типы жилья.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 30
types of houses Kassenalina Ayaulym Biotechnology - 208
Skyscraper ['skaɪˌskreɪpə] - небоскреб. Setting of sky-scraper can be different: pitch dwelling building, office building, business or shopping center.
A penthhouse ['penthaus] - very expensive apartment on the overhead floor of pitch building or sky-scraper. Usually occupies all floor. An own elevator and private entrance can have.
Tower block ['tauə blɔk] - modern pitch building divided into apartments or separate offices. This term is used mainly in the British variant English.
Block of flats [blɔk əv flæts] – it is an apartment house. In the American variant English the name of apartment building is used.
Multi-storey building [, mʌltıˈstɔːrı 'bɪldɪŋ] / High-rise building [haɪ raɪz 'bɪldɪŋ] – began widely to spread in ancient cities because of requirement in speed-up building of the cheap dwellings for a population low-yield
Low-rise building [ləu raɪz 'bɪldɪŋ] –
Detached house [dɪ'tæʧt] – Such houses can be found in a suburb, rural locality. Usually around are garden.
Semi-detached house [ˌsemɪdɪ'tæʧt] – house having two apartments with private entrances. Apartments have the allied wall and mostly have the mirror planning. Sometimes such houses name a "house on two owners".
Terraced house ['terəst] – row of identical or very alike houses joining to each other, with private entrances in every apartment. Such type of building (linear building) is typical for the European cities.
* Bungalow ['bʌŋgələu] – one-story dwelling-house, summer residence. A distinctive feature of this type of accommodation is in that all dwellings apartments are on a ground floor (ground floor).
Castle ['kɑːsl] - building (or complex of building) combining in itself dwellings and defensively-fortification tasks. In the most widespread value is the fortified dwelling of feudal lord in medieval Europe.
Palace ['pælɪs] – the large monumental parade building, distinguished by the architecture, was originally the residence of reigning proprietor persons, to higher gentlefolks and already from the XIII century some building of public authorities was similarly named.
Mansion ['mæn(t)ʃ(ə)n] – mansion, luxurious separately standing house belonging to rich family.
Manor house ['mænə] - mansion, lordly house. In Britain so named the main house of manor family of owner lived in that.
Maisonette [ˌmeɪz(ə)'net] – little house or two-tier apartment.
Villa ['vɪlə] - villa, separately costing a large out-of-town house with a garden. Villas often hand over in leases to the holidaymakers.
Country house ['kʌntrɪ] - Almost the same, what mansion. The English aristocracy preferred to live in city, and periodically drive out in an out-of-town house. This large building including many rooms.
Cottage ['kɔtɪʤ] - Has one floor and garret usually. Cottage can be found in out-of-town locality, in a village.
Caravan ['kærəvæn] - trailer on wheels, van on wheels. The word of trailer is used in American English ['treɪlə].
Mobile home ['məubaɪl] - in a difference from the previous type of dwelling, mobile home - it трейлер that is taken off from wheels always stands on one place and serves to the owners only as a house.
Log cabin [lɔg 'kæbɪn] - frame, house from logs. These houses as a rule are built without the use of nails.
Houseboat ['hausbəut] –It is equipped by necessary furniture. Some such boats do not have motors, because all the time stand on one place.
Igloo ['ɪgluː] – dome-shaped house built from icy blocks. Traditional dwelling of the Canadian eskimos.
Stilt house [stɪlt] - Such houses are typical for Africa, Asia and other countries and off-shore districts floods are possible in that.
Wigwam ['wɪgwæm] - dwelling of cone-shaped form, used by native Americans.
Tree house - Used more often for child's games, what for an accommodation, but some people live in such houses.
Hut [hʌt] – cabin, poor dwelling, barrack, temporal shelter, khata, booth.
Tent [tent] – cover.
Юрта - is the portable framework dwelling with the felted coverage for nomads.
типы жилья.pptx