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Twenty Questions Marshall University Academic Policies Twenty Questions Marshall University Academic Policies

Twenty Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Twenty Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1. Your friend Amy is a Marshall student who has already had the political 1. Your friend Amy is a Marshall student who has already had the political science class that you have this semester. Amy gives you all of her materials from the class, including old tests and papers. You take one of Amy’s old papers, change some of the wording, add a new introduction and submit it to the instructor. The instructor charges you with academic dishonesty. Is it? O Yes. This would be considered the “unauthorized use of any materials, notes, sources of information, study aids or tools during an academic exercise. ”

2. You are in the National Guard and have been ordered to help with 2. You are in the National Guard and have been ordered to help with flood clean-up duties for a week. You are going to miss several assignments and are afraid your professors won’t let you make up the work. Will they? O Yes. You must submit a copy of your orders to the Dean of your college, who will notify your instructors.

3. You go to see your advisor (good move!!), who tells you that you 3. You go to see your advisor (good move!!), who tells you that you should repeat the classes in which you made grades of D and F your first semester because it will help you raise your GPA; however, you cannot get into English class this semester. So, will you have to live with that D for the rest of your life? O No. At any time before you receive your bachelor’s degree, you may repeat classes that you attempt in your first 60 hours.

4. You get a grade of C in Accounting, but your calculation indicates that 4. You get a grade of C in Accounting, but your calculation indicates that you made a grade of B. You didn’t get your grades until you had already moved to South Carolina for a summer job. You were disappointed but thought there was nothing you could do because you couldn’t get back to Huntington on a week day to see the professor. Are you just out of luck? O No. An appeal for a final grade in a class should be filed within 30 days of the beginning of the next semester.

5. You got a letter from the Dean of your college saying you are 5. You got a letter from the Dean of your college saying you are on academic probation. You believe this means that you can’t participate in any school activities until you raise your grades—because that’s what it meant in high school. Is that correct? No. Academic Probation is a period of restricted enrollment; however, the restrictions are academic. Students on probation may still attend athletic events, theater events, etc. , and participate in student organizations. Academic sanctions include: ◦ ◦ Student must meet with Associate Dean to create an Academic Improvement Plan (AIP) Students may take no more than 14 hours and should repeat courses under D/F rule Students on probation must earn a 2. 00 GPA Students on probation are not allowed to register online

6. You are a criminal justice major. You have to declare a minor before 6. You are a criminal justice major. You have to declare a minor before you graduate. Your girlfriend tells you that her sorority sister told her that so long as you have 12 hours in another subject, you will have a minor. Is she correct? O No. Some colleges require a minor to accompany your major. It is possible to have a minor within the college of your major or outside your college. Some minors may require more than 12 hours with a specific range of courses.

7. You woke up in your residence hall room one morning in January and 7. You woke up in your residence hall room one morning in January and saw a delightful sight: snow, and lots of it! Surely, there would be no classes. You turned on WMUL and heard that there is a two-hour delay. You go back to sleep and wake up in time to go to your 8: 00 am class at 10: 00 am. You don’t recognize anyone in your classroom. Which class were you supposed to attend? O Depends on the day of the week. If it is a MWF class, you should report to your 10: 00 class at 10: 00. Your MWF 8: 00 and 9: 00 classes were cancelled. If it is TR, you should report to your 9: 30 class at 10: 00. On TR, only your 8: 00 class would be cancelled. This allows the remainder of the day to stay on schedule.

8. You made some bad decisions about “extracurricular” activities. You got a mid-term grade 8. You made some bad decisions about “extracurricular” activities. You got a mid-term grade of F in your Math class. You are so far behind that you don’t think you can catch up. But, you hate to drop the class and just give up. You procrastinate. With two weeks left in the term, you finally see the light—you are going to fail the class unless you drop it. Can you drop it? No, not unless you completely withdraw. Students may withdraw from an individual course through the 10 th week of the semester. After that, you must completely withdraw. Fall 2016: Last day to withdraw from single course is Friday, October 28 Fall 2016: Last day to withdraw from 1 st 8 weeks course is Friday, September 23 NOTE: Withdrawals affect many things. Please see your advisor, your financial aid counselor, and any other involved office before doing so. Withdrawals can also affect your coverage on your parent’s health insurance.

9. You received a midterm grade of F in Spanish 101. Seeing no hope, 9. You received a midterm grade of F in Spanish 101. Seeing no hope, you dropped the class. When you tried to register for the class the next semester, your advisor told you that you would have to wait until after advance registration was over to attempt to register for Spanish 101. You think your advisor must be wrong. Is she? Yes, your advisor is wrong. You cannot pre-register for SPN 101 in the next semester at all because it is a high-demand course. You must wait until the schedule adjustment period. NOTE: High demand courses include ACC 215, BSC 227, ENG 101, ENG 201, MTH 127, MTH 130, SPN 101 and SPN 102.

10. You had an exam in history class this morning, but you overslept and 10. You had an exam in history class this morning, but you overslept and missed it. You called your professor, who said you should have invested in a better alarm clock and refused to allow you to make up the exam. Is this “legal? ” O Yes. Oversleeping is not considered a University Excused Absence. The instructor has the authority to make the determination whether or not you can make up the exam.

