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Types and genres TYPE is the most general and historically stable division of literature, Types and genres TYPE is the most general and historically stable division of literature, based on different approaches to the picture the main forms of human activity.

The principles of division • Aristotle - the mode of representation of reality – The principles of division • Aristotle - the mode of representation of reality – epics (the story about the event apart from yourself) ; • Drama (actions depicted by persons) • Lyrics (imitating person remains himself)

The principles of division Hegel - the subject of the image – • epics The principles of division Hegel - the subject of the image – • epics (an event), • lyrics (the mental state), • drama - action. Timofeev – compositional particularities - lyrics (emotional experience), - epics (story), - drama (acting).

Inside division of types • TYPE – KIND – GENRE • GENRE-GENRE FORM • Inside division of types • TYPE – KIND – GENRE • GENRE-GENRE FORM • TYPE - GENRE – KIND of genre

The principles of genre division Pospelov distinguishes genres on the sides of human life The principles of genre division Pospelov distinguishes genres on the sides of human life : • General human-being (epic), • General human consciousness (lyrics), • Drama is additional type. Gulyaev - the types of relationship between man and reality - epic (man and society), drama (the opposition of characters), lyrics (personal experience). Khalizev - the types of speech organization of a literary work -lyrics (verbal expression), drama (an appeal), epics (reporting about something external).

The main features of any type • Each type has its own set of The main features of any type • Each type has its own set of features 1. Space-time organization of a literary work 2. The type of representation of a man 3. The form of the presence of the author 4. The nature of the text appeals to the reader.

Definition of type • Epshtein: – type is a series of works of similar Definition of type • Epshtein: – type is a series of works of similar type of speech organization and cognitive direction or the act of expression - a word portrays the world of objects, or expresses the state of the speaker, or reproduces the process of verbal communication.

Definition of genre • Tomaszewski: the attributes of the genre are techniques that organizing Definition of genre • Tomaszewski: the attributes of the genre are techniques that organizing the product of composition, the dominant techniques required to create the whole unite of a literary work. The set of leading features (or dominants) is a defining moment in the formation of the genre. Genres - by types - dramatic, lyrical and narrative.

intermediate forms • intermediate forms - (lyric-epic poem, lyrical drama) • Extra type forms intermediate forms • intermediate forms - (lyric-epic poem, lyrical drama) • Extra type forms – essay, literature of stream of consciousness • In each literary work can be identified the dominant – • 1. narration of the events (epics) • 2. subjective emotional thinking (lyrics) • 3. Dialogic picturing of events (drama).

Several definitions of genre • 1. Genre is presented with regard to the life Several definitions of genre • 1. Genre is presented with regard to the life situation, in which it operates - rituals (set on the audience- the volume of a literary work, stylistic tone, themes and composition) [middle ages] Veselovsky, Tynyanov • 2. genre is the big picture image of the world, embodying a certain view on the world: traditional common individual author’s point of view • [pre-romanticism, romanticism to mythpoetics of XX c. ] Freidenberg and the concept of genre as "substantial form" Gachev • 3. The idea that there is a particular aspect in a literary work that lies on the border between the esthetic reality and the reality of the readers Aristotle, Schiller

Genres • Genres are the literary kinds of a literary type, • which is Genres • Genres are the literary kinds of a literary type, • which is divided on the basis of • 1. prevailing aesthetic qualities (ideological and evaluative mood - satires, pathetic, tragic) • 2. the volume of a literary work • 3. method of construction of the image (the symbolism, allegory, documentary).

fractional division of genre • is based • on predominant theme (novel of everyday fractional division of genre • is based • on predominant theme (novel of everyday life, psychological novel) • Historical formed type of artist work; • the type of sustainable structure that organizes all its elements into a coherent artistic reality , is a carrier of definite aesthetic concept of reality; • a set of works, joined by a community of image objects, the range of themes, the author's attitude to described reality, similar way to the understanding and interpretation of reality, unity of form, imbued by definite artistic sense.