- Количество слайдов: 16
Trends in U. S. Christian Book Sales
Christian Book Titles See Sales Rise Higher and Higher • In 2014, religious book sales in the U. S. rose more than 10. 5% according to Nielsen Book. Scan. 1 • From 2015 to 2016 Religious Presses grew by 4. 2%. 2 • Book Sales Down overall 6. 7% decline at the Start of 20162 • Ebooks Decline by nearly 25%2 Source: 1 Christian. Retailing. com; 2 Association of American Publishers
The mean is the average of the numbers: a calculated "central" value of a set of numbers. 10 The median is the middle number (in a sorted list of numbers). 10 Source: Pew Research Center 3
Source: 2015 The Nielsen Company 4
Trends in U. S Book Publishing
Source: 2013 Random House Publishing 5
Source: 2013 Random House Publishing 5
Source: 2013 Random House Publishing 5
Source: 2016 Pew Research Center 3
Source: 2016 Pew Research Center 3
Source: 2016 Pew Research Center 3
In the United Kingdom • Books are back • Printed book sales rise for first time in four years • Ebooks suffer decline 6 Source: 6 The Telegraph, 2016
The Next Chapter for Christian Publishing • Decline of distributors to Christian stores reflects market trends. 7 • Thanks to the Internet and Social Media, today's Christian influencers are able to reach readers directly and build a following. 8 Source: 7 Publishers Weekly, 2016; 8 Christianity Today, 2014
Facebook remains the most popular Social Media platform Source: 2016 Pew Research Center 9
Facebook-Church. News 201, 872 = Total reach from October 19, 2016 to November 16, 2016. Reach from: (1) United States 36, 265 (2) Canada 5, 316 (3) Puerto Rico 667. Reach is defined as the number of people posts were served to. (October 19, 2016 - November 16, 2016)
Appendix 1. Christian Retailing, 2015 “Nielsen: Christian Book Sales Continue to Rise”, hfttp: //www. christianretailing. com/index. php/newsletter/latest/28208 -nielsen-christian-book-sales-continue-torise 2. Association of American Publishers, 2016. “Publishers Sales Down at the Start of 2016: Ebooks Decline. ” http: //newsroom. publishers. org/publishers-sales-down-at-the-start-of-2016 -ebooks-decline 3. 2016 Pew Research Center, “Book Reading 2016” http: //www. pewinternet. org/2016/09/01/book-reading-2016/ 4. 2015 The Nielsen Company, “Onward and upward Christian Book Titles See Sales Rise Higher” http: //www. nielsen. com/us/en/insights/news/2015/onward-and-upward-christian-book-titles-see-sales-risehigher. html 5. 2013 Random House Publishing, “Trends in Consumer Book Buying” http: //authornews. penguinrandomhouse. com/trends-in-consumer-book-buying-infographic/ 6. The Telegraph, 2016. “Books are back: Printed book sales rise for first time in four years as ebooks suffer decline” http: //www. telegraph. co. uk/news/2016/05/12/books-are-back-printed-book-sales-rise-for-first-time-in-four-ye/ 7. Publishers Weekly, September 14, 2016. “Decline of Distributors to Christian Stores Reflects Market Trends http: //www. publishersweekly. com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/religion/article/71475 -decline-of-distributors-tochristian-stores-reflects-market-trends. html 8. Christianity Today, 2014 “The Next Chapter for Christian Publishing” http: //www. christianitytoday. com/women/2014/july/next-chapter-for-christian-publishing. html 9. Pew Research Center, “ 2016 Social Media Update” http: //www. pewinternet. org/2016/11/11/social-media-update-2016/ 10. Mean vs Median http: //www. mathsisfun. com/definitions/mean. html http: //www. mathsisfun. com/definitions/median. html