- Количество слайдов: 8
Topic vocabulary in contrast Employer – a person or organisation that pays workers to work for them Employee – someone who is paid regularly to work for a person or organisation Staff – the people who work for a particular company, organisation or institution Earn – to receive money for work that you do Win – to get something as a prize for defeating other people or because you are lucky
Topic vocabulary in contrast Raise (n)- an increase in the amount that you are paid for work Rise (n) – an increase in size, amount, quality or strength Wage – a regular amount of you earn for working Salary – a fixed amount of money that you earn each month or year from your job Pay (n) – money that you receive for
Topic vocabulary in contrast Commute – to travel regularly to and from work Deliver– to take something such as goods or letters to a place and give them to someone retire – to stop working permanently when you are old resign – to state formally that you are leaving your job
Topic vocabulary in contrast Fire (v) – to make someone leave their job as a punishment Sack (v)– to force someone to leave their job Make redundant – if someone is made redundant, they have been told that they must eave their job because they are no longer needed overtime – extra hours that someone works at their job, or money that is paid for extra hours
Topic vocabulary in contrast promotion – a move to a job at a higher level pension –an amount of money that someone receives regularly when they no longer work because of their age or they are ill Company – an organisation that sells services or goods firm – a business, or a company Business - an organisation that buys and sells products and services
Topic vocabulary in contrast Union– an organisation that represents the workers in a particular industry charity– an organisation that gives money and help people who need it Traveller’s cheque – a printed piece of paper that you sign and use as money when you are travelling. It can be replaced if it is lost or stolen. Credit card – a small plastic card that you use to buy things now and pay for them later. Debit card – a card that you pay for things directly from your bank account.
Topic vocabulary in contrast Work is an uncountable noun: 1) it rarely comes after a or a number 2) It is rarely used in the plural It refers in general to things people do to earn money Work can be countable when it means “something produced by a writer, painter or artist” Job is used when you are referring to the particular things that someone does regularly in order to earn money.