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Training in ESD through an inter-regional perspective – The Baltic Sea & Mediterranean regions Training in ESD through an inter-regional perspective – The Baltic Sea & Mediterranean regions BUP, Uppsala University, 6 -11 October, 2008 Christine Jakobsson Director The Baltic University Programme 1 Uppsala University

CSD Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development Uppsala Baltic University Programme www. csduppsala. uu. se CSD Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development Uppsala Baltic University Programme www. csduppsala. uu. se www. balticuniv. uu. se

Conference for the Official Launching of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development Conference for the Official Launching of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 26 -27 November 2005, Athens Greece Organised with support of Greek Ministry for Education and Ministry of Environment & Territory, UNEP/MAP & MIO-ECSDE & under the auspices of UNESCO, UNECE & the Hellenic Parliament. Main objectives: To explore the expectations & prospective of DESD in the Mediterranean. To identify the stakeholders from Governments, NGOs, private sector, etc. & their role in the implementation of the Decade. To present current Initiatives, Partnerships & Networks on ESD in the region, to exchange experiences, knowledge & explore the possibilities of creating synergies & foster them. To present the newly adopted UNECE Strategy on ESD & link it with the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD). To raise & assure the political commitment to create the necessary institutional & operational framework in the countries to support ESD including mobilisation of financial resources.

Conference for the Official Launching of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development Conference for the Official Launching of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 26 -27 November 2005, Athens Greece • BUP was invited to the conference for the launching of the UN DESD & gave a presentation on BUP & ESD • Decided at the meeting to initiate a similar university network within the Mediterranean region (strongly supported both by UNESCO ROSTE & MEd. IES). Mentioned in the Conference Resolution. • Christine Jakobsson (Vice Director BUP) was invited to be a member of the MEd. IES core group to transfer experience from the BSR on ESD to the Mediterranean region.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2008 Venue: Skåne 16. 30 -17. 00 Welcome & presentation of MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2008 Venue: Skåne 16. 30 -17. 00 Welcome & presentation of the programme topics & activities Christine Jakobsson, BUP, Uppsala University 17. 00 - 18. 00 Presentation of the BUP and MEd. IES with an emphasis on their activities & methodologies of ESD applied Christine Jakobsson, U. U. & MIO-ECSDE/MEd. IES representative 18. 00 Dinner & Mingle at BUP 21. 30 Bus departure from Villavägen 16 to Linné & Uppsala hotels 5

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2008 Venue: Småland 08. 30 Bus departure from Linné and Uppsala TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2008 Venue: Småland 08. 30 Bus departure from Linné and Uppsala hotels to Villavägen 16 09. 00 – 10. 00 PRESENTATIONS: The current major Initiatives on ESD: the UN Decade on ESD and the UNECE Strategy on ESD: how we came along (evolution); what "new" perspectives do they offer; how can educators take advantage of these frameworks. Carl Lindberg, UNESCO, Paula Lindroos, Åbo Akademi University, Baltic 21 E, MIOECSDE/MEd. IES representative 10. 00 – 10. 15 Coffee break at BUP 10. 15 – 11. 00 The main topics of ESD in the framework of the Decade and the UNECE Strategy (peace/human rights, gender, health, natural resources/biodiversity, poverty, corporate responsibility, active citizenship) - Brainstorming Debate. Carl Lindberg, UNESCO 11. 00 – 11. 45 The methodologies that ESD "demands" to be realized; Factors influencing the choice and implementation of the methods and learning tools. David Kronlid, Uppsala University 11. 45 – 12. 45 Lunch at EVC Cafeteria, Villavägen 8 6

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2008 Venue: Småland 12. 45 – 14. 45 WORKSHOP: The role TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2008 Venue: Småland 12. 45 – 14. 45 WORKSHOP: The role of educators in ESD Linda Strandenhed, CEMUS 14. 45 – 15. 10 Coffee break at BUP 15. 10 Bus departure from Villavägen to Lundellska school 15. 30 – 17. 30 FIELD VISIT to an Educational Institution implementing ESD Programme as a Good Practice Lundellska school in Uppsala. Pernilla Andersson 17. 30 Bus departure from Lundellska school to hotels 19. 00 Dinner at Amazing Thai restaurant, Salagatan 20 7

