- Количество слайдов: 18
TRADELINK AND DIGITAL TRADE AND TRANSPORTATION NETWORK 贸易通及数码贸易运输网络— 全球物流业发展业界模式 Justin Yue CEO, Tradelink Electronic Commerce Ltd 余国雄 贸易通电子贸易有限公司行政总裁 1
Agenda 项目 u Tradelink (B to G) Highlights 贸易通(商业对政府)主要业务介绍 u Digital Trade and Transportation Network (B to B) 数碼贸易运输网络 (商业对商业) – Community Model 业界模式 – Functions and Features of the DTTN 功能与特点 – Costs and Benefits 成本与效益 2
Tradelink Highlights 贸易通主要业务介绍 3
Tradelink Highlights 贸易通主要业务介绍 Using Recognized Digi-Sign Certification Service’s certificates, all documents digitally signed & encrypted for open network transmission. 所有文件已经过认可的电子核证服 务之数码证书进行签署及加密,可 于公开的网络上传输。 4
Tradelink’s Operating Mode 贸易通运作模式 Tradelink Transaction fee 贸易通交易收费 + Gov’t fee 政府收费 + 物流服务供货商 Importers 进口商 Exporters 出口商 Freight forwarders 运输商 Carriers 载货商 Manufacturers 制造商 Trading Community商界 Logistics Services Providers + e-submission of trade related documents 以电子方式递交贸易 文件 以电子方式递交贸易文件 e-confirmation 以电子方式确认 Government政府 以电子方式确认 Tradelink offering 贸易通提供 u Document Security Solution 安全方案 checking and validation 文件查核及确认 u Secure communication channel 安全可靠的传输途径 u 7 x 24 electronic interface 7 x 24 电子界面 u Document status tracking 文件状况追踪 u Hotline & onsite technical support and other customer services 热线、上门技术支持及其它客户服务 u “Paper-to-electronic” conversion service 纸张转换电 子形式服务 5
Details of Our Key Services 主要服务详情 Services服务 Import and Export Declarations (TDEC) 进出口报关 Details详情 u e-lodgment of import or export declaration with Customs 透过电子形式向海关申请进出口报关 Production Notifications(PN) 生产通知书 u e-lodgment of notification to the Trade & Industry Department about cut-and -sewn garments manufactured in HK 透过电子形式向 业贸易署呈报裁剪及车缝成衣的生产 序于香港进行 Certificates of Origin(CO) u e-application for CO to the Trade & Industry Department or other government approved organisations 产地来源证 Dutiable Commodities Permits(DCP)应课税许可证 透过电子形式向 业贸易署或政府认可签发的机构申请产地来源证 u 透过电子形式向海关申请进口、出口、制造业或储存等种类的应课税品许可证 u Electronic Cargo Manifests (EMAN) (excluding road mode) 电子货物舱单(陆路除外) e-application for DCP to Customs for import, export, manufacturing or storage of dutiable commodities e-submission of manifests for air, rail, water cargo to the Census Department and the Trade & Industry Department 透过电子形式向政府统计处及 业贸易署递交空运、铁路及海运货物舱单 u e-receipt of notice / voucher from Customs and e-communication with other government departments 以电子方式接收由海关发出的通知书与收据及其它政府部门的讯息。 Notifications under Textiles Trader Registration Scheme (TTRS) 纺织商登记方案通知书 u e-submission of notification to the Trade & Industry Department for textile trading under TTRS 以电子方式向 业贸易署递交纺织商登记方案下的纺织贸易通知书。 6
Other Value-added Services 其它增值服务 Services服务 Trader Documentation Services 贸易商文件服务 Electronic Shipping Orders 电子付货通知单 Details详情 web-based application solutions 网上申请方案 u facilitates secure electronic document exchange for international trade transactions 以安全的电子文件交换形式促进国际交易 u u platform that assists shippers and forwarders to prepare and submit shipping orders and obtain draft bills of landing 提供平台协助付货人及运输商办理及递交付货通知单、接收提单核实副本 e-solution for carriers and non-vessel operating common carriers 为载货商及专船承运商提供电子方案 u meets the requirements