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TV and advertising in the UK and USA Prepared the student second year Mytnik TV and advertising in the UK and USA Prepared the student second year Mytnik T.

Headquarters – штаб-квартира Analog TV – аналоговое телевидение Digital TV – цифровое телевидение Satellite Headquarters – штаб-квартира Analog TV – аналоговое телевидение Digital TV – цифровое телевидение Satellite TV – спутниковое телевидение Network TV – сетевое телевидение Households – домохозяйства Air TV – эфирное телевидение Satellite TV – спутниковое телевидение Cable TV – кабельное телевидение Subscription – подписка Fee – плата

THE HISTORY The Post Office in 1930 s, gave the job the British Broadcasting THE HISTORY The Post Office in 1930 s, gave the job the British Broadcasting Corporation was established in the UK television and a few years later, in 1936, the country began regular broadcasting. The only television station at the time was, of course, BBC, which showed only in the south of England. The headquarters of the channel is in Alexandra-Palace. There was the TV tower. With the beginning of World War II broadcasting was stopped. Returned to TV in the UK only in 1946. Competitors at the BBC appeared in 1955. It was the ITV, the first British commercial television channel. For a long time in the UK there were only three “button” - BBC One, BBC Two and ITV. In 1982, in TV there is another commercial channel - Channel 4, then new channels were opened one by one. Nowadays in the country is a little less than 500 channels - analog, digital, satellite, network.

BBC One the oldest British television channel. On all channels BBC no advertising, they BBC One the oldest British television channel. On all channels BBC no advertising, they are funded by the state, which collects fees from viewers watching TV (licence fee). This fee is required to pay all the houses and apartments, where TV: a color TV - 145. 5 pounds per year, with the black-and-white - 49. BBC One is perhaps the most popular channel in the UK. The fact that he paid, it does not prevent success. BBC produces transmission for every taste - news, sitcoms, dramas, comedies, mysteries, thrillers, documentaries, quiz and chat shows. BBC One is thechannel to a wider audience, BBC Two shows more documentaries and TV series to feature a little more educated public, BBC Three is some pilot channel that can produce broadcast transmission or unusual comedy of fantasy series. Finally, BBC Four is a sort of alternative to the mainstream, the canal, where it can appear even French TV series that Britain amazing rarity.

ITV is the oldest and main competitor BBC. These two channels for decades fighting ITV is the oldest and main competitor BBC. These two channels for decades fighting for audience ratings. Leaders of BBC and ITV traditionally don't like each other, and to such an extent that they can, for example, allow their employees to even mention the name of the channel, a competitor in the workplace. ITV - commercial TV channel, it is funded by advertising revenue. For this reason, the ITV often treated with slight contempt. Transmission and ITV series as diverse as the BBC, BBC - though he does not now ITV comedy and children's programming.

TV in the United States • Television is one of the major media in TV in the United States • Television is one of the major media in the United States. 99% of American households have at least one television set, and most have more than one. In general, television in the United States is the world's popular. • There are five basic types of television services in the United States: air, satellite, cable, FTA, DTH and IPTV. If air TV does not require pay per view, the satellite, cable, FTA, DTH and IPTV works on a subscription fee that comes every month. Fee depends on the number and on each channel, as a rule channels to sell the package, not individually. • Although the first cable channels appeared in the middle 1940 s, they began to break the 70 s of the last century, when almost every household had access to cable television. In contrast to air channels, cable were aimed at a narrow audience. The most successful to date are USA Network (entertainment channel), ESPN and Fox Sports (sports), MTV (Music), CNN, Fox News and MSNBC (news), Syfy (science fiction), Disney Channel (Family), Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network (kids), Discovery Channel and Animal Planet (documentary), TBS (comedy), TNT (drama) and Lifetime (for women).

The five largest TV network The major networks are NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox and The five largest TV network The major networks are NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox and CW. The first three began their history as a radio networks: NBC and CBS in the middle 1920 s, and became ABC spin-off NBC in 1943. Fox is a relatively new network, launched in 1986, and CW was created in 2006 by the merger of UPN with The WB. Schedule of programming on ABC, CBS and NBC is similar, in contrast to Fox, which is not broadcast primetime. On the morning of the three output channels morning show, local news, movies, music, interviews and weather. Daytime programming consists of soap operas, talk shows and game shows, as well as local newscasts at noon. At 7. 00 local news and programs administered viewers in prime time, the most successful threehour television. Usually prime time starts with the family sitcom at 8: 00 pm, but in the last years they have come to occupy a place all kinds of reality shows such as "Dancing with the Stars. " In a more recent primetime drama series out, such as "Grey's Anatomy, " "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit» , «CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, " etc. At 11: 00 pm on shift prime time come nightly shows such as «en: Late Show with David Letterman» and «en: The Tonight Show» .

Advertising in the USA United States is the creative center of the world, where Advertising in the USA United States is the creative center of the world, where the headquarters of the largest holding companies - Omnicom and Interpublic, with headquarters in New York. Therefore, the American creative is an international creative, and for him the most difficult to choose only characterize his hand. However, if you see in the picture office and staging, in which office workers something glibly discussing is probably an American movie. If you look at advertisements and understand how everything is rational, logical and all the canons of science of advertising, even when they are joking, it is an American advertising campaign. The exception to this rule - candy commercials, in which there is no intentional logic.

Advertising in the United Kingdom • Britain is the country beautiful, bright, high-quality, multi-faceted Advertising in the United Kingdom • Britain is the country beautiful, bright, high-quality, multi-faceted advertising with great creativity and subtle humor. The English have a nice, subtle flavor. They successfully combine advertising, aimed at speech with imaginative advertising. British advertising makes more sense to us than the American, more intelligent, more elegant and less "small-town", even if is only for the UK market. Basically it is even much more cinematic, there are more stories. Advertising, established in England, very successfully competes with the United States in terms of the scope of the budget and the steepness production and post-production.