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2008 08. 30 Bus departure from Linné and Uppsala hotels to WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2008 08. 30 Bus departure from Linné and Uppsala hotels to Villavägen 16 9. 00 – 10. 00 VISIT to: ESD Courses/ Projects/ Practices of Uppsala University - The role of universities in teacher training CEMUS Centre for Environment and Development Studies, Villavägen 16 including Coffee break 10. 00 Bus departure from Villavägen 16 to Seminariegatan 1 10. 15 – 11. 15 UKM Department of Studies in Education, Culture and Media, Seminariegatan 1, Room 1207 Director of Studies Anders Jansson 11. 15 – 12. 30 PRESENTATION: ESD at international level: Evolution from EE to ESD Prof. Michael Scoullos, MIO-ECSDE/ MEd. IES 12. 30 – 13. 30 Lunch at Cafeteria Nyfiket, Seminariegatan 1 8

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2008 13. 30 – 14. 15 WORKSHOP: The methodologies that ESD WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2008 13. 30 – 14. 15 WORKSHOP: The methodologies that ESD "demands" to be realized; Factors influencing the choice and implementation of the methods and learning tools. Edu. Change: an educational package for teachers on ESD. Gitte Jutvik, WWF 14. 15 – 15. 00 PRESENTATION: ESD at Gotland University and SWEDESD - What are the possibilities, competencies and responsibilities of teachers in this framework. Frans Lenglet, SWEDESD 15. 00 – 15. 15 Coffee break at Cafeteria Nyfiket, Seminariegatan 1 15. 15 - 17. 30 WORKSHOP UNECE Indicators for ESD successful implementation. Prof. Michael Scoullos, MIO-ECSDE/ MEd. IES 17. 30 Bus departure from Seminariegatan 1 to Villavägen 16 18. 00 Dinner & film “An Inconvenient Truth” Venue: BUP, Villavägen 16, room Småland for the film 21. 30 Bus departure from Villavägen 16 to Linné and Uppsala hotels 9

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2008 Venue: Room 60022 English Park 08. 30 Bus departure from THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2008 Venue: Room 60022 English Park 08. 30 Bus departure from Linné and Uppsala hotels to Villavägen 16 09. 00 – 09. 45 PRESENTATIONS ESD in topics such as technology, planning and agriculture Christine Jakobsson & Lars Rydén, BUP, Uppsala University 09. 45 -10. 15 Coffee break at BUP 10. 15 - 11. 15 Best practices 11. 15 -12. 00 ESD in Latvia Eva Friman, CEMUS and participants Janis Zaloksnis, Ministry of Environment, Latvia Internet course on Sustainable Development, COS Sinikka Suomalainen, Åbo Akademi University, Finland 12. 00 – 13. 00 Lunch at EVC Cafeteria, Villavägen 8 10

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2008 Venue: Room 60022 English Park 13. 00 -14. 00 PRESENTATIONS: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2008 Venue: Room 60022 English Park 13. 00 -14. 00 PRESENTATIONS: How unsustainable or sustainable are we as individuals; what changes are needed. Life styles Malin Östman, CEMUS, Ingrid Karlsson, Lars Rydén, BUP, Uppsala University 14. 00 -15. 00 The opening of school and educators to society; the need for multi-stakeholder cooperation at local level; what have we learnt from such cooperation schemes; what needs to be changed. Demonstration and trial of SD games Lars Rydén, BUP, Uppsala University 15. 00 – 17. 00 City tour of Uppsala and visit to Uppsala University Museum Gustavianum University guide Mikael Norrby 19. 00 Dinner at Hotel Linné restaurant, Skolgatan 15 11

