Скачать презентацию Transition A Lifelong Process Transition Compliance and Resources Скачать презентацию Transition A Lifelong Process Transition Compliance and Resources


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Transition: A Lifelong Process Transition Compliance and Resources for Implementation Presented by: Christine Suh Transition: A Lifelong Process Transition Compliance and Resources for Implementation Presented by: Christine Suh Transition Program Administrator SW SELPA/Green Dot Public Schools

Introduction Activity Ø What are words that describe an effective transition program? Ø What Introduction Activity Ø What are words that describe an effective transition program? Ø What are skills that should be addressed in an effective transition program? Ø What are your biggest concerns when addressing transition? Ø What do you need to improve the transition services provided to your students?

The Transition Process: Empowers all students with the skills necessary to achieve their full The Transition Process: Empowers all students with the skills necessary to achieve their full potential in adult living, through support and collaboration with families, schools and communities.

Agenda Part 1: Ø Introductions Ø Transition Compliance/Legal Mandates Ø ITP Process Ø SW Agenda Part 1: Ø Introductions Ø Transition Compliance/Legal Mandates Ø ITP Process Ø SW SELPA/Green Dot Public Schools Transition Assessment Manual/Student Portfolio Components Part 2: Ø PD Portal Ø Ø Ø Assessment/Curriculum Options/Recommendations HS Transition Grade Level Benchmarks Initial Transition Assessment Rating Scale Community Resource Guide Questions/Answers/Evaluations

Transition Process Cheat Sheet Age Appropriate Transition Assessment (At least 2 instruments) Development of Transition Process Cheat Sheet Age Appropriate Transition Assessment (At least 2 instruments) Development of HS Course of Study Measurable, Meaningful & Realistic Postsecondary Goals (Education/Training and Employment REQUIRED, Independent Living if Assessment indicates need) Age of Majority Notification (Age 17) Transition Services to Support Post Secondary Goals Summary of Performance Exit IEP Copy of Current Evaluation

State performance plan indicator #13 Content Required for Indicator #13 ◦ Is there an State performance plan indicator #13 Content Required for Indicator #13 ◦ Is there an appropriate measurable postsecondary goal or goals that covers education or training, employment, and as needed independent living? ◦ Is (are) the postsecondary goals updated annually? ◦ Is there evidence that the measurable postsecondary goals were based on age-appropriate transition assessments? ◦ Are there transition services in the IEP that will reasonably enable the student to meet his or her postsecondary goals? ◦ Do the transition services include courses of study that will reasonably enable the student to meet his or her postsecondary goals? ◦ Is(are) there annual goals related to the student’s transition services needed? ◦ Is there evidence that the student was invited to the IEP team meeting where transition services were discussed? ◦ If appropriate, is there evidence that a representative of any participating agency was invited to the IEP team meeting with the prior consent of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority?

State performance plan indicator #14 “post-secondary outcomes” New Measurements ◦ A. Percent enrolled in State performance plan indicator #14 “post-secondary outcomes” New Measurements ◦ A. Percent enrolled in higher education = [(# of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school and were enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school) divided by the (# of respondent youth who are no longer in secondary school and had IEPs in effect at the time they left school)] times 100. Competitively Employed or Some Other Type of Employment

Transition Compliance/Legal Mandates Ø All students prior to their 16 th birthday must have Transition Compliance/Legal Mandates Ø All students prior to their 16 th birthday must have a Transition Plan as part of their IEP Ø All ITP’s must be developed based on the results of “age appropriate transition assessments” Ø All three areas of transition must be assessed: Education/Training, Employment and Independent Living Ø Informal Ø Interviews Ø Questionnaires Ø IE. Learn to Earn, Ca Career Zone Interest Profiler, SRI scores, San Diego Quick etc. Ø Formal Ø Commercially made product Ø IE. Woodcock Johnson, Brigance, LCCE etc

Transition Legal Mandates Continued. . Ø Each student must have a minimum of two Transition Legal Mandates Continued. . Ø Each student must have a minimum of two postsecondary goals listed in their IEP: (goals beyond secondary setting-K-12/transition (22)) One in education/training Ø Ø IE. Upon completion of school, student will obtain a ______ degree/certificate in the field of______ One in employment Ø Ø IE. Upon completion of school, student will obtain part/full time employment in the field of _____ Independent living is required if identified as an area of need based on assessment Ø Ø IE. Upon completion of school, student will live in _________ with independently/with a roommate/family/relatives.

