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Towards Eradicating Phishing Attacks Stefan Saroiu University of Toronto
Today’s anti-phishing tools have done little to stop the proliferation of phishing
Many Anti-Phishing Tools Exist
Phishing is Gaining Momentum
Current Anti-Phishing Tools Are Not Effective n Let’s look at new approaches & new insights! Part 1: new approach: user-assistance n Part 2: need new measurement system n
Part 1 i. Trust. Page: A User-Assisted Anti. Phishing Tool
The Problems with Automation n Many anti-phishing tools use auto. detection Automatic detection makes tools user-friendly n But it is subject to false negatives n n Each false negative puts a user at risk
What are False Negatives & False Positives? n Example of a false negative: n n Phishing e-mail not detected by filter heuristics Example of a false positive: n Legitimate e-mail dropped by filter heuristics
Current Anti-Phishing Tools Are Not Effective n Most anti-phishing tools use auto. detection Automatic detection makes tools user-friendly n But it is subject to false negatives n n Each false negative puts a user at risk
Can false negatives be eliminated?
Case Study: Spam. Assassin: one way to stop phishing n Methodology n n Two e-mail corpora: n Phishing: 1, 423 e-mails (Nov. 05 -- Aug. 06) n Legitimate: 478 e-mails from our Sent Mail folders n Spam. Assassin version 3. 1. 8 n Various levels of aggressiveness
False Negatives Can’t Be Eliminated
Trade-off btw. False Negatives and False Positives Reducing false negatives increases false positives
Summary: Automatic Detection False negatives put users at risk n Hard to eliminate false negatives n Making automatic detection more aggressive increases rate of false positives n n n Appears to be fundamental trade-off Let’s look at new approaches
New Approach: User-Assistance n Involve user in the decision making process n Benefits: False-positives unlikely and more tolerable 1. § 2. Combine with conservative automatic detection Use detection that is hard-for-computers but easy-for-people
Outline Motivation n Design of i. Trust. Page n Evaluation of i. Trust. Page n Summary of Part 1 n
Two Observations about Phishing 1. Users intend to visit a legitimate page, but they are misdirected to an illegitimate page 2. If two pages look the same, one is likely phishing the other [Florêncio & Herley - Hot. Sec ‘ 06]
Two Observations about Phishing 1. Users intend to visit a legitimate page, but they are misdirected to an illegitimate page 2. If two pages look the same, one is likely phishing the other [Florêncio & Herley - Hot. Sec ‘ 06] Idea: use these observations to detect phishing
Involving Users n Determine “intent” n n Determine whether pages “look alike” n n Ask user to describe page as if entering search terms Ask user to detect visual similarity between two pages Tasks are hard-for-computers but easy-for-people
i. Trust. Page’s Validation § § When user enters input on a Web page Two-step validation process 1. Conservative automatic validation n n 2. Simple whitelist -- top 500 most popular Web sites Cache -- avoid “re-validation” Flag page “suspicious”; rely on user-assistance
i. Trust. Page: Validating Site
Step 1: Filling Out a Form
Step 2: Page Validated
i. Trust. Page: Avoid Phishing Site
Step 1: Filling Out a Suspicious Page
Step 2: Visual Comparison
Step 3: Attack Averted
Two Issues: Revise & Bypass n What if users can’t find the page on Google? n n n Visiting an un-indexed page Wrong/ambiguous keywords for search i. Trust. Page supports two options: n n Revise search terms Bypass validation process n Similar to false negatives in automatic tools
Outline Motivation n Design of i. Trust. Page n Evaluation of i. Trust. Page n Summary of Part 1 n
Methodology n Instrumented code sends anonymized logs: n n Info about i. Trust. Page usage High-Level Stats: June 27 th 2007 -- August 9 th, 2007 n 5, 184 unique installations n 2, 050 users with 2+ weeks of activity n
Evaluation Questions n n n How disruptive is i. Trust. Page? Are users willing to help i. Trust. Page’s validation? Did i. Trust. Page prevent any phishing attacks? How many searches until validate? How effective are the whitelist and cache? How often do users visit pages accepting input?
How disruptive is i. Trust. Page?
i. Trust. Page is not disruptive Users interrupted on less than 2% of pages After first day of use, 50+% of users never interrupted
Are users willing to help i. Trust. Page’s validation?
