Translation Ranking Lecture 7
Overview • • • Translation ranks Adequate translation means Application of translation theories Priorities in training translators Meaning, equivalence and extra linguistic information
Translation Ranks Translation can involve different ranks: rather simple substitutions or relatively sophisticated linguistic analysis Several attempts – to develop a translation theory/approach based on different ranks of translation
Translation Equivalence Level Introduced by V. Komissarov: “Theory of Translation Equivalence Level” Translation Process interlanguage transformations conceptual interrelations Y. Retsker Translation process Irregular correspondences
Translation – Multilevel Process J. Firth, J. Catford Complex of linguistic and extra linguistic information “Total” translation and “Restricted” translation Total translation – all levels of the source text are replaced by those of the target text / restricted translation – the substitution occurs at only one level.
Translation Theories • The transformational there are certain regular syntactic, morphological, and word building structures which may be successfully matched with their analogies in another language during translation. • The denotative approach in the process of translation links between the forms of different languages are established via conceptual equivalence. • The communicational approach the matching of thesauruses.
Translator’s education Linguistic knowledge Knowledgeable specialist proved significance of extralinguistic information
Summing up Main components of above mentioned theories: • meaning • Equivalence • Extralinguistic information You can: • match individual words and combinations of the two languages directly (trans formationalapproach) • understand the content of the source message and render it using the formal means of the target language (denotative approach) • with due regard of the translation recipient and background information (communicational approach).
Summing up Translation Type Translation Method Priorities Oral Consecutive Denotative, Communicational Oral Simultaneous Transformational, Communicational Written (general & technical) Transformational Written (fiction & poetry) Denotative