- Количество слайдов: 15
Truancy Prevention and Intervention The Family and Youth Service Center “Removing Obstacles and Providing Options”
• It is a statistical fact that truancy is the first indicator of potential juvenile delinquency. It is also the first opportunity to intervene and avoid future criminal behavior. • A child in school is not committing crime and is less likely to be a victim of crime. • Education is the key to a child’s future and holds a promise for the family that the child will one day have.
Community Meetings Community meetings were held throughout East Baton Rouge Parish in an effort to form an answer to rising juvenile crime. A consensus was reached that resulted in a multi-faceted systemic approach to address juvenile crime and the difficulties faced by our youth. It was determined that the most efficient method of delivering the services needed to combat the problems associated with truancy was a “onestop shop”. The “one-stop shop” was named the Family and Youth Service Center. “Family” is the first word through purposeful reflection.
One-Stop Shop During the 2009 -10 school year the four major partners of the Family and Youth Service Center developed, and began implementing, policies and procedures creating a collaborative effort to systemically address truancy and the challenges faced by the youth of East Baton Rouge Parish. The four major partners were, and continue to be, • East Baton Rouge Parish Metropolitan Government and Mayor. President • East Baton Rouge Parish School System • East Baton Rouge Parish District Attorney • East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff
Policy and Procedures East Baton Rouge Parish School System Lead Agency- Child Welfare and Attendance- Tirzah Smith, Director District Wide First Steps • Automated robocalls • Parents receive an automated call indicating that the student did not report to school. • School Level • In collaboration with CWA, contact is made to parents when students begin to accumulate unexcused absences. • Letters • Disseminated to parents when a student misses five unexcused absences.
Intervention Methods of EBRPSS Child Welfare and Attendance CWA Interventions • District Truancy Workshops • School level Truancy Workshops • Counsel with parents • Investigation of extenuating circumstances • Service referral to address identified barriers to truancy • Telephone calls • Home visits • School visits/ meeting with school personnel • Correspondence regarding truancy • Collaboration efforts with law enforcement, court system, and DA’s office • After all efforts have failed with no compliance OR when no legitimate extenuating circumstance exists for the truancy, the case will be submitted to middle school truancy court or FYSC for services and/or prosecution. CWA referrals to FYSC: 2, 460 (end of 2015 - 2016 school year)
Policy and Procedures East Baton Rouge Parish School System Lead Agency- Truancy Assessment and Service Center- Jennie Ponder, Director Intervention Efforts of TASC • Focus on Grades K-5 • procedures • early identification • rapid and thorough assessment • attention to family environmental factors • targeted service response • consistent monitoring • collaboration between school, family, law enforcement, court, and community partners East Baton Rouge Truancy Court Since 2006 over 3, 700 appearances have been made in front of a Hearing Officer at Juvenile Court. There is a 78% success rate.
The Family and Youth Service Center Roxson Welch, Director • No wrong door policy • children and families are referred to the Center • by the schools systems of East Baton Rouge Parish • public, private, parochial, and charter • law enforcement • walk-ins
• After a referral is made to the Family and Youth Service Center • calls are made to the parent/guardian of the child and appointments are made for them to come in to the Center • interviews are held with the parent and child to attempt to determine the obstacles that are interfering with the child’s educational engagement • referral to services are made when appropriate • counseling services, parenting, intensive services involving the child and family through the schools and home
No Child Lost Our goal is to never lose a child. We sometimes do but it isn’t for lack of trying to hold on. • Follow-up is automatic • all children referred to FYSC are entered into the FYSC intake system. If there has been no documented activity, a monthly reminder is sent via email to the primary care supervisor of each child to check on the child.
Policy and Procedures East Baton Rouge Parish District Attorney’s Office. Curtis Nelson, ADA If all efforts for intervention by the school system/s and FYSC fail, a decision will be made to determine the primary failing party. The child and the parent have different tracks through the District Attorney and/or Juvenile Court. Prosecutorial Procedures • Misdemeanor Summons received by DA • Truancy Coordinator Sends defendant a contact letter advising that a criminal complaint has been received for prosecution and requesting defendant to contact the DA’s office if they wish to avoid prosecution • Those who seek to avoid prosecution will be requested to enter into an agreement of compliance during which prosecution will be deferred. • Those who fail to enter into an agreement or fail to respond will be forward to an ADA for billing. • After billing, defendant will receive notice of arraignment from court.
22 agencies on site at FYSC Assessment- mental health, educational needs, parenting Family Needs- drug intervention/treatment, literacy, job skills, GED, life skills Services Counseling- socialization skills, anger management, family counseling Enrichment activitiesout-of-school time
Reduction of Truancy within EBRPSS since FYSC Partnership 22% reduction of truancy 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2009 -10 2015 -16
Department of Juvenile Services Admissions 1400 1200 1148 1000 1167 1173 1050 980 895 800 600 400 200 0 38% reduction of Youth held in Detention in East Baton Rouge Parish 915 943 762 Youth Admitted
fysc-ebr. org (225) 239 -7800 1120 Government St. Baton Rouge, LA