 14 Q 1 Use SOAP interface to connect an ad server Multimedia Messaging - Alert/Ack FY ‘ 14 Q 1 MMS support - ehancement to SMS Active Directory/LDAP Released Directory capabilities - Corporate Directory VMWare, Cloud Services Released VMWare 5. x, Hyper. V(? ) Multi-Tenant Distributed deploy ? load balancing with u. Roam IMS Core Integration No Plan Carriers only OAM/Production IP Separation No Plan done for a customer - NEC to wait for a customer Centralized w/Multi-Tenant ? ? ? - Jogen to further investigate Wi. SPR 2. 0 or Equiv ? Auto Hotspot Logging in - When AP vendors support latest Wi. SPR protocol Wireless Roaming FY Q 4 Builds on Wi. SPR support - provides Layer 3 roamin like layer 2 Learning Algorithm FY Q 4 Allows admin to mark exit AP's to increase handoffs u. Roam enhancements - adding support for: roaming between countries, WLAN networks u. Mobility Roaming Enhancements FY Q 4 etc. . © NEC Corporation 2009
u. Mobility Server-less or Direct Connect
u. Mobility Direct Connect Features Feature (Vo. IP ) Make call Receive call Dialer (For tablet devices this is required) PBX features call hold/unhold Call transfer - Direct DTMF (RFC 2833) Authentication (HTTP Digest) Call transfer - Announced Codecs G A-law, u-law Device features Call mute/unmute Call from Call logs Call from contacts Speaker Headset Hard key control (Volume, call, … as applicable) Screen lock support Page 11 © NEC Corporation 2009 Android Y Y Y i. Phone Y Y Y Blackberry Y Y N Y Y Description/ Clarification Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y i. Phone-voip call logs only. Native call logs integration is not possible Y Y Y For audio interface only (cannot / ans / reject from wired headset) Y Y Y
u. Mobility Direct Connect Screenshots NEC Branded Icon NEC Branded About Screen Call Logs Page 12 © NEC Corporation 2009 Dial Pad Contacts
u. Mobility Direct Connect Settings Multiple SIP Profiles Server Type Selection SIP Settings Page 13 © NEC Corporation 2009 Default = Standard SIP
u. Mobility Direct Connect Dialing Dial Pad – i. OS Native Dialer for Other platforms Connected Call Page 14 © NEC Corporation 2009 Call on Hold – Place 2 nd Call User Choice for Call Type No Swap – SV Platforms
u. Mobility New Tablet GUI Main screen and Contacts HIRO Keypad / Options Registered 1630 Contacts C o n c e p t Call Logs Voice Mail
u. Mobility New Tablet GUI Keypad / Options Press Keypad icon HIRO Registered 1630 Contacts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 # * Call Logs Voice Mail Kakiuchi Motofumi On Call C o n c e p t
u. Mobility Call Flows
Advanced Fixed Mobile Convergence with u. Mobility • • Key Benefits Presence, Vo. Wi-Fi, Vo. VPN, Enterprise Dialing Seamless Handoff (Vo. Wifi-3 G and 3 G-Vo. Wifi) Branch/SMB Internet (Data) 3 G/4 G/Wi. Fi Mobile User x 1001 u. Mobility Controller Public Voice Network (GSM/CDMA/3 G/4 G) Option 1: Voice/Signaling over Internet Option 2: Voice/Signaling over Public Voice Networks Firewall SV 8 x 00 or 3 C Mobile User x 1001
