Скачать презентацию TTX Pandemic Influenza Simulations Pandemic Influenza Contingency PIC PIC Скачать презентацию TTX Pandemic Influenza Simulations Pandemic Influenza Contingency PIC PIC


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TTX Pandemic Influenza Simulations Pandemic Influenza Contingency(PIC) PIC / OCHA TTX Pandemic Influenza Simulations Pandemic Influenza Contingency(PIC) PIC / OCHA

Ongoing Preparedness Actions 4 Joint Exercise 3 Skill Drill 2 Functional Exercise 1 Table Ongoing Preparedness Actions 4 Joint Exercise 3 Skill Drill 2 Functional Exercise 1 Table Top Exercise Goal: To Raise Awareness of the impact of an influenza pandemic (1 day) è Buy-in at high level èIdentification of key preparedness elements èIdentification of areas required to support national preparedness e. g. : PIC TTX PIC / OCHA Success= è High-level participation èGaps & follow-up Actions identified Goal: To Test the Plan (conceptually / logically) (1 -2 day) è Does the plan make sense? è Are there gaps? è Clear up misunderstandings e. g. : UNCT simulation Success= è Participants were familiar with the plan è Plan held up during test Goal: To Test Systems & SOPs (1/2 day) è Test the SOPs è Test the Phone tree è Can the staff / systems perform as trained/planned? Success= è Key systems work è Key staff can use them Goal: To Test Multi-Actor Coherence (5+ days) Full-scale, Multiactor Dress Rehearsal Success= SOPs are fully understood and carried out

The TTX Scenario Time Period of 6 Weeks Confusion, confirmation and containment Initial confused The TTX Scenario Time Period of 6 Weeks Confusion, confirmation and containment Initial confused reports of respiratory illness. Government commences a containment operation. Confirmation of a novel highly pathogenic virus with human to human transmission. Area Affected Limited to regional non bordering country PIC / OCHA Virus spreads Containment operation fails to prevent a rapid spread of the virus. Commencement of border controls and travel restrictions. Disruption to many essential services Area Affected Spreads through the region and reaches your country Pandemic Virus spreads throughout your country. Continuation of operations affected by lack of staff and disruption to public services. Increase in mortality rate. Humanitarian crisis. Area Affected Global pandemic with varying degrees of severity by region

TTX Simulation Process • Participatory approach involving senior level officials and key staff • TTX Simulation Process • Participatory approach involving senior level officials and key staff • Forum to discuss and examine simulated emergency situations to test assumptions and arrangements of an emergency plan and identify gaps • Time scale is usually few hours • Table-top guided by simulated series of events PIC / OCHA

Planning elements • Organisational Structure – modes of operation to be used during the Planning elements • Organisational Structure – modes of operation to be used during the various stages of pandemic including the command control and mechanisms for internal coordination. • Triggers – identification of triggers, policies and actions to be taken based on the agreed organisational structure. • Continuity of operations – prioritisation of essential programmes to be continued and identification of the requirements / resources needed to ensure this continuity. • Staff health and safety – measures to be considered in order to ensure staff are able to continue to provide essential services. • Support to National Government – assistance to national planning and preparedness and identification and planning for possible additional support during pandemic PIC / OCHA • External communications – determine the protocols and messages for external communications

TTX Simulation Objectives • Raise the level of awareness of an influenza pandemic and TTX Simulation Objectives • Raise the level of awareness of an influenza pandemic and the impact that it might have on staff health / safety and continuity of business. • Understand through the use of scenarios the key requirements for preparedness measures to ensure health / safety of staff and continuity of essential services during pandemic. • Plan for addition possible additional requirements to support national pandemic preparedness actions. PIC / OCHA

Agenda 09: 15 - 09: 45 Welcome and introduction 09: 45 - 10: 00 Agenda 09: 15 - 09: 45 Welcome and introduction 09: 45 - 10: 00 Simulation briefing 10: 00 - 10: 30 Scenario 1 10: 30 - 11: 15 Scenario 2 11: 15 - 11: 30 Coffee break 11: 30 - 12: 45 Scenario 3 13: 00 - 14: 00 Lunch 14: 00 - 14: 25 Breakout Groups – identification of key issues / gaps 14: 30 - 14: 40 Group presentations summaries 14: 45 - 15: 30 Plenary discussion: Strengths & Weaknesses of UN System Influenza Contingency Planning 15: 30 - 15: 45 Coffee break 16: 00 - 16: 20 Breakout Groups – prioritisation and next steps 16: 20 – 16: 40 Group presentations 16: 40 – 17: 00 Summary 17: 00 Questions and open issues