Recently I was scouting for furniture and checked out two big box retailers. Both have great looking furniture, both are well crafted. One was clearly higher priced than the other, though not necessarily a better value, they did give a better experience. Here’s why … they touched all of my senses.
Sight is generally easy to do but not always done well. Their showroom was welcoming visually, it flowed well without big contrasts from space to space. You definitely felt like you could sit in any piece there and try it out like you would at home instead of being all proper like you would in a store!
Great way to leverage sight is also to show your customer the inside workings of something, how something is made. The mattress retailers perhaps do this best with the cutaways they have to show you the spring construction and more.
Sound so often missed and so simple to do today. Really I’m not fond of hearing some non -stop talk radio or continual sports broadcast but music when tasteful and suits the style of the store, works beautifully.
Scent subtle is best and fresh is always. You may need to step outside for a bit and come back in to replicate what smell your customers get when they enter.
I know you’ve heard that to sell a house fast, keeping a pot of vanilla and brown sugar on the stove replicates fresh baked cooking. Than may not be what you are after, but you do get the idea. This retailers showroom smelled mysterious yet friendly.
Taste this may spark some debate but be creative, I know you can add it. Use your imagination, could be hard wrapped candies, could be Hershey’s kisses, could be Werther’s Originals, could be chocolate chip cookies. And include a mini – bottle of water or tiny soda can.
Touch even if it means putting sings up to invite touching, do it. Thing about cars and how you run your hand over all parts interior and exterior. Furnishings are decidedly touchable. Floorcoverings, building products even are all something we tend to want to touch test.
If you can’t touch it, it is highly unlikely you will buy it. Look at what some of the bedding retailers have done by putting a pillow case out so you can “touch” the sheet sets that are sealed in packaging with security tags. This is the least of what is possible.