Single Number Reach in Vo. IP (Wi-Fi) Branch/SMB Internet (Data) 3 G/4 G/Wi. Fi Intranet Wi. Fi FW Notes: u. MC Mobile User x 1001 u. MC DID in Wi-Fi? u. Mobility DID registered on u. MC IP Public Voice Network (GSM/CDMA/3 G/4 G) From: PSTN # To: 515 -5551001 SV 8 x 00 or 3 C Yes u. MC DID IP Address Cell Number 515 -555 -1001 10. 10. 25 408 -555 -1212 Available for trunk and line side configurations SIP/RTP
Single Number Reach in Cellular From: PSTN # To: 408 -5551212 Branch/SMB Internet (Data) 3 G/4 G/Wi. Fi Intranet Wi. Fi FW u. MC SV 8 x 00 or 3 C Mobile User x 1001 u. Mobility DID registered on u. MC IP Public Voice Network (GSM/CDMA/3 G/4 G) From: PSTN # To: 515 -5551001 Notes: u. MC DID in Wi-Fi? No u. MC DID IP Address Cell Number 515 -555 -1001 - 408 -555 -1212 Available for trunk and line side configurations
Enterprise Dialing with VPN Security Hot Spot Access VPN Setup From: 515 -555. 1001 To: 2222 Branch/SMB Intranet Wi. Fi Internet (Data) 3 G/4 G/Wi. Fi Mobile User x 1001 FW SV 8 x 00 or 3 C u. MC x 2222 Person dials ext. 2222 Public Voice Network (GSM/CDMA/3 G/4 G) IP Address Cell Number 515 -555 -1001 Notes: u. MC DID 192. 168. 6. 44 10. 10. 25 (vpn) 408 -555 -1212 Available for trunk and line side configurations
Enterprise Dialing over Intranet in Vo. IP From: 515555. 1001 To: 2222 Internet (Data) 3 G/4 G/Wi. Fi Person dials ext. 2222 Branch/SMB Intranet Wi. Fi FW SV 8 x 00 or 3 C u. MC Mobile User x 1001 x 2222 Public Voice Network (GSM/CDMA/3 G/4 G) u. MC DID Cell Number 515 -555 -1001 Notes: IP Address 192. 168. 6. 44 408 -555 -1212 Available for trunk and line side configurations
Enterprise Dialing - Cellular u. MC Accepts Call Collects Dialed Digits - 2222 Person dials ext. 2222 Internet (Data) 3 G/4 G/Wi. Fi From: 515 -555 -1001 To: 2222 Branch/SMB Intranet Wi. Fi u. Mobility client dials pilot number (DID) From: 408 -555 -1212 To: 515 -555 -1001 Mobile User x 1001 FW u. MC SV 8 x 00 or 3 C x 2222 Client sends DTMF: 2222 u. Mobility DID registered on u. MC IP Public Voice Network (GSM/CDMA/3 G/4 G) Valid User? Match cell number to DID Yes u. MC DID Cell Number 515 -555 -1001 Notes: IP Address - 408 -555 -1212 Available for trunk and line side configurations
Handoffs – Wi-Fi to Cellular Handoff leg needed? established? From: 515 -555 -1001 To: 408 -555 -1212 Internet (Data) 3 G/4 G/Wi. Fi Yes Branch/SMB Intranet Wi. Fi FW Cisco IOS Firewall Make-Before-Break Handoff Leg Yes ality ce Qu nts Servi reme u Meas SV 8 x 00 or 3 C u. MC Mobile User x 1001 Public Voice Network (GSM/CDMA/3 G/4 G) From: PSTN # To: 515 -5551001 Notes: u. MC DID IP Address Cell Number 515 -555 -1001 10. 10. 25 408 -555 -1212 Available for trunk and line side configurations
Handoffs – Cellular to Wi-Fi Handoff leg needed? established? From: u. MC To: 515 -555 -1101 Internet (Data) 3 G/4 G/Wi. Fi Yes Branch/SMB Intranet Wi. Fi lity e Qua ts c Servi remen u Meas SV 8 x 00 or Make-Before-Break Handoff Leg FW Cisco IOS Firewall u. MC x 1001 3 C Mobile User x 1001 Public Voice Network (GSM/CDMA/3 G/4 G) From: PSTN # To: 515 -5551001 Notes: u. MC DID 515 -555 -1001 Available for trunk and line side configurations IP Address 10. 10. 25 SIP/RTP Cell Number 408 -555 -1212
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