under the “ 24 -hour Rule” imposed by the US Customs and Border Protection 符合美国海关及边境保护局「二十四小时条例」的要求 u Automated Manifest Services 自动舱单服务 supports digital signatures 支援数码签署 u ensures secure electronic transactions 确保电子交易安全可靠 u Digital Certificate 数码证书 synchronised cross-border electronic information management system 同步的跨境电子信息管理系统 u common platform that allows traders and manufacturers to manage business information and handle all related commercial, transportation and statutory documents 提供一个统一平台,让贸易商及制造商能管理贸易资料及处理与商业、运输有关文件及法定文件 u Jingmao Link 经贸龙 7
Our Substantial Customer Base 我们庞大的客户基础 u Over 54, 000 registered users including manufacturers, importers, exporters, freight forwarders, logistics services providers, and carriers 注册客户超过五万四千间公司,当中包括制造商、进口商、出口 商、运输商 、物流供货商及载货商 u Steady transaction volume – over 19 million in 2005 稳固的交易量 – 2005年超过一千九百万宗 u Dedicated customer services: hotline, onsite technical support, 29 customer services centres, training support, and account managers for key clients 特设客户服务:客户服务热线、上门技术支持、29间服务中心、 培训支持及为客户而设的客户经理 8
Tradelink Highlights 贸易通主要业务介绍 Support for both web based service and client software based service 提供网络服务及客户软件服务支援 Customer Hotline and Training 客户热线与培训 – Three tiers with 100 + staff 拥有百多名员 ,共分三个 作等级 – Dual call centers 两个服务中心 – Sophisticated Customer Relation Management System 专业的客户关系管理系统 – Dedicated training centers 专用培训中心 9
Digi-Sign Principally only two recognised Digital Certificate issuers in Hong Kong 香港主要两间认可的数码证书签发机构 Now现在 u Support mainly Tradelink’s e-Business Services 主要支持贸易通的电子商贸服务 – – – 200, 000 + certificates issued 发出超过二十万张证书 Pan-Asian E-Commerce Alliance mutual recognition 泛亚电子商贸联盟的相互认可 Certificate Processing Services including 包括证书处理服务 F Mobile Validation Solution Immediate Future不久将来 u Enterprise security solution for applications such as 为企业应用提供安全方案,应用于 – – – Internet banking 网上银行 Internet stock broking 网上股票买卖 Authenticity certification for professional bodies 专业团体的证书核实 流动确认方案 F Time-stamping Service 时间印鉴服务 F Online Certificate Validation Service 网上即时查证服务 F Professional Consultation 专业咨询 Technology standards 技术规格 – – Accepted and Trusted by all popular browsers 获现行的浏览器接受及信任 Chained to GTE Cyber. Trust Root CA 使用GTE Cyber. Trust Root CA锁链 - 99. 3% browser ubiquity 超过99. 3%浏览器认受率 - 128 bit SSL encryption 128 bit SSL加密 10
B to B The Digital Trade and Transportation Network (DTTN) Community Model 数码贸易运输网络 商业对商业 业界模式 11
Genesis Digital Trade and Transportation Network (DTTN) 数码贸易运输网络(DTTN)的起源 Selected Tradelink 落实由贸易通开发 2020 Initial period of DTTN operating agreement 2003 DTTN首阶段营运协议 2006 Platform completed 2001 Government commenced study 平台完成 政府开始研究 12
Launch of DTTN 之推出 u Capital 资本 – Tradelink 贸易通: HK$76, 500, 000 港币七千六百五十万元 – HK SAR Government香港特别行政区政府: HK$31, 500, 000 港币三千一百五十万元 – Other Shareholders 其它股东: HK$42, 000 港币四千二百万元 13
DTTN Services – Core Infrastructure DTTN服务-核心基础架构 Reliable, secure transformation and delivery of legally recognized electronic documents 提供可靠,安全的档案转换及传送法律认可的电子商业文件 Any-to-any protocol & document transformation 多元化(Any-to-any)通讯协议及文件转换 Secure delivery – encryption & digital signatures 安全的传送-加密及数码签署 Documents stored online for 2 years, off-line for 7 years 文件在线储存 2年,非在线储存长达 7年 Data inheritance service allowing reuse of data and documents 数据继承体系容许重复使用数据和档案 Creating a network with world-wide reach 建立连接全球的网络 14
