Travelogue 4 класс
Marco Polo
Sir Francis Drake
James Cook
Christopher Columbus
Answer the questions 1. Where did he set off from? 2. What place did he reach? 3. What did he discover? 4. Who did he meet? 5. What did he explore? 6. What did he see?
Where`s an island?
How are you going to travel there? By plane By bus By train By car By boat On foot
You reached the island see huge mountains. What will you do? -Go up an down the mountains -Go over the mountains -Go round the mountains -Go into the cave -Fly over the mountains -Climb up the mountains
You see a big cave on your way. Explore it. What is there? A dinosaur`s egg Diplodocus Troodon Stegosaurus Three baby troodons Three dinosaur`s eggs
What will you do? - Run away and go back home - Take the dinosaur egg - Go round the cave - Feed the little dinosaurs - Wake up the big dinosaur and run away - Catch the dinosaur and take it home
You found the treasure. Where was it? In the house on the hill Under the bridge over the river In the jungle under a high palm In an old box in the cave In the hut near the swamp Near the tree which is on a rocky mountain
Write a travelogue 1. Who did you meet? 2. What did he give you? 3. Where did you go? 4. Where did you set off from? 5. How did you get there? 6. What did you see when you reached the place? 7. What did you do? 8. What did you find there?
Good luck !