Скачать презентацию Transforming Teaching through Technology and Innovation Dr Natalie Скачать презентацию Transforming Teaching through Technology and Innovation Dr Natalie


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Transforming Teaching through Technology and Innovation Dr Natalie Rowley, School of Chemistry N. M. Transforming Teaching through Technology and Innovation Dr Natalie Rowley, School of Chemistry N. M. Rowley@bham. ac. uk @Natalie. MRowley


Where are you from? A. B. C. D. E. F. G. CAL CLAD Co. Where are you from? A. B. C. D. E. F. G. CAL CLAD Co. SS EPS LES MDS Other 30

Which of the following do you currently use? Turning. Point 2. Response. Ware 1. Which of the following do you currently use? Turning. Point 2. Response. Ware 1. 20

In which of the following do you use Turning. Point / Response. Ware? 1. In which of the following do you use Turning. Point / Response. Ware? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Traditional lectures Flipped lectures Workshops/Seminars Labs/Practical classes Other 30

If you responded “Other” please specify how you use them Rank Responses 1 2 If you responded “Other” please specify how you use them Rank Responses 1 2 3 4 5 6 30

Which of the following have you used? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Which of the following have you used? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Multiple Choice Short Answer Multiple Response Numeric Response True/False Likert Team Competitions 30

Bloom’s Taxonomy Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge “Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification Bloom’s Taxonomy Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge “Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals. Handbook I: Cognitive Domain” B. S. Bloom (Ed. ), Mc. Kay, New York, 1956

What are you assessing through Turning. Point/Response. Ware? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What are you assessing through Turning. Point/Response. Ware? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation 30

Putting Pedagogy into Practice o “Support Research-Based Pedagogical Learning Theories with Turning. Point” and Putting Pedagogy into Practice o “Support Research-Based Pedagogical Learning Theories with Turning. Point” and “Learning Theories and Applications” o http: //www. turningtechnologies. co. uk/pdf/home/ Pedagogy-Chart. pdf


Lecture Flipping o Inverts o Makes traditional teaching delivery most effective use of face-to-face Lecture Flipping o Inverts o Makes traditional teaching delivery most effective use of face-to-face time by tailoring it to the specific needs of the students

Pre-Lecture (through Canvas) o Screencasts o Online MCQ’s and question for students to identify Pre-Lecture (through Canvas) o Screencasts o Online MCQ’s and question for students to identify areas of difficulty (Just-in-Time Teaching (Ji. TT) approach*) Just-in-Time Teaching: Blending Active Learning and Web Technology G. M. Novak, E. T. Patterson, A. D. Gavrin and W. Christian, Prentice– Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1999

In-Lecture o Focus on areas students identified o Interactive problem solving i. e. clicker In-Lecture o Focus on areas students identified o Interactive problem solving i. e. clicker questions (Turning. Point, Response. Ware), including Peer Instruction (PI) and practice / exam questions Peer Instruction: A User’s Manual E. Mazur, Prentice–Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1997

Peer Instruction Brief lecture Concept Test: Students vote Correct Answer < 30% Correct Answer Peer Instruction Brief lecture Concept Test: Students vote Correct Answer < 30% Correct Answer 30 - 70% Go over concept again Peer Instruction Students vote again Correct Answer > 70% Move on to next topic

What in particular did you like about this style of teaching and learning and What in particular did you like about this style of teaching and learning and why? “Lecture flipping and the pre-lecture quizzes were brilliant and so helpful to know exactly what was going to be covered beforehand so we could focus on the harder parts during the lecture. The interactive quizzes during the lecture were also really helpful to reinforce knowledge, as well as the past exam paper questions”

“The flipped approach worked very well in making the lectures more interactive and stimulating” “The flipped approach worked very well in making the lectures more interactive and stimulating” “The whole flip-lecture approach was very good, it made it different and made me much more likely to do the work for the lectures”

“Dr Rowley's were definitely the best topics. This is because they way she used “Dr Rowley's were definitely the best topics. This is because they way she used flip-lecture (I think they're called? ) so we taught ourselves and then reinforced this in the lectures was very effective for me and helped my learning more than the other lectures”

“I also really like Dr Rowley's lectures because she made videos for us to “I also really like Dr Rowley's lectures because she made videos for us to watch beforehand then she went through any questions we had in the following lectures. I found this method of teaching worked well as I usually understood everything”

“Inorganic by Rowley was 10/10 favourite module, i want to buy her chocolates” “Inorganic by Rowley was 10/10 favourite module, i want to buy her chocolates”

Lessons Learned o Response. Ware enabled me to ask Short Answer and Numeric Response Lessons Learned o Response. Ware enabled me to ask Short Answer and Numeric Response questions o Prompted me to learn more about Turning. Point (different question formats, e. g. Multiple Response, True/False and Team Competitions) and how it could support and enhance my teaching o

Peer. Wise (piloting studentgenerated questions for PI) o Platform through which students can create Peer. Wise (piloting studentgenerated questions for PI) o Platform through which students can create databases of multiple choice questions o These can be answered, commented upon and rated by other students within their student group https: //peerwise. cs. auckland. ac. nz/

Peer. Wise (piloting studentgenerated questions for PI) o Generated 230 questions o 995 answers Peer. Wise (piloting studentgenerated questions for PI) o Generated 230 questions o 995 answers o 196 comments https: //peerwise. cs. auckland. ac. nz/

Feedback (what aspects best helped with your learning) o “EBL style worked well with Feedback (what aspects best helped with your learning) o “EBL style worked well with me” o “Loved the EBL sessions” o “The enquiry based learning workshop sessions proved to be very helpful in developing problem solving skills in students. I encourage the use of this method in other courses” o “The use of the EBL encouraged me to take learning into my own hands and find my own answers”

Feedback (what aspects best helped with your learning) o “Having video's and then going Feedback (what aspects best helped with your learning) o “Having video's and then going through questions during lectures - very good because you feel like you understand everything well since questions get covered during lectures” o “Flipped lecture style was useful as we only focused of weaknesses in the topics. Going through exam questions was good. Best part of the course!!”

Feedback (what aspects best helped with your learning) o “The pre-lecture videos really helped Feedback (what aspects best helped with your learning) o “The pre-lecture videos really helped the lectures reinforce the concepts” o “Addressed specific concerns rather than just going through everything o “Interactive aspect made it easier to concentrate during lectures” o Amazing all around”

Acknowledgements o Tim Lucas o Tina Overton (Monash, Melbourne) o Mike Mc. Linden o Acknowledgements o Tim Lucas o Tina Overton (Monash, Melbourne) o Mike Mc. Linden o Norman Reid (Glasgow, Emeritus) o Derek Raine (Leicester) o Jon Green o Simon Lancaster (UEA) o David Read (Southampton) o Students at the University of Birmingham o University of Birmingham for funding

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