- Количество слайдов: 33
THE WORD-GROUP Word-group – two or more grammatically connected notional parts of speech expressing some content. Word-groups are free or idiomatically bound.
THE WORD-GROUP The elements of notional word-groups can be joined: syndetically by means of prepositions or conjunctions (books for reading, читати по черзі) asyndetically by means of intonation (easy-reading books, писати швидко). English has a greater asyndetic potential because of its analytical character.
SYNTAGMATIC GROUPINGS § syntagmatic groupings of notional words alone (interesting book, цікава книга), § syntagmatic groupings of notional words with functional words (to get rid of sth, зважати на щось), § syntagmatic groupings of functional words alone (up to, тому що).
Links between elements in a wordgroup § predicative - the subject and the predicate (I go, Ми читаємо); § objective connections (see a book, малювати картину); § attributive connection - a substance with its attribute expressed by an adjective or a noun (a puny creature, цікава новина); § adverbial connection is subdivided into primary and secondary.
Adverbial connections Primary adverbial connection between the verb and its adverbial modifiers to talk seriously, to get with happiness, говорити голосно, йти з радістю Secondary adverbial connection between the nonverbal kernel expressing a quality and its adverbial modifier wonderfully interesting, very much at ease, дуже весело
STRUCTURAL FORMS OF WORD-GROUPS Simple word-groups - two components connected by one grammatical means synthetic or analytical this book, to see her, cotton shirt; ці книжки, гарно читати, зайти у фойє Complicated word groups with two ways of grammatical connection writing and reading letters, to see Mike driving a car, довгі речення для тебе для аналізу
STRUCTURAL FORMS OF WORD-GROUPS coordinate joined subordinate consist of nucleus of and one of more adjuncts Syndetically pens and pencils, газети small children, to love her, very nice, we all, та журнали two of the guys, well enough, afraid to Asyndetically answer, гра акторів, read, translate, learn; вартий нагороди, дехто їсти, пити, спати з учнів, мало часу, дуже весело, легко на душі They are treated open.
SUBORDINATE WORDGROUPS Types of connection Agreement the subordinate element has the same grammatical meaning as the kernel one (this book, велике щастя). Government the grammatical meaning of the kernel element demands from the subordinate a particular form (to be fond of sth, читаю роман). Adjoinment the elements are joined without changing their forms (to go quickly, можливість аналізувати).
The SENTENCE any coherent connection of words according to a definite syntactic pattern with some communicative purpose related to the reality. The main communicative language unit.
FEATURES OF SENTENCES Features Communicativeness aimed at rendering some information Predicativity Modality a certain grammatical combination of words. Sentence semantics presents the unity of nominative and predicative aspects the ground for expressing the speaker’s attitude towards the content of an utterance
According to the aim of communication sentences are: § declarative § interrogative § imperative § exclamatory
STRUCTURAL TYPES OF SENTENCES § one-member sentences § two-member sentences.
ONE-MEMBER SENTENCES § nominative (Night. Time to go. Темнота та тиша. Чудовий сон!) § inducive (Go right now! Проходьте!); § exclamatory (Great! Як гарно!); § infinitival (To be or not to be? Що робити? ); § elliptical (Taking risks? Подумав? ).
ONE-MEMBER SENTENCES IN UKRAINIAN § indefinite personal - the doer of an action is not identified (Нам подали на стіл обід). In English the same idea is expressed in the passive voice form (We were served coffee) § generalized personal – any person may be the doer of the action (Хліб сіль їж, а правду ріж. Працювали весь день). In English the subject may be expressed by one, we, you (One can enjoy the show. You can’t be happy about it);
ONE-MEMBER SENTENCES IN UKRAINIAN § Impersonal - the doer of an action cannot be reconstructed Завечоріло. Прохолодно. Мені боляче. На столі олівці In English the formal subject It / There is used, or the structure of the sentence is changed Twilight set in. It is getting cold. It gives me much pain. There are pencils on the table
TWO-MEMBER SENTENCES § extended § unextended § simple with only one predicative link between the subject and the predicate (She is in the garden. Він сьогодні не пішов у гості). § composite can have more than one link of such a kind containing two clauses.
