проф психолог (англ).pptx
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Turbina Darya MSHU behalf of Sholokhov 3 course Профессия психолог.
Личностные качества необходимые психологу ü Психологу понадобятся такие ü Однако он должен уметь качества как логика, отгораживаться от чужих проблем, не пропускать их сквозь себя, не сообразительность, умение принимать близко к сердцу и не анализировать и делать выводы. путать профессиональное ü Важно умение внимательно сочувствие с сочувствием слушать и слышать собеседника. человеческим. То есть, он должен o Психолог должен быть добрым и неравнодушным к другим людям обладать стрессоустойчивостью . Я обладаю всеми этими качествами за исключением одного
What does a psychologist • • • Psychological Diagnostics - This study tests the individual characteristics of the human psyche. Consulting - trusted communication between the client and psychologist, aimed at more full realization of his abilities and find ways to address the disturbing problem. Psychological training - This active learning, as well as ways of emotional self-control, problem solving and personal growth. Such classes include various psychological games and exercises, interspersed with discussion of what kind of experience they offer participants. Some psychologists combine all these kinds of works, but more often they specialize in one. Many find themselves and in other activities related to psychology, for example, are in the process of teaching or scientific research. Finally, many have psychological knowledge in other kinds of work with people: for example, psychological education very often have HR managers in different organizations. On average, about 2/3 of working time a psychologist are contacts with people, making the rest of documentation, preparation of reports on the surveys, etc.
Why I chose this profession. I won't say that chose this profession to help people and make this world a better place, because it is not. I chose this profession because I understand people, trying to understand them. In recent years, psychologists are in demand.
The role of psychology in the modern world: I believe that psychologists are needed for the modern world. Now more people lead a similar lifestyle, "the monotony of today, tomorrow and always. People just get tired and start to put the emphasis on problems, here for help and come psychologists. Who are the psychologists? Are specialists in their field, and when the serious problems it is better to ask the psychologist than try to cope by yourself.
To whom people called about psychological problems? 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% A ps yc ho lo To g he ist rf r To ien d To pa re th nt e fa s m To ilia an r yo ne As we can see, people in Russia rarely turn to psychologists. And it's a minus. In my opinion, a psychologist is a doctor. Consequently, what we see on the graph in Russia is the self, and the self treatment often translates into a chronic disease is simple. So what is it? Why are people so afraid of psychologists in Russia? Can be one of the problems with Russia and is that we are afraid to admit their problems, to tell about them, ask for help to those who can really help? In Russia Abroad
Education Profession implies a higher education (majors: psychology, sociology, clinical psychology). You can get it in many State and non-State universities. To work in a professional manner and be in demand on the labour market, the education is not enough, you need to undergo additional training.
Work Russia moves into the information society, and it is widely developed service industry, to which we attribute and psychology. So where can a psychologist? A psychologist can work in specialized centres, providing services and State enterprises and organizations of different profile (school psychologist, a clinical psychologist, expert in psychology at work, etc. ). Some psychologists do not have a permanent job, and engaged in private practice or perform any one-time orders. Career opportunities, if we talk about the profession of psychologist, narrowly focus on professional development, allowing you to become popular and highest-paid specialist. You can create your own business, aiming at the provision of psychological services. In principle, it is promising.
«+» and «–» professions «-» «+» Self-discovery an d change yourself A psychologist is The likelihood of for life stress. The ability to use knowledge in their fie psychology in ev ld of eryday life Constant develo pment
Total In the end we can say that the profession of psychologist is very important in our days. Thank you for your attention.
проф психолог (англ).pptx