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TWC A use case-driven iterative method for building a provenance-aware GCIS ontology Xiaogang Ma a, Jin Guang Zheng a, Justin Goldstein b, c, Linyun Fu a, Steve Aulenbach b, c, Curt Tilmes c, d, Peter Fox a a Tetherless World Constellation, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute b University Corporation for Atmospheric Research c U. S. Global Change Research Program, Washington d NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
TWC Who we are • Global Change Information System: Information Model and Semantic Application Prototypes (GCIS-IMSAP) • Working group: Peter Fox Curt Tilmes Xiaogang Ma Jin G Zheng Steve Aulenbach Linyun Fu Chengchong Du Jun Xu Anusha Akkiraju Aaron Smith … Stephan Zednik Justin Goldstein Brian Duggan Ana P Privette Anne Waple
TWC Where are we National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Sustainability (CENRC) White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Subcommittee on Global Change Research (SGCR) U. S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) GCIS: Information Model and Semantic Application Prototypes (GCIS-IMSAP) Global Change Information System (GCIS) National Climate Assessment (NCA) National Climate Assessment Development Advisory Committee (NCADAC)
TWC What we do • The ongoing research concentrates on the provenance for the NCA 3 report. • In the future, the GCIS will collect and link records of publications, datasets, instruments, organizations, methods, people, etc. eventually covering provenance information for the entire scope of global change.
Our method TWC Semantic Web methodology and technology development process (Fox and Mc. Guiness, 2008) Source: http: //goo. gl/2 Xk. Dc
TWC Identifies questions to be asked, resources to be used to answer the questions, and methods to be used to determine the answer. Use case template: http: //goo. gl/Ys 2 b. W Source: http: //goo. gl/2 Xk. Dc
TWC A facilitator: set and monitor direction, provide guidance for scoping the use case and timeline for implementation. Team formation: domain experts, data and information producers, knowledge and information modelers, software engineers, and a scribe. Source: http: //goo. gl/2 Xk. Dc
TWC For example, Group meeting: Titanpad, Skpye, Goto. Meeting Conceptual modeler: CMap Ontology editor: Protege, Notepad++, Evolution environments: Top. Braid Validators/checkers: Epimorphics Linked Data API (ELDA) Check the source document for more details: http: //goo. gl/2 Xk. Dc
TWC Our first use case • Visit data center website of dataset used to generate a report figure • A viewer wishes to identify the source of the data in a particular NCA 3 figure. A reference to the paper in which the figure was originally published in appears in the figure caption. Clicking that reference displays a page of information about the paper, including a link to the datasets used in the paper. Following each of those links presents a page of information about the dataset, including links back to the agency/data center web page describing the dataset in more detail and making the actual data available for order or download. 9
TWC Our first use case • Visit data center website of dataset used to generate a report figure • A viewer wishes to identify the source of the data in a particular NCA 3 figure. A reference to the paper in which the figure was originally published in appears in the figure caption. Clicking that reference displays a page of information about the paper, including a link to the datasets used in the paper. Following each of those links presents a page of information about the dataset, including links back to the agency/data center web page describing the dataset in more detail and making the actual data available for order or download.
TWC Our second use case • Roles of people in the generation of a chapter in the NCA 3 draft report • A reader sees that Chapter 6 (Agriculture) in the NCA 3 draft report was written by a list of authors. On the title page of that chapter the reader can see the role of each author, i. e. , convening lead author, lead author or contributing author, in the generation of this report chapter. • We decided to use the PROV-O ontology to describe this use case
TWC The three Starting Point classes in PROV-O ontology and the properties that relate them Source: http: //www. w 3. org/TR/prov-o/
TWC Mapping the use case into PROV-O Chapter 6 in NCA 3 Authors of Chapter 6 is. A Writing of is. A Chapter 6 in NCA 3
TWC Roles of agents in an activity in PROV-O
TWC Map roles of chapter authors into PROV-O is. A Convening lead author Lead author Contributing author is. A Authors of Chapter 6 Writing of Chapter 6 in NCA 3 is. A
TWC Here just three of the eight authors are shown. Each author had a specific role for this chapter. USE CASE 2 Roles of people in the writing of chapter 6 (Agriculture) in NCA 3 – starts from Chapter 6 writing as an activity
TWC We used PROV-O for describing roles of agents in an activity We can also use PROV-O to describe roles of agents for an entity
USE CASE 2 Roles of people in the writing of chapter 6 (Agriculture) in NCA 3 – starts from Chapter 6 as an entity Here just three of the eight authors are shown. Each author had a specific role for this chapter. TWC
TWC Our third use case • Provenance tracing of NASA contributions to Figure 1. 2 in NCA 3 draft report • A reader sees that Figure 1. 2 “Sea Level Rise: Past, Present and Future” of the NCA 3 draft report cites four data sources in the figure caption. Selecting the third citation displays a page of information about the paper and a citation to the dataset used in the paper. Clicking the citation link the reader opens a page containing information about the dataset, including a description that the dataset is derived from data produced by the TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason altimeter missions funded by NASA and CNES. Following each of these missions presents a page about the platforms, instruments and sensors in that mission. 19
TWC USE CASE 3 Provenance tracing of NASA contributions to Figure 1. 2 “Sea Level Rise: Past, Present and Future” in NCA 3
TWC • We have had and will have more use cases… 21
Current result TWC Primary classes and relationships in current version of the GCIS ontology
Current result TWC Map to PROV-O ontology
Current result TWC Map to PROV-O ontology
TWC Wrap up • An use case-driven iterative method for ontology engineering • In GCIS ontology works: – Re-use existing ontologies and schemas: dctype, dcterms, bibo, org, foaf, etc. – Map to PROV-O ontology
TWC Thank you! More information: Xiaogang (Marshall) Ma max 7@rpi. edu