COMPOSITE SENTENCES § compound sentence - links between clauses are coordinate. Clauses may be joined by copulative and adversative conjunctions, or asyndetically in both languages. Вона не хотіла йти на концерт, але ми її умовили. He was very excited and his friends were excited as well. In English the causal conjunction for unites coordinate clauses (She came in time for we used to ask her about it not once).
COMPOSITE SENTENCES § complex - one of the clauses governs another one, they are linked subordinately. Depending upon the function of a subordinate clause in the whole sentence, clauses fall into: § subject (What was important for him was absolutely necessary for us. Хто чесно бореться, (той) завжди перемагає); § predicative (She was as if frightened to death. Вона не така, щоб нічого не робити по дому)
COMPLEX SENTENCES object (He knew that she was faithful to him. Я хотів, щоб у мене було більше вільного часу) § attributive (The house, which was built not far from the town, was quite big. Оце та станція, на якій я зійшов минулого разу) § adverbial clauses: a) of place (He is happy to be at home where he can find his true friends. Вони пішли туди, де ми їх не чекали) b) of time (When you are free, I am always busy. Я чекав на них, доки не §
COMPLEX SENTENCES c) manner (She cried as she was asked. Вітер замутив воду, аж осока зашуміла) d) comparison (He looked as if he had been caught in a trap. Вона виглядає так, начебто вона отримала двійку) e) condition (If you ask me, I’ll tell you all about this case. Якби все було добре, вона не поїхала б додому) f) concession (She was happy, though we all knew her fault. Хоча вона й була сердитою, ми добре провели час)
COMPLEX SENTENCES g) purpose (I do it, so that you may be pleased. Ми зателефонуємо йому, щоб він не гаяв час) h) cause (I am sorry, because you have failed to amuse me. Я розсердився, тому що ви не виконали свої обіцянки) i) result or consequence (I sat down quickly so that you might be seen by many people. Повітря було настільки прозоре, що я бачив зорі) j) attendant circumstances (I went down the street, my shoes were creaking) [only in English]. It corresponds to a compound sentence in Ukrainian (Я пішов по вулиці, а мої черевики скрипіли)
FUNCTIONAL PARTS OF THE SENTENCE § Main: a) the subject b) the predicate § Secondary: a) an object b) an attribute c) an adverbial modifier
THE SUBJECT § NOTIONAL points out a person or a non-person [in both languages] § FORMAL functions as a position-filler [only in English; expressed by It / There]
FORMS OF NOTIONAL SUBJECT § Simple (The fog is thinning. She is very nice. Четвертий переміг. “Але” – сполучник) § Phrasal (To ask him again is a mistake) § Clausal (Who has done it is to be found. Того, хто це зробив, буде покарано) § Complex [only in English] (She is supposed to win)
FORMS OF FORMAL SUBJECT § impersonal – describes various states of nature, things, characteristics of environment, denoting time, distance (It is spring. ) § introductory – introduces the notional subject (It is impossible to deny it. There was a silence for a moment) § emphatic - in emphatic constructions (It is he, who did it. )
SIMPLE PREDICATE § simple verbal § simple nominal I like singing. She is in the garden. Я пішов у кіно. He, a liar! Захоплююча гра футбол.
COMPOUND PREDICATE § COMPOUND VERBAL a) compound aspect a) verbal (He began reading a book. Він розпочав працювати в дитинстві), b) compound modal b) verbal (We can read quickly. Ми можемо записати цей матеріал). § COMPOUND NOMINAL compound nominal (London is the capital of England. Київ – столиця України), double [only in English]– The sun rose red).
AGREEMENT BETWEEN SUBJECT and PREDICATE § § § INVERSION IN ENGLISH: full [P + S + O] (Here comes the lady); partial [P + S + P + O] (Happy may you be); grammatical (So do I); emphatic (Never I have seen her); linking (Next comes Ann).
FORMS OF OBJECT § direct (He sees this monument for the first time. Він запитав дозвіл на виїзд); § indirect (Tell him the truth. Зробіть йому масаж); § prepositional (Get rid of these mistakes. Дозвіл на відрядження був отриманий вчасно); § cognate (He lived a happy life. Він жив подвійним життям); § complex [only in English] (I saw her cry).
TYPES OF ADVERBIAL MODIFIERS § § § § § time, place, manner, cause, purpose, result, condition, concession, comparison, attendant circumstances [only in English] (She went to Africa to die from malaria there).