Many Users are Willing to Participate Half the users willing to assist the tool in validation
Did i. Trust. Page prevent any phishing attacks?
An Upper Bound n Anonymization of logs prevents us from measuring i. Trust. Page’s effectiveness n 291 visually similar pages chosen instead n 1/3 occurred after two weeks of use
Summary of Evaluation n n Not disruptive; disruption rate decreasing over time Half the users are willing to participate in validation Pages with input are very common on Internet i. Trust. Page is easy to use
Summary of Part 1 n An alternative approach to automation: n Have user assist tool to provide better protection n Our evaluation has shown our tool’s benefits while avoiding pitfalls of automated tools n i. Trust. Page protects users who always participate in page validation
What is the Take-Away Point?
What is the Take-Away Point? usability Automatic Detection security User-Assistance
What is the Take-Away Point? Many of today’s tools usability Automatic Detection security User-Assistance
What is the Take-Away Point? Many of today’s tools usability Automatic Detection i. Trust. Page security User-Assistance
Part 2 Bunker: A System for Gathering Anonymized Traces
Motivation n Two ways to anonymize network traces: n n Offline: anonymize trace after raw data is collected Online: anonymize while it is collected
Motivation n Two ways to anonymize network traces: n n n Offline: anonymize trace after raw data is collected Online: anonymize while it is collected Today’s traces require deep packet inspection n Privacy risks make offline anonymization unsuitable
Motivation n Two ways to anonymize network traces: n n n Today’s traces require deep packet inspection n n Offline: anonymize trace after raw data is collected Online: anonymize while it is collected Privacy risks make offline anonymization unsuitable Phishing involves sophisticated analysis n Performance needs makes online anon. unsuitable
Simple Tasks are Very Slow n Regular expression for phishing: " ((password)|(
Motivation n Two ways to anonymize network traces: n n n Today’s traces require deep packet inspection n n Offline: anonymize trace after raw data is collected Online: anonymize while it is collected Privacy risks make offline anonymization unsuitable Phishing involves sophisticated analysis n Performance needs makes online anon. unsuitable
Motivation n Two ways to anonymize network traces: n n n Today’s traces require deep packet inspection n n Privacy risks make offline anonymization unsuitable Phishing involves sophisticated analysis n n Offline: anonymize trace after raw data is collected Online: anonymize while it is collected Performance needs makes online anon. unsuitable Need new tool to combine best of both worlds
Threat Model n Accidental disclosure: n n Risk is substantial whenever humans are handling data Subpoenas: n n Attacker has physical access to tracing system Subpoenas force researcher and ISPs to cooperate n n As long as cooperation is not “unduly burdensome” Implication: Nobody can have access to raw data
Is Developing Bunker Legal?
It Depends on Intent of Use n Developing Bunker is like developing encryption n Must consider purpose and uses of Bunker Developing Bunker for user privacy is legal n Misuse of Bunker to bypass law is illegal n
Our solution: Bunker n Combines best of both worlds n n n Same privacy benefits as online anonymization Same engineering benefits as offline anonymization Pre-load analysis and anonymization code n Lock-it and throw away the key (tamper-resistance)
Outline Motivation n Design of Bunker n Evaluation of Bunker n Summary of Part 2 n
Logical Design anonymize One-Way Interface (anon. data) parse Anon. Key assemble Offline Online capture Capture Hardware
VM-based Implementation Closed-box VM anonymize One-Way Socket parse Anon. Key assemble decrypt Enc. Key encrypt Offline Online capture Hypervisor Open-box NIC Encrypted Raw Data Capture Hardware
VM-based Implementation Open-box VM Closed-box VM anonymize One-Way Socket parse save trace Anon. Key assemble logging maintenance decrypt Enc. Key encrypt Offline Online capture Hypervisor Open-box NIC Encrypted Raw Data Capture Hardware
Outline Motivation n Design of Bunker n Evaluation of Bunker n Summary of Part 2 n
Software Engineering Benefits One order of magnitude btw. online and offline Development time: Bunker - 2 months, UW/Toronto - years
Summary of Part 2 n Bunker combines: Privacy benefits of online anonymization n Software engineering benefits of offline anon. n n Ideal tool for characterizing phishing
Our Current Use of Bunker n Few “hard facts” known about phishing: n n n Banks have no incentive to disclose info Must focus on victims than on phishing attacks Preliminary study of Hotmail users: n n n How often do people click on links in their e-mails? Do the same people fall victims to phishing? How cautious are people who click on links in e-mails?
