Traditional medicine is related to the healing practices taught in medical schools, applied in hospitals, and used by doctors. Traditional medicine concentrates on the symptom or condition. It relies heavily on prescription drugs, scientific studies, laboratory tests, surgeries, pharmacology, and high-tech devices. The core of traditional medicine is based on scientific research and development, on clinical trials, and on chemistry and biology.
*Traditional medicine refers to health practices, approaches, knowledge and beliefs incorporating plant, animal and mineral based medicines, spiritual therapies, manual techniques and exercises, applied singularly or in combination to treat, diagnose and prevent illnesses or maintain well-being. *Countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America use traditional medicine (TM) to help meet some of their primary health care needs. In Africa, up to 80% of the population uses traditional medicine for primary health care.
Alternative medicine is related to any healing practices that are not taught in medical schools, not used in hospitals, and not frequently used by physicians. Alternative medicine is usually distinguished by its holistic methods and based on long-standing successful practices. The practitioner treats the person as a whole and not just the symptom or condition.
Different Aspects of medicines ☛ Traditional approach ☛ The alternative approach is an ancient concept and focuses on the cause of varies according to person the ailment. It and place. It has evolved in concentrates on factors different regions of the world over a long period of causing the disease, its time. Traditional Chinese prevention, remedies, medicine, Ayurveda, yoga, and deals with the naturopathy, or abnormality as an homeopathy are some of independent entity. the practices that come under this category.
Examples of alternative medicine: hypnosis chiropractic acupuncture psychic healing herbal medicine Chinese medicine bioelectromagnetics homeopathic medicine ayurveda (medicine of India) massage therapy and therapeutic touch faith healing (prayer and exercise of faith in God) mind-body medicine (yoga, meditation, and music therapy)
* Finally today in developed countries, more than half of the population is suffering from chronic ailments. Development in modern medicine has not ensured a healthy lifestyle. The focus is not on finding a cure but on suppressing the symptoms. As a part of the hectic culture, we have resigned to the belief in instant results. We expect a quick relief for our suffering, without realizing the hazards of over medication. We must remind ourselves that a pill for every ailment is not a solution to our health problems. Each person has to care and to protect the health and follow how less to use antibiotics and drugs a little