- Количество слайдов: 33
Towards a multilingual cyberspace Daniel Prado Executiv Secretary of Maaya – Global Network for Linguistic Diversity d. prado@maaya. org www. maaya. org 1
contact@maayajo. org Linguistic divide • Between 50% and 80% languages : risk • 70 major languages spoken by 94 % mankind. • 70 % of the languages of the wordl spoken in only 20 countries, the less favoured economically 2
contact@maayajo. org Linguistic divide • 98% of languages that cover emotional and local needs. • ~ 150 languages would have the protection or eve of a public entity (2005 est. ) • Between 6/7 and 9/10 languages are not written 3
contact@maayajo. org Comparative number of languages and number of speakers 5700 4
contact@maayajo. org Language publishing market by 2012 (approximate) Anglais Chinois Allemand Japonais Français Italien Espagnol Portugais Hindi-Ourdu Coréen Russe Turque Néerlandais Norvégien Reste Extrapolé des statistiques de l’International Publishers Association (IPA) 5
contact@maayajo. org Scientific publishing, patents ISSN Diverses sources 6
contact@maayajo. org International Organizations Anglais Agencias ONU 100 90 80 Français 70 Espagnol 60 50 40 Arabe Russe Chinois 30 20 10 0 UE - ONU 7
contact@maayajo. org Translation langue cible 1400000 1200000 1000000 800000 source language 600000 400000 200000 is na po Ja éd Su gn pa Es oi s ol n lie It a ss e Ru d an m le Al ça is an Fr An gl ai s 0 Daniel Prado, Mesa-redonda "Tradução e Linguagem Especializada" ago. 2010 8
contact@maayajo. org Diverses sources (2007) 9
contact@maayajo. org The internet in 1996 10
contact@maayajo. org Presence of languages in the web between 1998 and 2007 (in percentages) 2001 1998 2000 2002 2003 2004 2007 Funredes – Union latine 11
contact@maayajo. org Presence of languages in targeted areas (not the entire Web!) Percentage (estimates 2010) Anglais Langues romanes et DE Chinois Japonais Slaves Autres européennes Hindi-Ourdou Tagalogue Arabe Autres non européennes 12
contact@maayajo. org 2010 study on different uses and spaces • Areas studied: Wikipédia, W 3 counter data, Tweeter, Word. Press, Facebook, Skype , Technorati stats, Vo. IP, P 2 P ESA study, Second Life, Live. Journal, Linked. In, You. Tube, Google, Yahoo, MSN, Bing, Flickr, Rapidshare, Megaupload, etc. • Of course, large differences between areas as cultural aspects have an impact on the use (eg IP telephony) Pimienta-Prado - Blanco 13
contact@maayajo. org Wikipedia Probably the most multilingual web tool. Transparent, especially in languages: http: //meta. wikimedia. org/wiki/Liste_des_Wikipédias ◦ ◦ 285 language versions of Wikipedia Total number of items available: 24 226 172 Number of users (editors): 38 329 070 Images: 2 042 510 (february 2013) 14
Ru Su Ca n ie n la ta ni en ai kr U m na oi s is in o éd Ch s is ug ai Po rt is na po Ja na ss e ol n lie s ai gn Po lo et Vi It a pa Es d ça is nd an rla ée N Fr an gl ai s m le Al An contact@maayajo. org 15 first languages in Wikipedia 4500000 4000000 3500000 3000000 2500000 2000000 1500000 1000000 500000 0 15
The Internet after 2007 In 2012? google Yahoo Baidu contact@maayajo. org Yandex Bing Cyberespace « invisible » Worldwidewebsize. com - Pimienta- Greffenstette - Pouzin 16
contact@maayajo. org W 3 tech. com – (basé sur Alexa. com) Linguistic stats relatively reliable 1 000 Web indexé (5 -10 %) www. worldwidewebsize. com Pimienta - Pouzin – Greffenstette – etc. Sites considered "actives" and without duplicates Netcraft - news. netcraft. com November 2012 186 900 000 Number of domaines names (ICANN) Netcraft - news. netcraft. com 625 330 000 Open. Root www. open-root. eu (Chine, Russie, Open. Root, The Commonwealth, Non ICANN Ligue des Nations indiennes d’Amérique, etc. ) ? ? ? 17
contact@maayajo. org w 3 Tech. com / Alexa Study Union Latine - Funredes Trends in different areas 2010 Over 1 M sites (the must consulted) 07% 02% 001% 002% 32% 03% 007% 004% 03% 004% 055% 005% 07% 006% 15% Indexed Web (5 -10 %) he r d igi ta l ar ea s 006% Ot 07% 18
contact@maayajo. org Internautes by countries 20 first countries – June 2012 22% 26% 10% 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 6% 3% 2% 2% 2% 3% 4% 4% Chine États-Unis Inde Japon Brésil Russie Allemagne Indonésie Royaume-Uni France Nigéria Mexique Iran Corée du Sud Turquie Italie Philippines Espagne Vietnam Egypte Reste du monde 2% Internet World Stats (basé sur Nielsen – UIT et autres) 19
