Скачать презентацию TUITION FEE PRICING academic year 2009 -2010 Скачать презентацию TUITION FEE PRICING academic year 2009 -2010


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TUITION & FEE PRICING academic year 2009 -2010 A Proposal (Revised on May 18, TUITION & FEE PRICING academic year 2009 -2010 A Proposal (Revised on May 18, 2009) (Contingent upon Governor’s and BOG’s approval) Presented to: USF Board of Trustees, May 20, 2009 USF Student Government President, May 7, 2009 USF Graduate Student Council President, May 5, 2009 USF Council of Deans, May 4, 2009 USF President’s Cabinet, April 29, 2009 AAMC, April 27, 2009 Tapas K. Das, Ph. D. Associate Provost of Policy Analysis, Planning & Performance

Tuition & Fee Pricing: academic year 2009 -10 2 Purpose of the Presentation Each Tuition & Fee Pricing: academic year 2009 -10 2 Purpose of the Presentation Each year, at the end of the state legislative session, USF proposes an updated Tuition and Fee structure within the scope defined by the following: 1. Tuition legislation 2009 (SB 2600, SB 762, SB 1696) 2. Existing Florida Statute 1009. 24 3. BOG recommendations

Appropriation Proviso 3 8% increase of in-state tuition for all undergraduate students in USF Appropriation Proviso 3 8% increase of in-state tuition for all undergraduate students in USF system Approved by the Legislature (pending Governor’s approval)

In-State Undergraduate Tuition & Fees RU/VH & RU/H, 2008 -09 4 Pennsylvania Vermont New In-State Undergraduate Tuition & Fees RU/VH & RU/H, 2008 -09 4 Pennsylvania Vermont New Hampshire New Jersey Illinois Minnesota Massachusetts Michigan South Carolina Connecticut Maine Ohio Rhode Island Deleware Missouri Maryland Virginia Indiana Kentucky California Wisconsin Texas Washington Nebraska Colorado Iowa Arkansas North Dakota Oklahoma Oregon Hawaii Kansas Tennessee Alabama South Dakota Georgia Arizona New York Alaska West Virginia Mississippi North Carolina Utah New Mexico Idaho Nevada Louisiana Florida Wyoming $0 2007 -08 2008 -09 Florida Tuition & Fees: $3, 756 25 th Percentile: $5, 551 50 th Percentile: $6, 515 (mean $7, 273) 90 th Percentile: $10, 653 Florida $3, 000 $6, 000 $9, 000 $12, 000 $15, 000

Recommendation 5 #1. 7% tuition differential fee for all undergraduate courses in the USF Recommendation 5 #1. 7% tuition differential fee for all undergraduate courses in the USF system (contingent upon BOG’s approval) Students are exempt from this fee if: § Continuously enrolled since July 1, 2007, or § Prepaid tuition contracts in effect before July 1, 2007. Financial impact of tuition differential on a student per semester (15 credit hours): § $101. 70 (USF Tampa) § $86. 10 (USF SP, USF S-M, USF Poly)

Recommendation 6 70% required to be spent on purposes of undergraduate education. § Increased Recommendation 6 70% required to be spent on purposes of undergraduate education. § Increased course offerings, § Improved graduation rates § Increasing the percentage of undergraduate students who are taught by faculty, § Decreasing student-faculty ratios § Providing salary increases for faculty who have a history of excellence teaching in undergraduate courses, § Improving the efficiency of the delivery of undergraduate education through academic advisement and counseling, and § Reducing the percentage of students who graduate with excess hours 30% shall be expended on need-based financial aid

Recommendation 7 Total cost per year (30 credit hours) for a full-time, in-state undergraduate Recommendation 7 Total cost per year (30 credit hours) for a full-time, in-state undergraduate student (2009 -10) tuition + differential + other fees = USF Tampa = $4, 503 (increase of $586) USF-SP, USF-SM, USF-Poly = $3, 684 (increase of $512)

Recommendation 8 #2. 10% increase of graduate in-state tuition (all students in USF system Recommendation 8 #2. 10% increase of graduate in-state tuition (all students in USF system except MD and DPT programs) Tuition will increase from $242. 04/SCH to $266. 24/SCH College of Business from $251. 17/SCH to $276. 28/SCH Total cost per year 2009 -10 (24 credit hours plus other fees): § $7, 963 (increase of $965) § $8, 204 College of Business (increase of $986)