11. You are a good student who works hard in your classes. Your friend 11. You are a good student who works hard in your classes. Your friend Frank is a great guy, but a slacker. Frank is failing ANT 201 and will get suspended if he doesn’t pull a good grade on his take-home final. He asks you if he can just look over your final to get an idea of what is required. Unfortunately, Frank just copied the whole thing. Now you are both charged with academic dishonesty and both are receiving Fs in the class. You argue with the instructor that you didn’t cheat; you did all of your own work and, therefore, should not be penalized. Is this correct? No. Students should not share work with other students. If you do, you are guilty of academic dishonesty; however, there is an appeal process within a prescribed timeframe. Please refer to catalog for specific info. NOTE: A sanction for academic dishonesty could be a grade of F on the assignment or a grade of F in the course. Students are not permitted to withdraw from a course with such a sanction. Second offenses will result in a one-year suspension. Additional offenses will result in dismissal.

12. Your grandmother lives with you and you are the only relative in town. 12. Your grandmother lives with you and you are the only relative in town. Grandmother has to have surgery and you will have to miss class to be with her. Can you get an excused absence for this? Yes. Along with the University Excused Absence form, you must submit a written statement from a third party (other relative, doctor, clergy, lawyer, etc. ) indicating that you are the caregiver. This is processed through the Dean of Student’s office.

13. You repeated a biology class (in which you made a grade of D) 13. You repeated a biology class (in which you made a grade of D) with the same instructor and ended up with a grade of F. Now, you want to go with the original grade of D. Can you? Will you have to take the class again? O You must accept the second grade. You cannot do the D/F repeat more than once for the same class. Yes. Your grade for that class is now an F. O In some cases, you may repeat a class and change a grade from F to D. Whether or not you need to take the class again will depend on your major. A passing grade might be acceptable in some cases, but in other cases, you might need a grade of C or better to move forward. You would need to take the class again, but the D/F Repeat Policy does not apply.

14. In your second semester, you made a 1. 8 GPA. Your roommate tells 14. In your second semester, you made a 1. 8 GPA. Your roommate tells you that you are going to be suspended from Marshall for one semester because of these grades. Is that true? O Depends on whether or not you are on academic probation. If you were on probation after your first semester, you will be suspended for one semester. If you were not on probation, it will depend on whether or not your cumulative GPA is below a 2. 0 and the calculation of your quality point deficiency. This calculation basically gives you “ 0” points for each hour of C, +1 for B, +2 for A, -1 for D and -2 for F for each hour of your course. If you have 25 hours or less, you cannot have more than 20 deficiency points. Please see catalog for details.

15. You are so excited because you are going to Italy for the summer 15. You are so excited because you are going to Italy for the summer and you are going to take classes at the university in the city where you will be living. That way, you get the fun of travel abroad and get ahead in your coursework. You register for the classes and have a transcript sent to Marshall. When you see the Marshall transcript, all of the classes taken in Italy are listed as unclassified credit. This has not helped you get ahead in your coursework at all. Are you out of luck? Students who wish to enroll at another institution while a Marshall student must complete an advanced standing (transient approval) form prior to enrolling at another school (whether in U. S. or abroad). If it is an approved study abroad program, students must submit a study abroad approval form prior to enrolling at another institution. If all appropriate procedures have been followed, your department might be able to evaluate your course syllabus from the “unclassified” classes and make appropriate course substitutions.

16. Your cousin Pete told you that you will have to take four semesters 16. Your cousin Pete told you that you will have to take four semesters of a foreign language to fulfill the Core Curriculum. You register for Spanish on Pete’s advice. Is Pete correct? O Pete is wrong. The Core General Education Curriculum for all Marshall students does not include a requirement for a foreign language. Some individual colleges do require a foreign language. You should check with your advisor.

17. You had to drop a class because you were not doing well. Your 17. You had to drop a class because you were not doing well. Your friend, who attends another university, said that you should just go pick a class you would rather take and ask the instructor if you can add it. O Your friend is wrong. The schedule adjustment period, during which students are allowed to add courses, ends on the Friday of the first week of the semester.

18. You tried to register for classes online but you had an advisor hold. 18. You tried to register for classes online but you had an advisor hold. Your roommate says that this just means that you need someone on campus to sign a form. She told you to go to the Student Resource Center. O No. An advisor hold can only be removed by the student’s assigned academic advisor.

19. Your roommate tells you that if you make bad grades and end up 19. Your roommate tells you that if you make bad grades and end up on academic probation next semester, you will have to pay for your own classes and you won’t be eligible to receive your financial aid. Is that true? O Yes. If you are on academic probation, you are ineligible to receive financial aid of any kind, including student loans; however, there is an appeal procedure in place for legitimate circumstances such as documented illnesses, death in the immediate family, etc. Approval of appeals is not guaranteed. O Note: The first time a student is ineligible for financial aid, the student will be able to receive aid with the status of “Warning. ”

20. If you move to a new address and you fail to update your 20. If you move to a new address and you fail to update your address with the Office of the Registrar, it is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. O Yes. Failure to report a change of address is considered to be a violation of Student Conduct.