- Количество слайдов: 13
Training course: 7 th – 11 th November, 2011 Outreach and Communication Tools Claudia Delgado, Training Coordinator IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium
Outreach and Communication Tools Timetable
Outreach and Communication Tools Lecturers • Linda Pikula • Pauline Simpson • Roger Longhorn • Aditya Kakodkar (Project Office staff) • Mark Van Combrugge (Project Office staff) Invited Lecturer • Dr Pamela Fletcher
Practical Information • Ferry boat: every 15 to 20 min – 07: 45 to 13: 00 and 13: 30 to 18: 15 – In case of bad weather: taxi • Fully sponsored students: hotel is paid for but no extras (telephone bills, mini-bar, pay-tv, etc). Ask for personal bill at check-out. • Payment of per diem: – – Reimbursements follow the UNESCO guidelines – • Only with boarding passes and for those who have had extra costs for local tickets we need the original invoice. Monday morning [coffee-break] Early return flights (before 10 am, saturday) – – • Hotel in Brussels (near airport or near railway station): use the hotel’s shuttle service to and from the airport Check out, including luggage, from Hotel Bero on Friday morning [before coming to the PO] Practical matters: – NO SMOKING – Water (waterfountains upstairs and downstairs); – Use the trash bins for trash [don’t leave trash randomly}; No glass in the trash bins; – Lunch and cofffee breaks downstairs: no glasses, etc can be taken up; – Respect meals schedules – toilets (upstairs and downstairs); – If you need something, please ask.
Practical Information • Computers: – administrator rights: installations are only allowed when requested by a lecturer; – All pc’s are protected and up to date: do not download any anti virus or other software; – Whoever does install non authorised software and by doing so damages his/her computer, will have no computer; – In case there is need, course materials that are not available online on Ocean. Teacher Academy website will be made available at the end of the training course; – Printing possible using the printer(s) in the training room; – In case of any problem ask one of our IT staff; – Do not change any computer settings; – Do not keep and/or leave any personal files on the computers;
Ocean. Teacher website www. oceanteacher. org
How to Access Ocean. Teacher Courses?
Ocean. Teacher Courses
Ocean. Teacher Components (binary structure) • Ocean. Teacher Classroom – – based upon Moodle software – contains a collection of outlines, notes and links to miscellaneous documents in the Digital Library. – • Courses on oceanographic data and information management. registration enables assistance by lecturers as well as communication with other students before, during and after the course. Ocean. Teacher Digital Library – data and information management materials, including software (open source) , quality control and analysis strategies, and reference documents. – The wiki-style Digital Library is build upon the Media. Wiki software.
Ocean Teacher: ‘binary’ model Classroom: Moodle Digital Library: Mediawiki Video contents: www. vimeo. com/iode
Ocean. Teacher website • Ocean. Teacher content is freely and openly available, during and after the course • Registration is not mandatory * • Ocean. Teacher contents are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Registration and enrolling on Ocean. Teacher website • Go to the course webpage and • Create a New Account for yourself (Registration) [follow the instructions carefully] [If you have any difficulties with creating the account, for example the password change step, then please contact the system administrator for help: Mr. Adi Kakodkar at a. naikkakodkar@unesco. org] • Find the ENROLL button on the right hand menu of the course navigation, and enroll in the course. • Once enrolled, full access to other Moodle features [eg forum, etc]
IODE www. iode. org http: //www. facebook. com/IODE. Oostende