Скачать презентацию Transforming Lowest Achieving Districts and Schools Dr Nancy Скачать презентацию Transforming Lowest Achieving Districts and Schools Dr Nancy


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Transforming Lowest Achieving Districts and Schools Dr. Nancy Barbour, Director District and School Transformation Transforming Lowest Achieving Districts and Schools Dr. Nancy Barbour, Director District and School Transformation House Select Committee on Achievement School District January 27, 2016

How We Know It Works 100% of the traditional high schools served by District How We Know It Works 100% of the traditional high schools served by District and School Transformation (DST) have increased their graduation rates See Accountability Chart District and School Transformation 1/27/2016 2

How We Know It Works After 4 years of services from District and School How We Know It Works After 4 years of services from District and School Transformation, 83% of the 118 schools ranked in the bottom 5% of conventional schools (200910) have improved their overall performance and no longer fall in the bottom 5%. See Accountability Chart District and School Transformation 1/27/2016 3

How We Know It Works Of the 118 schools served, 70% Met or Exceeded How We Know It Works Of the 118 schools served, 70% Met or Exceeded Growth. See Accountability Chart District and School Transformation 1/27/2016 4

How it Impacts Students Averaging across all DST served schools, proficiency in mathematics and How it Impacts Students Averaging across all DST served schools, proficiency in mathematics and science improved more than in comparison schools. Outcomes and Impacts of North Carolina’s Initiative to Turn Around the Lowest-Achieving Schools Gary T. Henry and J. Edward Guthrie, Vanderbilt University La. Tricia W. Townsend The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation, North Carolina State University http: //cerenc. org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/0 -FINAL-Final-DST-Report-9 -3 -15. pdf District and School Transformation 1/27/2016 5

How it Impacts Students English Language Arts (ELA) gains were positive and significant in How it Impacts Students English Language Arts (ELA) gains were positive and significant in elementary schools and middle schools where reading was directly assessed annually Outcomes and Impacts of North Carolina’s Initiative to Turn Around the Lowest-Achieving Schools Gary T. Henry and J. Edward Guthrie, Vanderbilt University La. Tricia W. Townsend The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation, North Carolina State University http: //cerenc. org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/0 -FINAL-Final-DST-Report-9 -3 -15. pdf District and School Transformation 1/27/2016 6

How it Impacts Students Proficiency gains in elementary science and middle school mathematics were How it Impacts Students Proficiency gains in elementary science and middle school mathematics were larger in DST served schools than in the comparison schools. Outcomes and Impacts of North Carolina’s Initiative to Turn Around the Lowest-Achieving Schools Gary T. Henry and J. Edward Guthrie, Vanderbilt University La. Tricia W. Townsend The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation, North Carolina State University http: //cerenc. org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/0 -FINAL-Final-DST-Report-9 -3 -15. pdf District and School Transformation 1/27/2016 7

Knowing and understanding the data is paramount The CNA targets areas for accelerated improvement Knowing and understanding the data is paramount The CNA targets areas for accelerated improvement planning* What we Know District and School Coaches Providing Customized Support* Leadership matters Improvement takes Time and Change* Community involvement is critical District and School Transformation 1/27/2016 8

2014 -15 Low Performing Information 34 Charter Schools 547 Traditional Public Schools 15 Administrative 2014 -15 Low Performing Information 34 Charter Schools 547 Traditional Public Schools 15 Administrative Units Low Performing District and School Transformation 1/27/2016 9

North Carolina Transformation (NCT) NCT Model Data Customized coaching and professional development help support North Carolina Transformation (NCT) NCT Model Data Customized coaching and professional development help support best practices and builds capacity for sustainability s eed ing e N ack siv p en Un reh and mp nt Co sme ses Unpacking the CNA develops a process for school improvement planning As Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) report provides an objective view for improvement Cu Pr stom ofe iz ssi ed on Co al De achi ve ng lop an me d nt Improvement strategies are driven by data and continuous improvement Best Practices for School Improvement District and School Transformation 1/27/2016 10

Continue the Goal Improve Student Achievement in the Lowest Schools and Districts Proportional Service* Continue the Goal Improve Student Achievement in the Lowest Schools and Districts Proportional Service* 79 Schools in 25 Districts, DTC for every low performing district, school leadership and classroom coaching in all schools 40 Elementary Schools 27 Middle Schools 12 High Schools *Removes Big 10 Districts, Charters, and Alternatives who would be served through the Service Support Team and DPI initiatives District and School Transformation 1/27/2016 11

Questions District and School Transformation 1/27/2016 12 Questions District and School Transformation 1/27/2016 12