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Trade Union Youth and the situation of young people in Germany DGB-Bundesvorstand * Abteilung Jugend und Jugendpolitik 1
Trade Unions in Germany The trade unions in Germany are organized on two main principles: unions are not divided by political issues, religion, origins or social background the unions are organized in branches of trade one company = one trade union DGB-Bundesvorstand * Abteilung Jugend und Jugendpolitik 2
Structure: Branches & Umbrella The Confederation of German Trade Unions (DGB) is the umbrella -organisation of eight unions, which are organized according to their industry sectors Every trade union has its own youth organisation All branch youth organizations are members of the DGB youth Independent structures within DGB (own congress, committee, etc. ) DGB-Bundesvorstand * Bereich Jugend 3
DGB Youth represents adolescents and young adults. - Apprentices, workers, employees, pupils, students, military and civil service and the unemployed - The membership currently stands at about 485, 000 (young members of the DGB trade unions) The youth organization has some independence - on the other hand it is part of the organization Important: Young volunteers in companies („JAV“) are protected by Works Constitution Act DGB-Bundesvorstand * Bereich Jugend
Key Issues of DGB Youth Addressing young people before and during their entry into working life Lobbying for young people's interests: good education and good work Run-out to schools, working with pupils councils and teachers Support and advice of unemployed young people Youth Education International and European activities Work against racism / remembrance, understanding and reconciliation work DGB-Bundesvorstand * Abteilung Jugend und Jugendpolitik 5
Key Issues of DGB Youth Education in vocational-schools The structure of apprenticeship is changing – it is more and more difficult to reach the trainees within their factories Therefore DGB youth is going to vocational schools, where we reach almost 100 % of all trainees Often the first contact of trainees with trade unions Information about the work of trade unions & education on topics such as participation, collective agreements, rights of trainees etc. Successful strategy: Being present and active on the school-ground gained four times more memeberships for the branches of trade unions. DGB-Bundesvorstand * Abteilung Jugend und Jugendpolitik 6
Key Issues of DGB Youth Students at work Target group: Students as workers (2, 2 mio. students in Germany and 66% are working) Homepage: Information concerning questions on “study and job” and internships DGB Youth offers legal advice online and on -site as well as seminars, workshops, training Over 50 DGB Youth Offices on the campuses for legal advice and also political education Cooperation with student organisation like German Students Union Political topics: against tuition fees, BAföG, education policy, labour market policy DGB-Bundesvorstand, Abteilung Jugend und Jugendpolitik 7
Key Issues of DGB Youth Apprenticeship situation and quality of training Dr. Azubi online consulting services since 2005 10 -20 requests per day initial contact with trade union youth The DGB Report: „Quality of Apprenticeships“ Published annually since 2006 more than 12, 000 interviews DGB-Bundesvorstand * Abteilung Jugend und Jugendpolitik 8
Situation of young people in Germany – the background “Generation precarious”: Precarious Generation: Only 37 percent of young workers (up to 30 years old) are in a permanent employment relationship and receive an income of at least € 2000 gross per month. 41% of young workers regularly work more than 5 hours of overtime per week. 56% of young workers have the impression that more and more work has to be done in the same time within the last years. Sick to work: 70% of young employees went once or even more often to work despite illness - within the last twelve months. * * DGB-Index Gute Arbeit für junge Beschäftigte 2012. DGB-Bundesvorstand * Abteilung Jugend und Jugendpolitik 9
Tag der Ansage – Jugend macht Ansagen Political Campaign Adressing the politicians and parties with our demands and needs before the German elections Seminars, conferences and common events and action in this field Resolution of the DGB Youth, can be signed by politicians (205 MP’s have signed so far) DGB-Bundesvorstand * Abteilung Jugend und Jugendpolitik
Tag der Ansage – Jugend macht Ansagen Action day, 16. March, 2013 Common and coordinated action in six cities at the same time Demonstrations and fancy innovative streets actions Radio ballet, flash mobs, etc. DGB-Bundesvorstand * Abteilung Jugend und Jugendpolitik
Latest international activities of the DGB Youth Alter Summit, July, 2013 Organisation of Alter Summit in Berlin with ETUC and French Trade Unions More than 300 young people from out whole Europe were involved DGB-Bundesvorstand * Abteilung Jugend und Jugendpolitik
Key Issues of DGB Youth Generation Internship Campaign for fair Internship Lobbying and Publicity Activities so far: Homepage: information, online-consulting and online-portal company-rating Publications: booklets an folders Developed a guideline: “code for practice for a fair internship” Conferences with interns, politicians and in the parliamentary on this issue Political demands of the DGB for fair internships an fair career entry (election campaign) European Network on precarious young workers * Translation: 56 % of the interns consider internships as a modern way of exploitation DGB-Bundesvorstand * Abteilung Jugend und Jugendpolitik 15
Key Issues of DGB Youth International Youth Work Member of Youth Committee of European (ETUC) and International Trade Union Confederation (PERC/ ITUC) International Working group of DGB Youth International Youth Work/ Youth education with young Trade Unionists of other countries, e. g. : - “Balkan Project” supported by FES - Exchange with the Trade Unionists of Israel - Qualification Program “Europe Step by Step” - Cooperation with GLU - Egypt Working Group Cooperation with Social Movements Photos: above: Seminar with students of Global Labour University 2011; below: European Social Forum 2010 in Istanbul. DGB-Bundesvorstand * Abteilung Jugend und Jugendpolitik 16
მადლობას გიხდით ყურადღებისთვის Vielen Dank für eure Aufmerksamkeit… Thanks for your attention… Je vous remercie de votre attention… Gracias por su atención… Tack för er uppmärksamhet… Děkuji vám za pozornost… Tänan teid tähelepanu eest… Dziękuję za uwagę. . . Σας ευχαριστώ για την προσοχή σας… DGB-Bundesvorstand * Abteilung Jugend und Jugendpolitik 18