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2008 Venue: Lindahlssalen, EVC 08. 30 Bus departure from Linné and FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2008 Venue: Lindahlssalen, EVC 08. 30 Bus departure from Linné and Uppsala hotels to Villavägen 16 09. 00 – 10. 00 PRESENTATION Tools, methods and other “animals” – understanding sustainability in practice. Alan At. Kisson 10. 00 – 10. 30 Coffee Break at BUP 10. 30 – 12. 00 WORKSHOP: Methodologies of ESD; Research & evaluation topics - WAYS OF COOPERATION between ESD trainers in different countries: the cases of Mediterranean and Baltic Sea Regions. Alan At. Kisson, Christine Jakobsson, Michael Scoullos 12. 00 – 13. 00 Lunch at BUP 13. 00 – 15. 00 WORKSHOP: ESD IN PRACTICE: Case studies: good & bad examples, perspectives & obstacles. Malin Östman, CEMUS 15. 00 -15. 30 Coffee break at BUP 15. 30 – 16. 30 Discussion session & brainstorming for follow up activities - Evaluation of the Programme (Questionnaire)(Norrland I) 16. 30 Bus departure from Villavägen 16 to Linné and Uppsala hotels 12

The Baltic University Programme • a network of 220 universities & institutes of higher The Baltic University Programme • a network of 220 universities & institutes of higher learning; • 14 countries in the Baltic Sea Basin • 14 regional centres • 1. 500 teachers/researchers contributed • 9. 500 students yearly • coordinated by a Secretariat at Uppsala University, Sweden; • focuses on sustainable development, environmental protection & democracy; democracy 13

The evolution after WSSD (2002): Sustainable Development as a pyramid Environment Economy Society Education The evolution after WSSD (2002): Sustainable Development as a pyramid Environment Economy Society Education Scoullos 2005

Education for Sustainable Development Economy Society Environment Technology Governance Scoullos 2005 Culture Education for Sustainable Development Economy Society Environment Technology Governance Scoullos 2005 Culture

The Baltic University Programme Activity areas education research information outreach activities & applied projects The Baltic University Programme Activity areas education research information outreach activities & applied projects 16

The Baltic University Programme Courses 1. Basic, undergraduate courses 2. Specialisation, master courses 3. The Baltic University Programme Courses 1. Basic, undergraduate courses 2. Specialisation, master courses 3. Competence development for professionals - interdisciplinary - problem oriented - based on research - interactive - English language - international diploma

The Baltic University Programme Undergraduate courses Environmental Science courses 1. The Baltic Sea Environment The Baltic University Programme Undergraduate courses Environmental Science courses 1. The Baltic Sea Environment 2. Environmental Science 3. English for Environmental Science The Baltic Sea Region (area studies) courses 1. The Baltic Sea Region – Cultures, Politics, Societies 2. Peoples of the Baltic 3. Regional Development and the Baltic Sea Region Sustainable Development course 1. A Sustainable Baltic Region

The Baltic University Programme Master courses Water Management courses 1. Sustainable Water Management in The Baltic University Programme Master courses Water Management courses 1. Sustainable Water Management in Baltic Sea Region 2. The Baltic Waterscape 3. The Use and Management of Water 4. River Basin Management Environmental Management courses 1. Policy Instruments for Environmental Management 2. Cleaner Production & Technologies 3. Product Design & Life Cycle Techniques 4. Environmental Management Systems & Certification Sustainable community development courses 1. The city 2. Building sustainable communities 3. Sustainable Urban Management

The Baltic University Programme Creating a rich learning environment - University based lectures, seminars The Baltic University Programme Creating a rich learning environment - University based lectures, seminars - Textbooks - TV programs - International seminars using ICT - Audio conferences - Computer conferences - Video conferences -Internet resources - cases, databases etc - The network

The Baltic University Programme Borki Student Conferences and Student Parliament The Baltic University Programme Borki Student Conferences and Student Parliament

The Baltic University Programme Student Summer Sailing and Courses The Baltic University Programme Student Summer Sailing and Courses

The Baltic University Programme The Baltic University Press Production - 32 booklets and 12 The Baltic University Programme The Baltic University Press Production - 32 booklets and 12 books - 3 books in production - 43 TV programs, 65 hours - 60 satellite-TV receivers in CEE

