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Towards a more sustainable wardrobe Edwina Robinson www. see-change. org. au
About Edwina Left: Urban Waterways Coordinator, ACT Gov & worked with ACTSmart Schools to prepare ‘Constructed wetlands curriculum’ Bottom left: tiny houses Bottom: ACT Commissioner for Sustainability & Environ Now: Executive Officer, SEE-Change www. see-change. org. au
About SEE-Change • Grass roots - supports individuals/neighbours to take action on environmental footprint • Not-for-profit • Funded by ACT Government www. see-change. org. au
Problem – footprint From Ecological Footprint factsheet www. envcomm. act. gov. au Based on research by Chris Dey University of Sydney www. see-change. org. au
TOP 10 ITEMS CANBERRANS BUY that impact our ecological footprint 1. Electricity (12%) 4. Gas (4%) 2. Eating out (6%) 6. groceries (3%), 8. beer & malt (2%) 3. Petrol (5%) www. see-change. org. au
TOP 10 ITEMS CANBERRANS BUY that impact our ecological footprint. 5. Air Travel (4%) 7. Home ownership (3%) & 10. wooden furniture (2%) 9. Clothes (2%) www. see-change. org. au
Issues Problem 1: excess & mindless consumption of clothing. Australians buy 27 kg textiles/year Problem 2: Australian throw out 6 Tonnes (6000 kg) every 10 minutes ‘War on waste’ documentary Episode 3 – available iview Problem 3: high proportion made of synthetics (petroleum based) www. see-change. org. au
Sustainable threads • Objective: Buy no new clothes for 1 year & promote awareness. • Raise awareness about environmental & social impact of clothes choices • Improve skills – sewing, repair, upcycling www. see-change. org. au
https: //sustainablethreadsblog. wordpress. com/ www. see-change. org. au
What is ACT Government doing? What is business doing? What are charities What is SEEdoing? Change doing? Waste in the ACT is managed by Transport Canberra & City Services. Waste goes to landfill at Mugga La tip. ACT Gov website includes info on correct way to recycle or dispose of clothes nothing about reducing spending or buying natural fibres Business in 2 nd hand quality goods eg Material Pleasures, Fyshwick Promote 2 nd hand fashion Salvos Ambassador Faye de Lanty Promote 4 R’s – Reduce, reuse, recycle, repair Raise Awareness Green Shed, Mitchell gives away clothes. Clothes Swaps Green Shed Underground Civic, sells quality 2 nd hand Upcycling workshops Suitcase Rummage Repair & darning workshops 360 FM market Pure Pod www. see-change. org. au
What could my school do? Embed clothing sustainability into the curriculum, not just in textile courses Run workshops like upcycling tshirts workshops Run workshops/competitions to design and make upcycled formal dresses for years 9 -12 School & sports uniforms made of natural fibres Upcycled formal/wedding dress www. see-change. org. au
Radio interview with Lish Fejer (far right), Nina Gbor (clothes swaps & stylist), Sandie Parks, Green Shed and Kellie Donovan, Pure Pod. Sustainable wardrobe event – panel discussion – organised by Canberra Environment Centre & SEE-Change. www. see-change. org. au
SEE-Change facilitated an upcycled t-shirt workshop with Merici College students and Jane Milburn, Textile Beat. www. see-change. org. au
SEE-Change hosted this upcycled clothing and darning event www. see-change. org. au
Darning image from@nomad. canberra www. see-change. org. au
Clothes Swap organised by SEE-Change volunteer at Party at Downer shops www. see-change. org. au
SEE-Change ran clothing repair and how to sew a reusable vege bag @ Party at Downer shops www. see-change. org. au
How to become a member? • $50 organisation/school • $25 for individuals Calculate your footprint www. seechange. org. au/ecolo gical-footprint/ www. see-change. org. au