Lecture 8.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 15
Translation Standards
Translation vs. Localization (1) Translation is a deregulated industry, in which we institute our own standards, if they are not already imposed for us by our direct or end customers Its purpose is to achieve the translation or localization of a product with the highest possible quality Most quality problems in translation and localization have little to do with real errors, and more to do with clashing assumptions
Standardisation Standards are cooperative endeavors The majority of European countries have their own standardization bodies: DIN, AENOR, AFNOR, BSI, UNI, ÖN, etc. Together, all of them make up the European Committee for Standardization (CEN)
Standardization Principal goals: standardization development; the promotion and development of certification methods for products, services, people and systems; cooperation with public authorities for the wider introduction of standardization and quality activities; and promotional activities related to standardization and quality that contribute to their awareness, use and development in society.
Standardization ISO: Technical Committee known as ISO/TC 37 “Terminology (principles and coordination)” The mission is to find out and formulate general principles of terminology and terminological lexicography.
Standardization ISO Committee’s scope: Vocabulary of terminology Procedure for preparing national or international standardized vocabularies National and international standardization of concepts, terms and their Definitions: principles for their establishment and criteria of value Layout of monolingual and multilingual vocabularies, including lexicographical symbols.
ISO Recommendations: Class 1: Vocabulary - ISO/R 1087: 1969 Vocabulary of terminology Class 2: Working methods - ISO/R 919: 1969 Guide for the preparation of classified vocabularies Class 3: Naming principles - ISO/R 704: 1968 Naming principles; ISO/R 860: 1968 International unification of concepts and terms Class 4: Layout of classified vocabularies - ISO/R 1149: 1969 Layout of multilingual classified vocabularies; ISO/R 639: 1967 Symbols for languages, countries and authorities
Some ISO/TC 37 International Standards by the end of 2003: ISO 639 -1: 2002 Codes for the representation of names of languages – Part 1: Alpha-2 code ISO 860: 1996 Terminology work – Harmonization of concepts and terms ISO 1087 -1: 2000 Terminology – Vocabulary ISO 1087 -2: 2000 Terminology work – Vocabulary – Part 2: Computer applications ISO 1951: 1997 Lexicographical symbols particularly for use in classified defining vocabularies
The EN-15038 European Quality Standard for Translation Services Work began in 2000 Each clause within the standard was voluntarily assigned to one of the national committees Published in 2006 Sets out: the basic requirements for the human resources and process used in the provision of translation services Client – TSP relationship Procedures for translation services
EN-15038 Sections: Scope: the reasons for the standard to be created. Terminology: definition of the terms used in the standard (the possibility of creating an annex with the terms used in translation in general is being considered, independent of the standard). Basic requirements: infrastructure (human and technical resources), quality management (of the service, not the translation itself) and project management. Relationship between the customer and the translation service provider: quotations, contracts, rights and obligations, viability studies, etc.
EN-15038 Sections: Translation Service Procedures: administrative, technical and linguistic work; the so-called translation process; review, revision, etc. Added Value Services: localization, DTP (Desktop publishing), translation memory management, glossary compilation, etc. In general, any service that can be offered in addition to the translation itself. Annexes: The purpose of these documents is informational in nature, not normative. They contain suggestions for different checklists, tasks or procedures, which are recommended to be put into practice in order to comply with the standard.
EN-15038 Terms defined: Added value service – Services which can be provided by a TSP in addition to translation Competence – Demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skill Interpreting – Rendering of spoken information in the source language into the target language in spoken form Locale – The linguistic, cultural, technical and geographical conventions of the target audience ( «місцева специфіка» ) Translation – Rendering of written text in the source language into the target language Translator – Person who translates Translation Service Provider (TSP) – An organization or person who supplies translation services. Also known as Language Service Provider (LSP)
EN-15038 Terms defined: Source text – The original text. The text which is being translated ( «мова оригіналу» ) Target text – The translated text ( «мова перекладу» ) Revise – Examine a translation for its suitability for the agreed purpose, compare the source and target texts, and recommend corrective measures Reviser – Person who revises ( «коректор» ) Review – Examine a target text for its suitability for the agreed purpose and respect for the conventions of the domain to which it belongs and recommend corrective measures ( «рецензувати» ) Reviewer – Person who reviews ( «рецензент» ) Proofreading – Checking of proofs before publication
Electropedia: The World's Online Electrotechnical Vocabulary the world's most comprehensive online electrical and electronic terminology database containing more than 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French organized by subject area, with equivalent terms in various other languages: Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Swedish (coverage varies by subject area).
Reference: Electropedia http: //domino. iec. ch/iev. nsf/Welcome? Ope n. Form