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Towards the emergence of open solutions for added-value services in Intelligent Buildings Marc Bourdeau Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB) Digital Home and Human Factors 10/22/04 1
Introduction to CSTB Skills Status Centre for research, consultancy, evaluation and knowledge dissemination State-owned industrial and commercial corporation under the control of the Ministry of Housing Digital Home and Human Factors 10/22/04 2
CSTB Budget & Workforce Marne-la. Vallée Paris Nantes Grenoble Sophia Antipolis 2003 total operating income: 66 million Euros 650 people in all, among which 50% engineers and researchers Digital Home and Human Factors 10/22/04 3
CSTB Organisation 8 departments organized into four major activities SOCIETY ISSUES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY Sustainable development Information technology Safety, structures and fire performance And knowledge dissemination Economics and social sciences STRUCTURES AND COMFORT CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS AND TECHNIQUES Acoustics and lighting Envelope and coatings Climatology, aerodynamics, pollution and sewage treatment Hydraulics and sanitary equipement Digital Home and Human Factors 10/22/04 4
TIDS – Information Technology and Knowledge Dissemination n R&D activities and dissemination of information & knowledge towards the construction industry by using the most advanced IC Technologies Providing professionals with innovative tools or ICT-based services meant to improve job efficiency and increase company competitiveness ~ 70 people Knowledge engineering Concurrent engineering Collaborative work Virtual Reality Ambient intelligence FM Systems Document engineering Natural Language Processing Multimedia applications Information Technologies & Diffusion of Knowledge Advanced Information Systems Digital Home and Human Factors 10/22/04 Software Application and Integration Laboratory Publishing & Diffusion 5
Overall context n Sustainability awareness: n n Reduction of Energy consumption ( Positive Energy Buildings) Environmental issues Societal issues e. g. quality of life, elderly and disabled people Application to our living environment, including home buildings: n n n n Low energy consuming Comfortable Safe Secure Nice-to-live (“entertainment home”) Connected to the outside Easy-to-exploit and (even) reconfigure/readapt Digital Home and Human Factors 10/22/04 6
Past experience n n n Home Automation (1990 s) turned out to fail for several reasons: High installation costs Limited approach (mainly energy management) Proprietary solutions Not open and not reconfigurable solutions No evolutivity and no adaptation to change in building usage or user profile No real guarantee on durability Digital Home and Human Factors 10/22/04 7
New context for Digital Home n n n Communication networks (wireless, RF, PLC…) easier installation, inter-connection of home networks with outside (incl. cars) Protocols (IPv 6, UPn. P…) multi-addressing, auto-configuration, interoperability, flexibility Electronics miniaturisation & integration Power systems low consuming batteries… Software architectures openness, flexibility, re-configurability… Digital Home and Human Factors 10/22/04 8
Our vision for Digital Home n n Information & electronics embedded in building components & equipments (together with sensors and actuators) Building components become active, communicating and interoperable within a global system that provides advanced services related to: n n n n Energy savings Comfort Health & Safety Security Elderly & Disabled people Multimedia & Entertainment Tele-Work Exploitation & Facilities Management Digital Home and Human Factors 10/22/04 Economic, environmental & societal benefits 9
Our vision for Digital Homes (cont’d) n Open, distributed, flexible & (self)-reconfigurable systems that implement global and dynamic management strategies adaptable to user profiles & behaviour n n n New components can be easily plugged into an existing system automatic identification, self-configuration, behaviour automatically defined by local embedded strategy and/or global strategy Existing components can be replaced by equivalent ones Dynamic reconfiguration in case of component failure, temporary or definitive change of use strategy, etc. Transparency and no/little parameterisation needed from the end-user Low-cost solutions Digital Home and Human Factors 10/22/04 10
Potential role for CSTB n n n Multi-disciplinary & global approach: Building Technologies, IC Technologies, Human Science Independence from domain-specific industry interests “Industrial Facilitator” in order to: n n n Develop & promote open standards and communication protocols, leading to potential for assessment and certification of home equipments Develop communicating building components Develop relevant management/control strategies Digital Home and Human Factors 10/22/04 11
Some current R&D work n Partnership with W 3 Home (MBDS-UNSA) Mock-up of an integrated home gateway to assist elderly people in case of high temperature (2004) n Call Ademe/PUCA 2003 Exploratory study on active building envelopes n Call Ademe/PUCA 2004 Communicating objects for energy management (COMETE project, with INNO, MBDS, …) n Call PACA Laboratory for testing solutions supporting elderly people at home Digital Home and Human Factors 10/22/04 12
Active Multi-function Envelope n n Project funded by Ademe/PUCA (Call 2003 « Prepare Buildings for 2010 » ) Identify (and model) the various types of active building envelope components, together with sensors, that can be “home networked” to provide services to: n n Reduce energy consumption Optimise comfort (thermal, visual, acoustic, air quality) Explore the software architecture that can support communication between those components Define integrated management strategies n n Several components used for a given service A given component used for several services (e. g. presence sensor) Digital Home and Human Factors 10/22/04 13
Some active facade components Components Functions Automated window Air quality control Noise control Rolling shutters Lighting control Thermal regulation Security Photovoltaic cells Energy supply Active window glasses Lighting control Thermal regulation Auto-Cleaning Double-skinned facade Thermal control Digital Home and Human Factors 10/22/04 14
Active component modelling Weather Example of a Rolling Shutter Day/Night Occ. /Inocc. Temperature Shutter Positioning status Lighting Digital Home and Human Factors 10/22/04 15
Component implementation through intelligent agents Agents have autonomous capacity to: • Adapt • Make decision • Auto-assemble • Co-ordinate Digital Home and Human Factors 10/22/04 16
Digital home for elderly people n n Elderly and disabled people need to stay longer at home for social and economical reasons Digital home can offer to them safer and easier-touse environment Proof-of-concept developed in W 3 Home according to a specific scenario CSTB project for a laboratory to develop and test new solutions for elderly people: n n n Openness & interoperability Reliability (through event correlation) Collaboration with INRIA (Orion Team) for video analysis Digital Home and Human Factors 10/22/04 17
W 3 Home pilot (for elderly people) OSGI Server Temperature History Config Alarm component linked to indoor temperature • Analysis intervals • Time scale • Alert level IP Network UPn. P Bridge Motion Sensor Non IP World Thermometer Flowmeter Digital Home and Human Factors 10/22/04 18
Lab schema Digital Home and Human Factors 10/22/04 19
Conclusion n Deployment of Digital Home needs a large acceptance & trust by users based on: n n n Pluggable & interoperable components & equipments Extensible & reconfigurable solutions Dynamically adaptable management/control strategies Low cost systems Market addresses not only new buildings but also existing ones CSTB, thanks to its multi-disciplinary skills, has a role to play, together with industrials, to define & promote a reference technical framework that will allow the development of certified components, equipments and systems Digital Home and Human Factors 10/22/04 20