In-State Graduate Tuition & Fees RU/VH & RU/H, 2008 -09 9 Pennsylvania New Jersey In-State Graduate Tuition & Fees RU/VH & RU/H, 2008 -09 9 Pennsylvania New Jersey Vermont Minnesota Michigan Oregon New Hampshire Illinois Connecticut Massachusetts Ohio California Wisconsin Washington Virginia Maryland Rhode Island South Carolina Deleware Kentucky Hawaii Alaska Colorado Missouri New York Indiana Maine Iowa Tennessee Florida Nebraska Georgia Texas Arizona Alabama Arkansas Kansas North Dakota Oklahoma South Dakota North Carolina West Virginia Idaho New Mexico Mississippi Utah Louisiana Nevada Wyoming 2007 -08 2008 -09 Florida Tuition & Fees: $6, 914 25 th Percentile: $6, 048 50 th Percentile: $7, 664 (mean $8, 106) 90 th Percentile: $11, 657 $0 $3, 000 $6, 000 $9, 000 $12, 000 $15, 000

10 In-State Graduate Tuition & Fees for SUS, 2008 -09 10 In-State Graduate Tuition & Fees for SUS, 2008 -09

Recommendation 11 #3. 10% increase of graduate in-state tuition for CRNA and DNP programs Recommendation 11 #3. 10% increase of graduate in-state tuition for CRNA and DNP programs (College of Nursing) Increase from $251. 17/SCH to $276. 28/SCH Total cost per year 2009 -10 (24 credit hours plus other fees): § $8, 204 (increase of $986)

DNP & CRNA programs College of Nursing 12 High Demand High Cost of Delivery DNP & CRNA programs College of Nursing 12 High Demand High Cost of Delivery High Employment Potential CRNA average starting salary: $114, 886

Recommendation 13 #4. 15% increase of in-state tuition for MD program High Demand High Recommendation 13 #4. 15% increase of in-state tuition for MD program High Demand High Cost of Delivery High Employment Potential Cost to educate each MD student annually is >$58, 000 (only $5 million of the BOG’s $13. 2 million request for parity funding for USF’s MD program was appropriated for 200910 ). $119 K – $285 K average starting salary Annual tuition & fees 2009 -10: $23, 159 (increase of $3, 021)

14 In-State MD Tuition, Public Institutions 2008 -09 14 In-State MD Tuition, Public Institutions 2008 -09

Recommendation 15 #5. 5. 6% increase of in-state tuition for DPT program High Demand Recommendation 15 #5. 5. 6% increase of in-state tuition for DPT program High Demand High Cost of Delivery High Employment Potential Requires substantial numbers of faculty, equipment, classroom and lab facilities PT designated a critical workforce shortage: >30% growth anticipated in next 10 years $60 K – $75 K average starting salary Annual tuition & fees 2009 -10: $14, 751 (increase of $782)

16 DPT In-State Tuition at Public Universities, 09 -10 SUNY Stony Brook Pittsburgh Florida 16 DPT In-State Tuition at Public Universities, 09 -10 SUNY Stony Brook Pittsburgh Florida Iowa South Florida Washington $0 $2, 000 $4, 000 $6, 000 $8, 000 $10, 000 $12, 000 $14, 000 $16, 000 $18, 000 $20, 000 * USF tuition is proposed

Recommendation 17 #6 (1)15% reduction of out-of-state fee for all undergraduate & graduate students Recommendation 17 #6 (1)15% reduction of out-of-state fee for all undergraduate & graduate students in the USF system (except MD & DPT) (2) Implement a $0 out-of-state differential fee for nonresident graduate students who either have a minimum of. 25 FTE appointment in teaching, research, or graduate assistant categories, or are receiving full fellowship Current fee very high compared to similar institutions Need to recruit more out-of-state, high ability, fee-paying students to establish USF’s position as a national research university USF has only 4% international students (lowest among peers) Reduces USF’s waiver commitment to out-of-state students

Recommendation 18 Total cost per year 2009 -10 (full-time plus other fees): § $14, Recommendation 18 Total cost per year 2009 -10 (full-time plus other fees): § $14, 768 undergraduate (decrease of $1, 657) § 3 ¼ times in-state undergraduate tuition and fees § $19, 344 graduate (decrease of $1, 515) § 2 ½ times in-state graduate tuition and fees