The Baltic University Urban Forum, BUUF Cooperation to promote sustainable development between cities/towns & The Baltic University Urban Forum, BUUF Cooperation to promote sustainable development between cities/towns & universities in the BSR Background - SUPERBS project Aim - to develop strategies for sustainable development for cities & towns Partners: Organising partners: BUP, KTH, UBC 20 cities & towns in 9 countries, 15 universities & 3 NGO’s The Union of Baltic Cities disseminates the results > 100 cities. 24

The Baltic University Urban Forum Results - Urban flows strategies Reducing Using less energy The Baltic University Urban Forum Results - Urban flows strategies Reducing Using less energy Using less water Replacing Using renewables, fossil free municipalities Using less toxic, e. g. outphasing Hg Rescaling – downscaling and upscaling Upscaling heating – district heating Downscaling heating – heat pumps, individual boilers Upscaling water flows – sewage, WWTP Recycling waste flows (product reuse, material recycle, incinerate) Recycle nutrient flows (compost, production of biogas, nutrients to fields) 25

Integrated Solutions for Sustainability Management in Baltic Cities Sustainment Lack of cross sectoral policy Integrated Solutions for Sustainability Management in Baltic Cities Sustainment Lack of cross sectoral policy integration is one of the most urgent challenges of urban sustainability in the EU & the BSR. The main objective: to strengthen the objective ability of local authorities to develop their working methods, skills & people to significantly contribute to SD - integrated approaches: approaches n developing offices responsible for sustainable development towards Sustainability Management Centres (SMC) n SMCs gather & strengthen the knowledge & expertise of all dimensions of SD (economic, social & environmental) within the same centre. 26

Environmental Management courses Master level courses Course contents: l Management tools, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Management courses Master level courses Course contents: l Management tools, Environmental Impact Assessment, certification (ISO 14001 and EMAS) & green labelling. l Economic & legal policy instruments, l Industry related tools e. g. cleaner production, waste minimisation, eco design, Life Cycle Assessment 1. Policy Instruments EM 1 2. Cleaner Production EM 2 3. Product Design & Life Cycle Techniques EM 3 4. Environmental Management Systems & Certification EM 4 27

BTox project The Swedish Chemicals Inspectorate & the Baltic University Aims • Knowledge transfer BTox project The Swedish Chemicals Inspectorate & the Baltic University Aims • Knowledge transfer for implementation & management of EC legislation of chemical risks for Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania • Support the development of systematic education in human & eco-toxicology at universities in Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania 28

Education for Sustainable Development • Cooperation with the Ministries of Education in the BSR Education for Sustainable Development • Cooperation with the Ministries of Education in the BSR • Baltic 21 Education Sector • Portal for ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) • 5 teachers conferences (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008) on ESD organised together with Åbo Academy 29

BUP Teachers Trainings on ESD - Themes • 2008 - Intercultural communication • 2007 BUP Teachers Trainings on ESD - Themes • 2008 - Intercultural communication • 2007 - Tools for sustainability – the Accelerator; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) • 2006 - University Education for Sustainable Development • 2005 -University Education for Sustainable Development • 2004 - University Education for Sustainable Development 30

Ecosystem Health & Sustainable Agriculture Project Reaching a Landmark – Ten years of subregional Ecosystem Health & Sustainable Agriculture Project Reaching a Landmark – Ten years of subregional cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region Riga, June 3 rd, 2008 Christine Jakobsson The Baltic University Programme Uppsala University

Baltic 21 - An Agenda 21 for the Baltic Sea Region The Baltic 21 Baltic 21 - An Agenda 21 for the Baltic Sea Region The Baltic 21 Agriculture Sector priority actions: · Education and training · Create demonstration watersheds with demonstration farms in a network in the different countries (part of joint action 3) · Develop a ”Virtual Research Institute” for sustainable ”Virtual Research Institute” agriculture based on the already existing NOVABOVA in the Baltic Sea Region. · Elaborate and implement agro environmental legislation and policies www. baltic 21. org