Our Contributions n i. Trust. Page: new approach to anti-phishing n Bunker: system for gathering anonymized traces
Acknowledgements n Graduate students at Toronto n n n Researchers n n Andrew Miklas Troy Ronda Alec Wolman (MSR Redmond) Faculty n Angela Demke Brown (Toronto)
Questions? i. Trust. Page: https: //addons. mozilla. org http: //www. cs. toronto. edu/~stefan
Research Interests n Building Systems Leveraging Social Networks n n n Making the Internet more secure n n n Exploiting social interactions in mobile systems Rethinking access control for Web 2. 0 Characterizing spread of Bluetooth worms i. Trust. Page + Bunker Characterizing network environments in the wild n n Characterizing residential broadband networks Evaluating emerging “last-meter” Internet apps
Circumventing i. Trust. Page n “Google bomb”: increasing a phishing page’s rank n This is not enough to circumvent i. Trust. Page n Breaking into a popular site that is already in i. Trust. Page’s whitelist or cache n Compromising a user’s browser
Problems with Password Managers n When password field present: Ask user to select from a list of passwords n Remember password selection for re-visits n n Challenges: Auto. detection of passwd. fields can be “fooled” n Such tools increase amount of confidential info n Don’t assist users on how to handle phishing n
Downloads Released on Mozilla. org
Most Searches Don’t Need Revision Users can find their page majority of the time
Outcomes of Validation Process 1/3 of time, users choose to bypass validation
Forms and Scripts are Prevalent Many Web pages have multiple forms
Whitelist’s Hit Rate Hit rate remains flat at 55%
Cache’s Hit Rate Hit rate reaches 65% after one week
Our solution n Combines best of both worlds n n n Stronger privacy benefits than online anonymization Same engineering benefits as offline anonymization Experimenter must commit to an anonymization process before trace begins
Illustrating the Arms Race Spam. Assassin is adapting to phishing attacks Attackers are also adapting to Spam. Assassin
Current Anti-Phishing Tools Are Not Effective n Most anti-phishing tools use auto. detection Automatic detection makes tools user-friendly n But it is subject to false negatives n n Each false negative puts a user at risk
Offline Anonymization n Trace anonymized after raw data is collected n n Today’s traces require deep packet inspection n Privacy risk until raw data is deleted Headers insufficient to understand phishing Payload traces pose a serious privacy risk Risk to user privacy is too high n Two universities rejected offline anonymization
Online Anonymization n Trace anonymized online n n Difficult to meet performance demands n n Extraction and anonymization must be done at line speeds Code is frequently buggy and difficult to maintain n n Raw data resides in RAM only Low-level languages (e. g. C) + “Home-made” parsers Small bugs cause large amounts of data loss n Introduces consistent bias against long-lived flows
Motivation n Two ways to anonymize traces: n n n Deep packet inspection killed us with phishing n n n Offline: trace anonymized after raw data is collected Online: trace anonymized while raw data is collected A game changer Motivation: try to get the best of both worlds Before I tell you about the design let me elaborate on the security concerns
Related Work: i. Trust. Page n Spam filters and blacklists n n n New Web authentication tools n n n Out-of-band [JDM 06, PKA 06] (MITM) Password managers [HWF 05, RJM+05, YS 06] New Web interfaces n n Exchange, Outlook, Spam. Assassin IE 7, Firefox, Opera Passpet, Web. Wallet, CANTINA Centralized approaches n n Central server for password similarity [FH 06] Central server for valid sites [LDHF 05]
Related Work: User Studies n Web password habits [FH 07] n n n Huge password management problems People fall for simple attacks [DTH 06] Warnings more effective than passive cues [WMG 06] Personalized attacks are very successful [JJJM 06] Security tools must be intuitive and simple to use [CO 06]
Related Work: Bunker n Network tracing systems: n n Anonymization schemes: n n n Httpdump [WWB 96], BLT [Fe 00], UWTrace [Wo 02], Co. Mo [Ia 05] Prefix-preserving [XFA+01] High-level anonymization languages [PV 03] Secure VMs: n n Tamper-resistant hardware [LTH 03] Small VMMs + formal verification [Ka 06, Ru 08] PL techniques for memory safety + control flow [KBA 02, CLD+07] Hardware memory protection [SLQ 07]