- Количество слайдов: 35
Touchstone 3 Unit 8 What if?
Lesson A Wishes • go kayaking: (kayak) a light, kayaking: narrow boat, usually for one person, which you move using a paddle • rent: [v] to pay or receive a fixed amount of rent: money for the use of a room, house, car, television • afford: [v] to be able to buy or do something afford: because you have enough money or time
• commute: [v] to make the same journey regularly between work and home • pyramid: [n]
1 Getting started B 1. True (If I had more free time, I’d go kayaking every weekend. ) 2. False (It would be great if we could afford a bigger place to live. ) 3. False (Yeah, if I could choose anywhere, I’d probably go to Egypt to see the Pyramids. ) 4. False (If I lived closer, I’d be able to help out. )
2 Grammar A 1. I wish I had more money. If I earned more, I could have my own apartment, and I wouldn't have to live with my parents. 2. I wish I didn't have to commute three hours a day. If I could find a job closer to home, then I wouldn't waste so much time on the train.
3. I wish I could finish my degree this year. If I had a degree, then I could get a job, and I would be able to pay off my student loans. 4. I wish I could do something more exciting with my life. If I had the chance, I would work in another country or something like that.
3 Listening and speaking A (3) social life (1) the weather (4) family (2)work 3 B Social life:They could go to the beach for the day. The weather:She could go for a nice long walk and get some exercise. Family:They could hang out together. Work:He could take the day off and do some things at home.
Lesson B Life’s little dilemmas • dilemmas: [n] a situation in which a difficult dilemmas: choice has to be made between two different things you could do • teapot: [n] a container for making and serving teapot: tea with a handle and a shaped opening for pouring
§ worry about: [ph] to think about problems or about: unpleasant things that might happen in a way that makes you feel anxious § buy (sth) for (sb): [ph] to get something by ): paying money for it and give it to somebody § borrow (sth) from (sb): [ph] to get or receive ): something from someone then give it back after a period of time
§ apologize for (sth): [ph] to tell someone that apologize ): you are sorry about something you have done § pay for: ( + N) [v] to give money to someone for: for something you want to buy or for services provided § repair: [n] when something is done to fix repair: something that is broken or damaged § talk to (sb) about (sth): [ph] to say things to ): someone
§ say (sth) to (sb): [ph] say something to somebody ): to think something but not speak § thank for: [ph] to express to someone that you are for: pleased about or appreciate something that they have done § share with: [ph] to have or use something at the share with: same time as someone else § ask (sb) for (sth): [ph] to want a particular ): amount of money for something
§ lend to: [ph] to give something to someone for a lend to: period of time, expecting that they will then give it back to you § think about: [ph] to consider an idea or a think about: problem § remind about: [ph] to make someone remember remind about: something, or remember to do something § forget about: [ph] to stop thinking about forget about: someone or something
§ react: [v] to say, do, or feel something because react: of something else that has been said or done § scream: [n] a loud high sound you make when scream: very frightened, excited or angry § damage: [v] to harm or break something damage: § leave a note: [ph] write down some information leave note: on a short letter and not take it away with you when you go away from a place, either intentionally or by accident
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 Building vocabulary and grammar B worry about something talk to someone about something think about something remind someone about something forget about something buy something for someone pay for something apologize for doing something thank someone for something
10. ask someone for something 11. borrow something from someone 12. say something to someone 13. lend something to someone 14. share something with someone 1 C 1. What would you do if your friend forgot your birthday? 2. How would you react if a friend told your secret to everyone?
3 Grammar A 1. What would you do if you found a wallet on the sidewalk outside a school? Would you leave it there? 2. What would you do if you heard a scream in the street at night? Would you go outside to see what happened? 3. What would you do if a salesperson forgot to charge you for something? Would you tell him or her about it?
4. What would you do if you damaged a car in a parking lot?Would you leave a note with your name and number? 5. What would you do if you were half an hour late meeting a friend for dinner? Would you expect him or her to wait for you? 6. What would you do if you broke something in a store?Would you offer to pay for it?