Ecosystem Health & Sustainable Agriculture New Course Package !! • New course package on Ecosystem Health & Sustainable Agriculture New Course Package !! • New course package on SD & agriculture & • • ecosystem health for university level Developed in cooperation with BUP & the Envirovet Baltic network Countries: Belarus, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Kaliningrad & St. Petersburg in Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Ukraine & the USA Part of HELCOM and GEF’s Baltic Sea Regional Project in NW Russia (Sida financed) Baltic 21 Lighthouse project

Baltic Sea Similar Characteristics to US Great Lakes Limited water turnover Cold water, ice Baltic Sea Similar Characteristics to US Great Lakes Limited water turnover Cold water, ice cover High human densities in portions of drainage Heavy industry and agriculture History of poorly treated waste, waste dumping Multiple jurisdictions

Ecosystem Health & Sustainable Agriculture New Course Package !! • 4 seminars in St. Ecosystem Health & Sustainable Agriculture New Course Package !! • 4 seminars in St. Petersburg in 2007 -2008 (3 held) • 4 seminars in Kaliningrad in 2008 (2 held) • 1 seminar in Estonia, 1 in Latvia, 1 in Lithuania & 1 • • • in Poland (3 held, only Poland left for autumn 2008) UN Partnership for Sustainable Development UN CSD 16 Meeting, 6 -7 May 2008, New York, USA Baltic 21, 10 year Anniversary, Riga Summit, 3 June Editors Meeting, Vilnius, 24 June Authors Meeting, Vilnius, 25 -26 June

Unique cooperation • • • • Agronomists, Veterinaries, Animal scientists, Nature geographers, Biologists, Wildlife Unique cooperation • • • • Agronomists, Veterinaries, Animal scientists, Nature geographers, Biologists, Wildlife biologists, Chemists Economists Rural development specialists Public health professionals etc. Gender specialist and social experts New concept on sustainable agriculture & its part in the rural ecosystem; Substantial knowledge on land use & rural development, ecosystem health & the interactions between wild & domesticated organisms, poverty alleviation, legislation, control measures, stewardship for the future.

Ecosystem Health & Sustainable Agriculture Modules Rural development and land use Sustainable agriculture Ecology Ecosystem Health & Sustainable Agriculture Modules Rural development and land use Sustainable agriculture Ecology and animal health 3 books for university teaching 37

The future concerns of both regions! • • Climate change & thereby altered conditions The future concerns of both regions! • • Climate change & thereby altered conditions Overfishing regulation different between countries Increased use of chemicals & pharmaceuticals Sewage treatment works, or even worse no sewage treatment Increased shipping Alien species & changed food webs Reduction in biodiversity Transmission of diseases between regions, countries, wild & domestic animals

EHSA & the future • Substantial holistic knowledge on ecosystem • • health & EHSA & the future • Substantial holistic knowledge on ecosystem • • health & sustainable agriculture based on research & experience. Written by well-known experts within the BSR & the Great Lakes region. Suitable for continuing education for advisors University education to provide a solid background Large multiplying effect after the project ends as the educational package will be offered to all universities within the BSR & GLR Good platform for future research

Edu. Change – a new BUP course for teacher training on ESD Edu. Change – a new BUP course for teacher training on ESD

Sustainable Africa University Network, SAUNET BUP IUCEA • University twinning between BSR and LVR Sustainable Africa University Network, SAUNET BUP IUCEA • University twinning between BSR and LVR • BUP as a model for ESD & University cooperation in the LVR. • BUP 200 Universities in 10 countries. • IUCEA 55 Universities in 3 Countries. • A pilot project involving 10 universities at the start

SAUNET - Proposed Activities? • • Building university networks between LVR and BSR. Linking SAUNET - Proposed Activities? • • Building university networks between LVR and BSR. Linking Research to Education: VICres/BUP Capacity Building: preparation and delivery of courses, staff training on ESD. Foster outreach activities: directed towards society and target groups like schools, community organizations etc.

