10 Ancient Sports Youre Glad You Never Played.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 119
Two men have been sitting out on a lake all day long, ice fishing.
One has been having no luck at all…
and the other has been pulling fish after fish out of his hole in the ice.
The man having no luck finally leans over and asks the other what his secret is.
"mmmmm mmm. "
"I'm sorry, what did you say? ".
"mmmmm mmm. "
"I'm sorry, I still didn't understand you. "
What is your secret?
The successful man spits something into his hand.
"You've got to keep your worms warm. "
If your going to try cross-country skiing…
Start with a small country.
Skiers are always jumping to contusions.
I tried skiing once.
Skiing can be very time consuming.
I spent one day skiing and six in the hospital.
A skier is someone who pays an arm and a leg for the privilege of breaking them.
Eddie Cucha Catcha Camma
This is the story about Eddie Cootchie Catchy Kama Tosa Neera Tosa Noka Sama Cama Wacky-Brown Who?
Eddie Cootchie Catchy Kama Tosa Neera Tosa Noka Sama Cama Wacky-Brown
Fell into the well, fell into the deep dark well
Susie Jones, milkin’ in the barn Saw him fall and ran inside to tell her Ma that…
Eddie Cootchie Catchy Kama Tosa Neera Tosa Noka Sama Cama Wacky-Brown
Fell into the well, fell into the deep dark well
Susie’s Ma, bakin’ cracklin’ bread Called old Joe told him that her Susie said that…
Eddie Cootchie Catchy Kama Tosa Neera Tosa Noka Sama Cama Wacky-Brown
Fell into the well, fell into the deep dark well
Then old Joe, pushed his plow aside Grabbed his cane and hobbled into town and cried that…
Eddie Cootchie Catchy Kama Tosa Neera Tosa Noka Sama Cama Wacky-Brown
Fell into the well, fell into the deep dark well
To the well everybody came What a shame, it took so long to say his name that…
Eddie Cootchie Catchy Kama Tosa Neera Tosa Noka Sama Cama Wacky-Brown Who?
Eddie Cootchie Catchy Kama Tosa Neera Tosa Noka Sama Cama Wacky-Brown
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Pitz – Mayan 2500 BC
Like racquetball with hoops, it was sometimes used to settle disputes without bloodshed. It’s a game littered with cultural and religious significance.
• Like racquetball with hoops, it was sometimes used to settle disputes without bloodshed. It’s a game littered with cultural and religious significance. sometimes(adv) иногда dispute(n) спор littered(adj) напичканая
• Harpastum • – ancient Rome
An early predecessor to the modern sport of rugby, teams attempted to bring a small, hard ball across a goal line. Injuries abounded since rules did not prevent grappling.
• An early predecessor to the modern sport of rugby, teams attempted to bring a small, hard ball across a goal line. Injuries abounded since rules did not prevent grappling. modern(adj) современный abounded(v) изобиловать predecessor(n) предшественник
Fisherman Jousting – Ancient Egypt
Fishermen in The Nile River jousted for their lives. Two teams of boatmen squared off using poles to knock their opponents into the careening water with deadly crocodiles and hippos.
• Fishermen in The Nile River jousted for their lives. Two teams of boatmen squared off using poles to knock their opponents into the careening water with deadly crocodiles and hippos. team(n) команда square off(ph v) стойку принять боевую careening(adj) колеблющаяся
Buzkashi - Turkic 10 th and 15 th century
Played to this day, predominately by Turks. The national sport of Afghanistan involves two teams, riding horseback, trying to drag a headless goat carcass across the field into a circle.
• Played to this day, predominately by Turks. • The national sport of Afghanistan involves two teams, riding horseback, trying to drag a headless goat carcass across the field into a circle. • drag(v) перетаскивать carcass(n) туша predominately(adj) преимущественно
Pato – Argentina 1500’s
An eclectic mix of polo and basketball. It was originally played with a duck in a basket and was played violently as large amounts of money were on the line.
• An eclectic mix of polo and basketball. It was originally played with a duck in a basket and was played violently as large amounts of money were on the line. • mix(n) on the line (ph v) eclectic(adj) другого смесь на кону избранное из множества
He’e Hölua – Hawaii Over 2, 000 years ago
Sled surfing down the mountain was an ancient way to worship the volcano goddess. After the trek up the mountain they would sled down reaching up to 50 mph.
• Sled surfing down the mountain was an ancient way to worship the volcano goddess. After the trek up the mountain they would sled down reaching up to 50 mph. down(adv) вниз reaching up to(ph v) достигать до trek(v) переход
Pelota Purépecha Pre-Hispanic Mexico
Normally played at night, it’s much like hockey but with a fiery twist. A ball smeared with pine resin and lit on fire, had to be batted across a goal line.
• Normally played at night, it’s much like hockey but with a fiery twist. A ball smeared with pine resin and lit on fire, had to be batted across a goal line. twist(n) событий поворот smear(v) намазывать resin(n) смола
Naumachia – Rome c 46 BC
A mock naval battle, played in front of a crowd, taking place in man-made basins. Participants fought until one side was completely killed.
• A mock naval battle, played in front of a crowd, taking place in man-made basins. Participants fought until one side was completely killed. crowd(n) толпа taking place(ph) происходит mock(adj) поддельный
Hurling – Ireland 3, 000 years old
Ball speeds reaching up to 90 mph often left contestants bruised and bloodied. This sport used to have hundreds playing, with relatively few rules and matches lasting for days.
• Ball speeds reaching up to 90 mph often left contestants bruised and bloodied. This sport used to have hundreds playing, with relatively few rules and matches lasting for days. left (v) оставляли contestants(n) участники relatively(adv) относительно
Chunkey – Native American over 1, 000 years old
A small stone disk was rolled and they threw spears where they thought the disk would end up. Gambling was very ingrained in the culture, and it’s believed to have played a major role in joining different tribes together.
• A small stone disk was rolled and they threw spears where they thought the disk would end up. Gambling was very ingrained in the culture, and it’s believed to have played a major role in joining different tribes together. join(v) присоединяться played a major role(ph) играла большую роль ingrain(v) укореняться
• the ball is • in your court
• the ball is • in your court
• call the shots
• call the shots
• chip in
• chip in
• catch a • second wind
• catch a • second wind
• get off the hook
• get off the hook
ace ball clock gear
Pearl of Wisdom
I’ve missed more than 9, 000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been asked to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over again in my life. And that’s why I succeed.
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.
I have so many things to work on, and so many ways that I fail. But that’s what grace is all about, and I constantly wake up every morning trying to get better, trying to improve, trying to walk closer to God.
Saturday March 29 th
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10 Ancient Sports Youre Glad You Never Played.pptx