contact@maayajo. org Internautes 2012 Afrique 7% Amérique latine/Caraïbes 11% Amérique du Nord 11% Asie 48% Océanie 1% Europe 22% Internet Growth 20002012 Afrique, 3606% Asie, 992% Océanie, 218% Europe, 393% Amérique du Nord, 153% Amérique latine/Caraïbes, 1310% Internet World Stats (basé sur Nielsen – UIT et autres) 20
contact@maayajo. org Trends change? Eurobarometer 2012 55% of European Internet users consulted in another language (in addition to their own) and 35% actively used. 9/10 users said they prioritize their language if the information was available. 44% lost a lot of information because of the linguistic fact (> 51% in Romania, Bulgaria, Portugal, Cyprus, Spain and Greece) Étude Eurobaromètre - février 2011 21
contact@maayajo. org Le commerce et la compétitivité s’invitent… British Council concerned about the monolingualism of English people and their lack of competitiveness in the European labor market U. S. administration (and European always) promotes language technology because "> 60% of consumers in the industrialized world buy native language" Translation and localization are the watchwords Language industries 10% annual growth 22
contact@maayajo. org Google Scholar (10) Google linguistic tools (recognition - translation) ~ 70 Windows(100) 35 language of the Web Twitter (30) * 1 million top-ranked websites Facebook (70 -78 linguistic http: //w 3 techs. com versions ) * Wiktionnaire (144 interfaces, 61 languages > 10. 000 words) Wikipedia (285) 117 avec > 10 000 art. Languages in Endangerded languages Google Net. lang: http: //net-lang. net 23
contact@maayajo. org Comparison Internet <-> linguistic diversity Net. lang: http: //net-lang. net
Langues « visibles » sur l’Internet contact@maayajo. org Languages well represented Languages partially present Very poor attendance Punctual presence Languages referenced: Atlas of Endangered Languages (UNESCO) Endangered Languages (Google) Sorosoro Linguasphere Ethnologue Etc. . 25
contact@maayajo. org Evolution o Web 1. 0 seems to be for languages "equipped", reflects the presence of languages in knowledge. o English is pourcentuellement reduced in the Internet, but only 10 -15 languages really benefit, at least in the Web 1. 0 o The digitization of books and the existing literature on the digital divide grows o Other (written) languages can take place but need to reduce the textual gap http: //net-lang. net 26
contact@maayajo. org Evolution o Web 2. 0 seem to change this situation (see Arab revolutions) and languages less equipped invest this space. o The audio-visual could encourage less present languages, in particular the so-called "not written" o But of course, access is not enough: digital literacy is essential and new tools (mobile and audiovisual) fundamentals. o If languages "resume the value" vis-à-vis their speakers, cyberspace may become a more "fair" space linguistically. http: //net-lang. net 27
http: //www. maaya. org contact@maayajo. org 28
contact@maayajo. org Net. Lang – Towards a multilingual cyberspace • Proposes the main issues of multilingualism in cyberspace and equitable representation of languages in the information society. • Support of UNESCO, Union latine, ANLoc, IDRC, Francophonie • 27 articles by 27 authors from a dozen countries (four continents) • Bilingual edition FR-EN. • Free digital editions (PDF, e. Pub). http: //net-lang. net 29
contact@maayajo. org Maaya – principales actions • Global congress on specialized translation (La Havane 2008) • International Forum on multilingualism (Bamako 2009) 30 30
contact@maayajo. org Maaya – principales actions • First, Second and Third Symposium on Multilingualism in Cyberspace (2009 Barcelona, Brasilia, 2011, Paris 2012) • Cooperation in the 1 st and 2 nd International Conference on Language and Cultural Diversity in Cyberspace (Yakutsk - Russia 2011) - With the IFAP 31 31
contact@maayajo. org Towards a World Summit on linguistic diversity and multilingualism Decision of the second international conference on linguistic and cultural diversity in cyberspace Yakutsk • Meeting of Experts and consultations in various regions of the world • Ministerial Conference on Multilingualism • Proposed a draft resolution for the World Summit on Multilingualism. Possible creation of a commission to prepare a report on multilingualism • Thematic meetings and regional conferences Summit preparation • World Summit on Multilingualism 32
Towards a multilingual cyberspace Daniel Prado Executiv Secretary of Maaya – Global Network for Linguistic Diversity d. prado@maaya. org www. maaya. org 33