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Tsar Bell - a monument of Russian foundry art of XVIII century. It turns out that this giant and there are many versions of scientific and pseudoscientific , and fairy-tales stories is legends.
Cast in 1733 -1735 by Russian masters JF and MI Matorina. During a fire in 1737 from the "Tsar-bell" fell off a piece of 11. 5 m. Installed bell in the Moscow Kremlin.
Decree of 26 June 1730 Empress Anna Ivanovna entrusted the work "bell-master Ivan Fedorov son Motorin" hereditary Moscow caster, who lived in the Pushkarskaya Sloboda.
By 1731 MOTORIN finished drafting the bell. More than a year made decorations and inscriptions on the Tsar Bell. Work came to an end when, in May 1737 a fire broke out in the Kremlin unprecedented force, destroyed almost all wooden buildings, structures and tent, closed the casting pit. Bell burn, people began to escape to pour it with water. As a result, in the body of the bell cracks, and he broke off a piece weighing 11. 5 tons.
On the eve of the Moscow Olympics 1979 -80 by experts from the Military Academy Dzerzhinsky (now named. Peter the Great), Tsar Bell was restored.
"Tsar Cannon" - cannon (mortar), cast in 1586 by Russian master Andrei Chokhov. Monument casting art 16. Installed in the Moscow Kremlin.
In 1586 in Moscow Cannon yard, which by this time already served a fairly large area on the bank of the river. Neglinka, on the orders of Tsar Fedor Ivanovich was cast cannon and poluchivnaya called "Tsar Cannon". The name of its creator - foundry master Andrei Chokhov - cast on the trunk
The length of the gun "Tsar Cannon" is 5 feet 34 inches, the outer diameter of the barrel - 120 centimeters, caliber - 890 millimeters. Molded from high quality bronze barrel decorated with inscriptions, sculpted friezes and ornaments.
Studies trunk made during restoration work in 1980, showed that "Tsar Cannon" refers to a special kind of artillery, close to the mortar. For firing, probably should have used buckshot. Decorative iron core lying next to the "Tsar Cannon" were cast in St. Petersburg factory Charles Byrd in 1835.
For almost four hundred years "Tsar Cannon" has repeatedly changed its place. It was originally installed on Red Square near the place of execution. In the early 18 th century, with special rollers moved to the Kremlin. In 1835, "Tsar Cannon" was installed on a new cast-iron carriage; in 1843 moved from the main gate to the old building Arsenal Armory, where stood until 1960; later has been installed on the Ivanovo area, near the Church of the Twelve Apostles.
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