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Trade and investments in Japan Trade and investments in Japan

General info Nowadays Japan is one of the most developed and economically prosperous countries. General info Nowadays Japan is one of the most developed and economically prosperous countries. Despite its small territory, it has 3 rd largest GDP and is a member of G 7, which makes it an important economic actor at the world market.

Motor industry Japan is home to six of the top ten largest vehicle manufacturers Motor industry Japan is home to six of the top ten largest vehicle manufacturers in the world. In 1991 they accounted for 17. 8 percent of all Japanese exports, a meteoric rise from only 1. 9 percent in 1960. Japanese car producers, such as Toyota, Honda and Nissan are known worldwide for the durability and quality of their products.

Electronics Japan has 7 out of top 20 world's largest chip manufacturers as of Electronics Japan has 7 out of top 20 world's largest chip manufacturers as of 2005. In 1988, Japan exported US $1. 5 billion of computer equipment, up more than twelvefold from the US$122 million in 1980. Japanese firms were not very successful in exporting mainframe computers, but they did very well in peripheral equipment, such as printers and tape drives, but nowadays their products are being replaced by Chinese and Taiwanese analogs.

Why Japan? According to the 2015 UNCTAD report on world investment, Japan is the Why Japan? According to the 2015 UNCTAD report on world investment, Japan is the 8 th most attractive destination for multinational companies for the 2016 -2018 period. While its appeal, compared to other destinations, is very strong, its performance in terms of FDI has been weak at times. After a slowdown following the 2009 global financial crisis, Japan experienced two consecutive years of divestment before FDI flows returned to positive values in 2014. However, 2015 was again marked by disinvestment. In addition, the country is one of the largest foreign investors. Finally, Japan ranked 34 th out of 190 countries in the World Bank's 2017 Doing Business report.

 In what areas to invest? According to the official website of Japanese Ministry In what areas to invest? According to the official website of Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the main areas where foreign investors are needed are Electricity and Renewable Energy, Life Science, Information And Communication Technology. There almost no obstacles for a foreigner to create a business in Japan in these spheres, as it’s an official policy of the government to attract international capital into these spheres.

Major partners The main trading partners of Japan are China and the US. This Major partners The main trading partners of Japan are China and the US. This list does not include the European Union which is a single trading bloc (including Germany from the above list). The EU as a whole would be Japan's 3 rd largest trading partner (11. 1% of imports, 13. 3% of exports) in 2010. [