Transition Legal Mandates Continued. . . Transition Services Ø This section identifies the coordinated Transition Legal Mandates Continued. . . Transition Services Ø This section identifies the coordinated set of activities a student participates in that leads to his/her transition to post school life. Ø This can include guest speakers, field trips, workshops, classes at the occupational center, meetings with counselors, participating on sports teams, balancing check books, participating in vocational activities, participating in CBI

Transition Legal Mandates Continued… Ø Who can provide services? Ø Ø Ø Ø A Transition Legal Mandates Continued… Ø Who can provide services? Ø Ø Ø Ø A Teacher A Counselor Community Based Instruction A Vocational Class Regional Center Etc Parents should NOT be made fully responsible for service provision.

Annual Goal Targeting Transition At least 1 annual goal related to transition MUST be Annual Goal Targeting Transition At least 1 annual goal related to transition MUST be included in the student’s IEP. ◦ Specific transition services DO NOT need to be included in the ITP/Services page IF there is a SPECIFIC goal targeting transition included in the IEP. ◦ IE. Academic/Vocational goals are related to transition VS specific goals involve transition services/activities that will be addressed for the year.

Course of Study Ø Each student should have a course of study for high Course of Study Ø Each student should have a course of study for high school that is developed based on their interests, preferences, and post-secondary education/training and/or employment goals. Ø IE. Student would like to attend a vocational program to earn a certificate in Music Production. Course of study should include a music course on or off site in addition to graduation requirements.

CAHSEE Ø Include most current scores ØClass of 2012 Currently exempt Ø Include all CAHSEE Ø Include most current scores ØClass of 2012 Currently exempt Ø Include all accommodations and continue to have students attempt to pass the CAHSEE

Age of Majority Ø Students and parents must be notified of the age of Age of Majority Ø Students and parents must be notified of the age of majority on or before the student’s 17 th birthday. Ø Letter, information about conservatorship and alternatives to conservatorship should be provided to parent as well. ØLetter available at www. animopd. org/sped. html Ø Section 11

Transition Legal Requirements All students prior to their 16 th birthday must have a Transition Legal Requirements All students prior to their 16 th birthday must have a Transition Plan as part of their IEP 2 page document that includes the following: Age Appropriate Transition Assessment (Academics, Employment, Independent Living) Measurable, Meaningful & Realistic Postsecondary Goal (At least 2 - Education/Training and Employment that identifies what student will do beyond the secondary setting. Independent Living Required if assessments identify need) Transition Services and Activities to Support Post Secondary Goals Upon Exiting: HS Course of Study Age of Majority Summary of Performance Notification Exit IEP (Age 17) Copy of Current Evaluation

Prior to the IEP/ITP Meeting Ø Ø Ø Make sure you have completed the Prior to the IEP/ITP Meeting Ø Ø Ø Make sure you have completed the assessments. Invite both the student and parent (unless the student is over the age of 18) Invite or solicit any input from outside agencies (depending on the student’s desires and preferences)

Remember… Ø The goal for students with special needs, should always be to prepare Remember… Ø The goal for students with special needs, should always be to prepare them for post secondary life. Ø The IEP/ITP should be tailored to assist them in meeting their post secondary goals in the areas of education/training and employment as well as independent living.

Transition Assessment Manual Components: Ø Section I-Transition Legal Requirements and Best Practices and Assessment Transition Assessment Manual Components: Ø Section I-Transition Legal Requirements and Best Practices and Assessment Protocal Ø Section II-CDE 2007 Legal Requirements and Best Practices Resource Guide Ø Section III-High School Transition Grade Level Benchmarks Ø Section IV-SW SELPA/Green Dot Public Schools Initial Transition Assessment Ø Section V-Assessment Documentation and ITP Post Secondary Goal Writing Tools Ø Section VI-Interest, Personality Assessments, and Career Research Sample Units Ø Section VII-Transition Assessment and Curriculum Recommendations Ø Section VIII-Transition Terminology and Student’s Guide to the IEP Ø Section IX-Contact Information and Online Resources for Transition Ø Section X-Parent and or Guardian Transition Resources Ø Section XI-Example Forms and Letters

Transition Model Student Portfolio Components: Ø Section I-Student Information Ø Section II-Assessment Documentation and Transition Model Student Portfolio Components: Ø Section I-Student Information Ø Section II-Assessment Documentation and Assessments Ø Section III-Post Secondary Goals and Transition Profile Ø Section IV-Education and/or Training Ø Section V-Employment Ø Section VI-Daily Independent Living Skills and Community Experiences Ø Samples provided in your packets BREAK

Section II-CDE 2007 Legal Requirements and Best Practices Resource Guide § This section provides Section II-CDE 2007 Legal Requirements and Best Practices Resource Guide § This section provides summaries of legal requirements when addressing Transition. Entire Transition to Adult Living: An Information and Resource Guide can be found @ http: //www. calstat. org/transition. Guide. html