Functional Blueprint of DTTN的操作蓝图 u Rich array of capabilities for messaging, transactions, payments, security etc. 讯息、 交易、付款、安全性等丰富的功能列阵 Freight Forwarders 运输商 CV Sellers 卖家 Buyers 买家 Government & Agencies 政府及代理 Carriers 载货商 Banks & Financial Institutions 银行与金融机构 Inspection Agencies 检验代理 Insurance Institutions 保险机构 Terminals 货柜码头 DTTN Key Services Offering DTTN 主要提供的服务 Electronic message routing services Electronic message transformation services 电子讯息传送服务 电子讯息转换服务 Portal services Data inheritance services 入门网站服务 数据继承服务 Statistical and analytical reporting services Information security services 统计分析报告服务 信息保安服务 15
DTTN to Support the Whole Supply-Chain DTTN支援整体供应链 Purchase Process u 采购程序 Delivery 交货 u Purchase / Sales Order, Order Confirmation 采购 / 销售订单, 订单确认 Packing List/ ASN, Commercial Invoice, Inspection Certificate, Insurance 装箱单/载货预告通知, 商业发票, 检验证书, 保险 Local and Overseas Transportation 本地 及海外 的运输 u Booking, Shipping Order, Arrival Notices Transport Documents - Master / House Waybill- Sea/ Air, Cargo Receipt, Transport Set, EIR, Delivery/ Release Order 订仓单, 落货纸, 到货通知书, 运输单据-主/分提单-海运/空运, 货物收据, 码头收据, 设备交接单, 送货/放货单 Government Trade Documents 政府 贸易 文件 Financial Settlement 财务结算 u u Export / Import License, Customs Clearance, Certification of Origin etc. 进出口许可证, 清关, 产地来源证等 Letter of Credit, Company Guarantee, Bill of Exchange, L/C Collection Letter; Document Arrival Notice 信用证, 公司保证书, 汇票, 信用证收款书, 文件抵达通知书 16
DTTN Model for Worldwide Interconnections DTTN全球互连范例 HK SAR 香港特别行政区 Overseas e-Logistics Platform(s) / or Direct Buyers 海外电子物流 平台 / 直接买家 Overseas Customs 海外海关 Internation al Carriers / Forwarders 国际载货商 / 运输商 SO - shipping order CI - commercial invoice PL - packing list BL - bill of lading 3 c. import documents 进口文件 采购订单 1 b. draft import Customs documents (for import of raw materials 1 a. PO 采购订单 3 a. BL, CI, PL 3 b. draft import customs documents (if export via HK) 进口海关文件草稿 (如经香港出口) 4. Cargo Status, Shipment Advice 货物状况, 装运通知 1 a. PO (copy) 采购订单副本 2 a. SO, CI, PL 2 b. SO Confirmation SO确认 2 d. BL 4. Cargo Status, Shipment Advice 货物状况, 装运通知 1 c. import customs Documents 入口海关文件 1 a. PO 进口海关文件草稿 (入口原料专用) Hong Kong e-Logistics Hubs 香港电子物 流集中点 (DTTN) 2 a. SO, CI, PL 2 b. SO Confirmation SO确认 2 d. BL 3 a. BL, CI, PL 3 b. draft import customs documents (if export via HK) 进口海关文件草稿 (如经香港出口) 4. Cargo Status, Shipment Advice 货物状况, 装运通 知 National and regional e. Logistics Hubs in China (e. g. in Shanghai) 中国的国家 及地区电子 物流集中点 (如上海) Mainland Customs 国内海关 1 a. PO 采购订单 1 b. draft import customs documents 进口海关文件草稿 1 c. import customs Documents 入口海关文件 2 a. SO, CI, PL Suppliers in the Mainland 国内供货商 2 b. SO Confirmation SO确认 2 d. BL 3 a. BL, CI, PL 4. Cargo Status, Shipment Advice 货物状况, 装运通知 Buying offices in the Mainland 国内买家办 事处 17
The Digital Express Link to your Business Partners Worldwide 连接您与全球商业伙伴的数码直通快车 www. tradelink. com. hk www. hk-dttn. com 18