& BUP offers education on SD issues, both basic & specialised & intends to & BUP offers education on SD issues, both basic & specialised & intends to continue during the ESD decade. approaching 10 000 students per year. encourage universities to cooperate with communities they are part of important sustainability strategy. competence development for professionals in municipalities, businesses etc. 43

Thank you for your attention and interest! www. balticuniv. uu. se 44 Thank you for your attention and interest! www. balticuniv. uu. se 44

The Baltic University Programme Environmental Science courses Undergraduate level courses Course contents: • Comprehensive The Baltic University Programme Environmental Science courses Undergraduate level courses Course contents: • Comprehensive knowledge on the Baltic Sea region environment & management & protection; • Sciences (biology, geology, chemistry, engineering etc. ), social sciences (economics, law, political sciences, international relations, etc. ) & management; Environmental Science ES (15 ECTS): 1. The Baltic Sea Environment ES 1 (7. 5 ECTS); 2. Basic Environmental Science ES 2 (7. 5 ECTS). & English for Environmental Science EES 45

The Baltic University Programme The Baltic Sea Region courses Undergraduate level courses Course contents: The Baltic University Programme The Baltic Sea Region courses Undergraduate level courses Course contents: • History, culture, languages, democracy, multiculturality, social conditions, economics & security. • Conditions in the region after the systems change 198991. • Regional development with emphasis on democracy, human rights & economics. The Baltic Sea Region – Cultures, Politics, Societies BR (15 ECTS): 1. Peoples of the Baltic BR 1 (7. 5 ECTS) 2. Regional Development and the Baltic Sea Region BR 2 (7. 5 ECTS). 46

The Baltic University Programme Sustainable Development course – A Sustainable Baltic Region Undergraduate course The Baltic University Programme Sustainable Development course – A Sustainable Baltic Region Undergraduate course (7. 5 ECTS ) Course contents: • Sustainable development in the BSR. Since 1997; • Sustainable use & management of natural resources & the long term protection of the environment; • The sustainable organisation of human societies from households to municipalities, cities & countries; • Thematic course with systematic approach, e. g. ; – – energy & energy use; material flows; economy & ethics; industry , agronomy , transport & community development. 47

The Baltic University Programme Water Management courses Master level courses Sustainable water management in The Baltic University Programme Water Management courses Master level courses Sustainable water management in the Baltic Sea Region. Sustainable Water Management SW (15 ECTS): 1. The Baltic waterscape SW 1 (4. 5 ECTS) – hydrology, water quantity & quality 2. The Use and Management of Water SW 2 (4. 5 ECTS) – water management in agriculture, cities & industry 3. River Basin Management SW 3 (6 ECTS) – water & cities, transport, fishing, tourism & environmental protection, institutions & law, management plans, water conflicts, international co operation. 48

The Baltic University Programme Community Development Courses Master level courses • Sustainable community development The Baltic University Programme Community Development Courses Master level courses • Sustainable community development & urban planning in the BSR • Covers environmental science, social sciences, architectural & cultural aspects of community development Sustainable Community Development (15 ECTS): 1. The city (4. 5 ECTS) – urbanisation, administration & sustainable development; 2. Building Sustainable Communities (4. 5 ECTS) – architecture, urban planning, rebuilding, ideal cities; 3. Sustainable Urban Management (6 ECTS) – sustainability indicators, energy, water & waste; social, cultural & economic development in our cities. 49

The Baltic University Programme Environmental Management courses Master level courses Course contents: • Management The Baltic University Programme Environmental Management courses Master level courses Course contents: • Management tools, Environmental Impact Assessment, certification (ISO 14001 and EMAS) & green labelling. • Economic & legal policy instruments, • Industry related tools e. g. cleaner production, waste minimisation, eco design, Life Cycle Assessment 1. Policy Instruments for Environmental Management EM 1 (7. 5 ECTS) 2. Cleaner Production & Technologies EM 2 (7. 5 ECTS) 3. Product Design & Life Cycle Techniques EM 3 (7. 5 ECTS) 4. Environmental Management Systems & Certification EM 4 (7. 5 ECTS) 50