Lesson C If I were you, … • grad school: (grad: short form of graduate) a division of a university where you work toward a specialized degree beyond the one you receive after four years of study • scholarship: [n] an amount of money given by scholarship: a school, college, university or other organization to pay for the studies of a person with great ability but little money
• get accepted to: [ph] to agree to take get accepted to: something that is offered to you • congratulations: [n] something that you say congratulations: when you want to congratulate someone • engineering: [n] the work of an engineering: (someone whose job is to design, build, or repair machines, engines, roads, bridges, etc), or the study of this work • promotion: [n] when someone is given a promotion: more important job in the same organization
• major in: [ph] to study something as your main major in: subject at university • transfer to: [ph] to change to a different job, to: team, place of work, etc, or to make someone do this • comment: [v] something that you say or write comment: that expresses your opinion • awesome: [adj. ] extremely good awesome:
• archaeological: [adj. ] the study of ancient archaeological: cultures by looking for and examining their buildings, tools, and other objects • dig: [v] to break or move the ground with a tool, machine, etc • safari: [n] a journey, usually to Africa, to safari: see or hunt wild animals
1 Conversation strategy B 1. If I were you, I’d meet with your boss. 2. You could change to a subject that you like better. 3. I’d say something to your boss before it’s too late. 4. You might want to talk to a job counselor. 5. If I were you, I wouldn't tell her. You could wear it when she visits.
2 Strategy plus A 1. Really? Wow!That would be awesome / interesting / cool! 2. Yeah. That’d be cool / neat / fun. 3. Oh, that would be fun /cool / great / wonderful. 4. Oh, yeah. That would be hard / difficult / impossible.
3 Speaking and listening A If I were Tom, I’d look for another job. He might want to try to get along with his co-workers better. He could try to make friends with some of his co-workers.
3 B 1. Amy: I’d find another job if I were you. 2. Sam: You could ask a couple of your co-workers to go out for lunch one day. 3. Louisa: Why don’t you ask your coworkers for advice about something ?
L e s s o n D A n y r e g r e t s? • dare to: [ph] to be brave enough to do something to: • limber up: [ph] to prepare yourself for a job or up: competition which will be difficult to do or win • take seriously: [ph] to believe that someone or seriously: something is important and that you should pay attention to them • imaginary: [adj. ] not real but imagined in your imaginary: mind
• thermometer: [n] a piece of thermometer: equipment that measures the temperature of the air or of your body • go barefoot: [adv. ] not wearing any shoes or go barefoot: socks • merry-go-round: [n] large merry-go-round: machine at a fair which turns round and has wooden or plastic animals or vehicles on which children ride
• daisy: (daisies) [n] a small daisy: flower with white petals and a yellow centre, which often grows in grass • flexible: [adj. ] able to change or be changed flexible: easily according to the situation • snack: [n] small amount of food snack: that is eaten between meals, or a very small meal • lose weight: [ph] to have less of (something), weight: esp. in the body
1 Reading B Male or female: Could be either. Age: Probable someone older, looking back on life because he or she refers to life as “this trip, ” suggesting he or she is quite far along on the journey of life.
Personality: not a risk-taker / conservative [ I’d dare to make more mistakes next time. ]; serious [ I would be sillier…]; not very adventurous [ I would… take more trip. ; I’d climb more mountains…]; worries a lot [ I’d have fewer imaginary ones (troubles)]; careful person […one of those persons who never goes anywhere without a thermometer, a hotwater bottle, a raincoat, and a parachute. ]
Health conscious: maybe [ I would eat more ice cream and fewer beans. ] Kind of life: orderly and predictable [ I’m one of those people who lived seriously, sanely, hour after hour, day after day. ]; not taking time to do fun things or to do things that are not planned [ I would ride more merrygo-rounds. I would pick more daisies. ]
1 C 1. a 2. c 3. b b 4. 5. b 6. b
Vocabulary notebook (1)Preview and do the task 1. I wouldn't worry about it. People usually forget about things like that. 2. I’d apologize immediately forgetting about the date. 3. I’d offer to pay for dinner another time. 4. I’d tell her I was thinking about other things.
5. I wouldn't speak to her until she was less upset. 6. I’d blame my boss for keeping me in a meeting at work. 7. I’d wait for her to finish, and then I’d remind her about the time she didn't meet me.
(2) Do the task 1. agree with someone about something 2. apply for a job 3. explain something to someone 4. forgive someone for doing something 5. invite someone to a party 6. complain to someone about something 7. blame someone for doing something Second column The missing prepositions are the same as above.