Translating How-To into Can-Do: A Research Education Series A comprehensive research education series to provide didactic and hands-on training opportunities for personnel at Doctors Hospital and Grant Medical Center. 1
2007 Schedule Month Topic Instructor January How to Write a Case Report Michael Weiser, MS CORE Editor February Protocol Design* Grace Brannan, Ph. D. CORE Acting Research Director March IRB, Consent, and HIPAA* Trina Williams, BS DORE Research Administrator April Retrospective Studies Jamie Jenkins, Ph. D. DORE Biostatistician May Prospective studies Grace Brannan, Ph. D. and Jamie Jenkins, Ph. D. CORE and DORE Biostatistician June Clinical Trials* Carolyn Carle, MS, RN DORE Clinical Research Nurse *Required Session 2
Schedule, continued Month Topic Instructor July Dissemination* Michael Weiser, MS CORE Editor August Overview of Clinical Research* Trina Williams, BS DORE Research Administrator September Searching the Literature Julie Spaulding Doctors Hospital Medical Librarian October Journal Critique* Jamie Jenkins, Ph. D. DORE Biostatistician November Case Reports Michael Weiser, MS CORE Editor December Protocol Design* Grace Brannan, Ph. D. CORE Acting Research Director *Required Session 3
When and Where • Dates – Grant: Noon-1: 00 pm on the 1 st Thursday of each month – Doctors: 1: 30 -2: 30 pm on the 3 rd Tuesday of each month • Locations – Grant: 410 Wilkins Building – Doctors: Classroom C 4
Course Registration • Hospital Staff register for monthly lectures via Corporate University • Physicians, interns/residents, and medical students register by contacting Trina Williams, Research Administrator at 566 -8023 or e-mail twillia 2@ohiohealth. com 5
Attendance • Attendance - Not required for general participation - If earning a Research Certificate, attendance is required for some lectures - Role will be taken at every lecture - Participants will be allowed two (2) years to complete the series - Participants will be allowed to attend sessions either at Doctors or Grant 6
Certification Requirements • Certificate of Completion* • Attend 7/10 lectures and IRB training • Certificate of Excellence • Attend 9/10 lectures, IRB training and at least one from the following list: – Research poster or – Case report or – Research project or – Visit an IRB meeting * Including all required modules 7
Certification Notice • Issued by the Department of Research and Education at Doctors Hospital, signed by: • President (Doctors or Grant) • V. P. Medical Education (Doctors or Grant) or • Chief Nursing Officer (Doctors or Grant) • Research Director (DORE) • CEU and NCU – Two types of continuing education credit will be available 8
Program Contacts • Doctors Hospital – Trina Williams, B. S • Title: Research Administrator • Phone: (614) 566 -8023 • Email: twillia 2@ohiohealth. com – Cindy Wagner, RN, BC, MS, CNS • Title: Clinical Nurse Specialist • Phone: (614) 544 -2451 • Email: cwagner@ohiohealth. com 9
Program Contacts • Grant Medical Center – Kim Boggs, MSN, RN, BC • Title: Education Specialist • Phone: (614) 566 -8519 • Email: kboggs@ohiohealth. com 10