Traditions of Easter
Easter is a spring holiday, this time when there are first flowers. It is accepted to decorate with flowers churches and houses, a festive table, rooms in the house.
The main flower of a holiday is the snowwhite lily. Easter white lily is a symbol of purity, hope and motherhood, a symbol of return of Jesus to life.
For Easter it is accepted to play weddings. Churches are beautifully decorated by white lilies and tulips. The bride can decorate a hairdress with fresh spring flowers.
In old times, a holiday of Easter it was accompanied by games and fun.
There is also a tradition to decorate churches and houses in Easter days with candles. To make ornaments for Easter candles – a popular entertainment of English families.
Easter is one of the most important holidays in a year in this country. In day of Easter at sunrise in churches there are religious services.
Questions • 1)When is the Easter celebrated ? • 2)How do people decorate churches and houses ? • 3)Which flower is symbol of purity, hope and motherhood ? • 4)Which entertainment is more popular in the English families on Easter ? • 5)What is performed in churches in day of Easter? • 6)Do you celebrate Easter ?
Translate to English: (Present simple) 1. Праздник Пасхи отмечается весной. 2. Тебе нравится праздновать Пасху? 3. В Америке дети играют в поиск пасхальных яиц. 4. Пасха – один из крупнейших религиозных праздников. 5. Жители некоторых стран не отмечают пасху.