PD PORTAL www. animopd. org/sped. html ◦ Assessment Resources: Transition Student Portfolio Section 1 PD PORTAL www. animopd. org/sped. html ◦ Assessment Resources: Transition Student Portfolio Section 1 -Student Information Section 2 -Assessment Documentation/Assessments Section 5 -Employment Transition Assessment Manual Section 4 -Initial Transition Assessment Rating Scale that includes-Independent Living, Employment, Basic Academic, Self Advocacy Section 7 -Assessment/Curriculum Recommendations September Transition Lessons Separate assessment per/grade level

Section III-High School Transition Grade Level Benchmarks § § Can be included as a Section III-High School Transition Grade Level Benchmarks § § Can be included as a cover for a student’s transition portfolio. The main purpose of these Grade Level Benchmarks is to assist case carriers and service providers in developing a structured transition program that builds upon skills that are acquired at each grade level. It provides a framework which will assist stakeholders in providing instruction and services when students enter high school at the 9 th grade.

Continued… § § Includes separate benchmarks for students who have mild/moderate disabilities as well Continued… § § Includes separate benchmarks for students who have mild/moderate disabilities as well as severe disabilities. The grade level and eligibility is identified at the bottom right of each page. (i. e. 9 th-MM or 9 th-MS) Includes benchmarks for: § § § Independent Living/Community Experiences Basic Academic Education and/or Training Employment Self Advocacy The blank lines in front of each benchmark is for students/teachers/case carriers to write dates which indicate when the student has met that particular benchmark.

Activity Ø Draw a star next to 5 -10 activities/benchmarks you already address within Activity Ø Draw a star next to 5 -10 activities/benchmarks you already address within your classroom/district Ø Highlight 10 activities/benchmarks you would like to begin addressing. Ø THINK/PAIR/SHARE

Essential M/M HS Grade Level Benchmarks Resources for Services/Activities for M/M Refer to Matrix Essential M/M HS Grade Level Benchmarks Resources for Services/Activities for M/M Refer to Matrix PD Portal: www. animopd. org/sped. html for Monthly Lesson Plans based on these M/M Benchmarks. Transition Student Portfolio ◦ Worksheets available for activities

Section IV-Initial Transition Assessment Ø Directly aligned to the High School Transition Grade Level Section IV-Initial Transition Assessment Ø Directly aligned to the High School Transition Grade Level Benchmarks Ø Designed to provide students, parents, teachers and additional service providers with a rating scale to rate the level of competency the student possesses in regards to the benchmarks.

Continued… STEPS: Ø Each of the stakeholders would receive a copy and complete their Continued… STEPS: Ø Each of the stakeholders would receive a copy and complete their ratings in their designated column. Ø All copies would be collected by the student’s case carrier and all scores would be compiled into one copy and averages would be calculated. Ø Each benchmark and section would receive an average score (i. e. 9 th grade Independent Living and Community Experiences). Ø The IEP team would then analyze which benchmarks and/or sections in which the student received the lowest average scores and then determine which benchmark(s) would be focused on that school year. The areas of focus should support the student in meeting their post secondary goals.

Continued… Ø It is recommended that the assessment be completed for the student’s current Continued… Ø It is recommended that the assessment be completed for the student’s current and previous grade levels. (i. e. For an 11 th grade level student, the IEP team should have completed the assessment for 9 th, 10 th and 11 th grade) Ø This document also includes separate assessments for students who have mild/moderate disabilities as well as students who have moderate/severe disabilities. The eligibility is identified at the bottom center of each page. (i. e. M/M or MS).

Let’s Try It! Ø Think of 1 student you know well…. Ø Pretend they Let’s Try It! Ø Think of 1 student you know well…. Ø Pretend they are in the 9 th grade and complete the assessment for 9 th grade. Ø Think/Pair/Share-Is this a useful tool?

Section VII-Transition Assessment and Curriculum Recommendations The TAPS committee researched and piloted various assessments Section VII-Transition Assessment and Curriculum Recommendations The TAPS committee researched and piloted various assessments to provide teachers, services providers, schools and districts with options for transition assessments. Ø Recommendations include descriptions of the assessment tools as well as purchase and contact information. Ø A supplemental document is included that provides recommendations for assessments for each grade level beginning at the 9 th grade due to the fact that different assessments are to be administered to students every year. Ø

Additional Resources www. animopd. org/sped. html ØTAPS Manual ØModel Transition Student Portfolio ØCommunity Resource Additional Resources www. animopd. org/sped. html ØTAPS Manual ØModel Transition Student Portfolio ØCommunity Resource Guide Ø 1 Page matrix of Essential Standards for M/M ØMonthly Grade Level Lesson Plans based on matrix

Questions/Concerns Thank you! Please complete the evaluation form! Questions/Concerns Thank you! Please complete the evaluation form!

Questions/Concerns? Csuh@greendot. org 213 -392 -5819 Questions/Concerns? Csuh@greendot. org 213 -392 -5819