Nonresident Undergraduate Tuition & Fees RU/VH & RU/H, 2008 -09 19 Vermont California New Nonresident Undergraduate Tuition & Fees RU/VH & RU/H, 2008 -09 19 Vermont California New Hampshire Rhode Island Connecticut Michigan South Carolina Pennsylvania Indiana Virginia Colorado Maine Georgia Massachusetts New Jersey Illinois Deleware Washington Maryland Missouri Wisconsin Oregon Iowa Ohio North Carolina Tennessee Arizona Florida Nebraska Kentucky Texas Hawaii Oklahoma West Virginia Nevada Kansas Arkansas New Mexico North Dakota Alabama Utah Idaho Minnesota Alaska Mississippi Louisiana New York Wyoming South Dakota 2007 -08 2008 -09 Florida Tuition & Fees: $17, 567 25 th Percentile: $15, 278 50 th Percentile: $18, 499 (mean $18, 591) 90 th Percentile: $23, 606 $0 $5, 000 $10, 000 $15, 000 $20, 000 $25, 000 $30, 000

Nonresident Graduate Tuition & Fees RU/VH & RU/H, 2008 -09 20 Vermont Pennsylvania Connecticut Nonresident Graduate Tuition & Fees RU/VH & RU/H, 2008 -09 20 Vermont Pennsylvania Connecticut New Hampshire California Wisconsin Georgia Michigan Rhode Island New Jersey Washington Florida Illinois Indiana Deleware Massachusetts Colorado Minnesota Virginia Tennessee Ohio Maine Hawaii Iowa Missouri North Carolina Arizona South Carolina Kentucky Oregon Nebraska Maryland West Virginia Oklahoma Alaska New Mexico Alabama Idaho Nevada North Dakota Utah Kansas Arkansas Texas New York Mississippi South Dakota Louisiana Wyoming Florida 2007 -08 2008 -09 Florida Tuition & Fees: $21, 392 25 th Percentile: $15, 569 50 th Percentile: $18, 308 (mean $18, 404) 90 th Percentile: $24, 294 $0 $5, 000 $10, 000 $15, 000 $20, 000 $25, 000 $30, 000

USF’s Enrollment Mix 21 Non-Resident Graduate 2. 1% Non-Resident Undergraduate 2. 3% In-State Graduate USF’s Enrollment Mix 21 Non-Resident Graduate 2. 1% Non-Resident Undergraduate 2. 3% In-State Graduate 17. 7% (08 -09) In-State Undergraduate 73. 5% (08 -09) Unclassified (e. g. , non-degree) 4. 4% (08 -09)

Nonresident Undergraduate Tuition & Fees SUS, 2008 -09 22 Nonresident Undergraduate Tuition & Fees SUS, 2008 -09 22

Nonresident Graduate Tuition & Fees SUS, 2008 -09 23 Nonresident Graduate Tuition & Fees SUS, 2008 -09 23

Recommendation 24 #7. 10% increase in nonresident tuition and 10% increase in out-of-state fee Recommendation 24 #7. 10% increase in nonresident tuition and 10% increase in out-of-state fee for DPT program Nonresident annual tuition increase from $14, 240. 11 to $15, 664. 12 Out-of-state annual fee increase from $4, 746. 70 to $5, 221. 17 SUNY Stony Brook Total annual nonresident student cost 2009 -10 (tuition + fees): Iowa Washington Florida $20, 885 (increase of $1, 898) Pittsburgh * USF tuition is proposed *South Florida $0 $5, 000 $10, 000 $15, 000 $20, 000 $25, 000 $30, 000 $35, 000

25 Summary of Proviso & Recommendations for Approval Appropriation Proviso: 8% increase of in-state 25 Summary of Proviso & Recommendations for Approval Appropriation Proviso: 8% increase of in-state tuition for all undergraduates in the USF system (Contingent upon Governor’s approval) Recommendations: 1. 7% tuition differential fee for all undergraduate courses in the USF system; students who are continuously enrolled since July 1, 2007 or have prepaid contract in effect before July 1, 2007 are exempt from this fee. (Contingent upon BOG approval) 2. 10% increase of graduate in-state tuition (for all students within the USF system, except MD and DPT programs) 3. 10% increase of graduate in-state tuition for CRNA and DNP programs offered by the College of Nursing 4. 15% increase of professional in-state tuition for MD program 5. 5. 6% increase of professional in-state tuition for DPT program 6. (1) 15% reduction of the out-of-state fee for all nonresident undergraduate and graduate students in the USF system (except MD and DPT programs) (2) Implement a $0 out-of-state differential fee for nonresident graduate students who either have a minimum of. 25 FTE appointment in teaching, research, or graduate assistant categories, or are receiving full fellowship 7. 10% increase of nonresident tuition and 10% increase of out-of-state fee for DPT program