Ever since I was a child, I’ve always had a fear of someone under my bed at night.
So I went to a Psychiatrist and told him I’ve got problems.
Every time I go to bed I think there’s somebody under it. I’m scared. I think I’m going crazy.
"Just put yourself in my hands for one year, " said the psychiatrist. "Come talk to me three times a week and we should be able to get rid of those fears. "
"How much do you charge? ”
"Eighty dollars per visit, " replied the doctor.
"I’ll sleep on it and if needed I will come back to you, " I said.
Six months later the Psychiatrist me on the street.
"Why didn’t you come to see me about those fears you were having? " he asked.
"Well, Eighty bucks a visit three times a week for a year is an awful lot of money! A bartender cured me for $10.
I was so happy to have saved all that money that I went and bought me a new SUV. "
"Is that so!" With a bit of an attitude he said, "and how, may I ask, did a bartender cure you? "
"He told me to cut the legs off the bed – ain’t nobody under there now!"
How much is a penny worth in heaven? "
$1 million.
How long is a minute in heaven? "
1 year.
Can I have a penny?
in just a minute.
People often want to have all the things their neighbors have. But, envy and jealousy are never satisfied, and the more you have, the more you’ll need. It’s best to learn contentment and stop believing that more stuff will bring more happiness.
People often want to have all the things their neighbors have. But, envy and jealousy are never satisfied, and the more you have, the more you’ll need. It’s best to learn contentment and stop believing that more stuff will bring more happiness. neighbors соседи jealousy ревность contentment удовлетворенность
Club packs and jumbo sizes offer great value, but only if you can consume it all before it goes bad. Buy the toilet paper, but be careful of the crackers, flour, or vegetables.
Club packs and jumbo sizes offer great value, but only if you can consume it all before it goes bad. Buy the toilet paper, but be careful of the crackers, flour, or vegetables. flour мука offer предложение consume потреблять
It’s great to save a few cents, just for waving that little piece of paper. But coupons fail you when they are for something you are buying only because it seems like a shame to miss out on such a good deal. If you wouldn’t buy it anyway, your savings come to exactly nothing.
It’s great to save a few cents, just for waving that little piece of paper. But coupons fail you when they are for something you are buying only because it seems like a shame to miss out on such a good deal. If you wouldn’t buy it anyway, your savings come to exactly nothing. deal сделка shame позор; стыд miss out упустить
Electronics, pots and pans, and appliances— through hard experience we have learned it is better to spend a little more at the beginning to get a lot more in the end. Financial stewardship doesn’t always mean spending less.
Electronics, pots and pans, and appliances —through hard experience we have learned it is better to spend a little more at the beginning to get a lot more in the end. Financial stewardship doesn’t always mean spending less. spend тратить stewardship руководство appliances приспособления; приборы
For those people with good habits and financial self-control, credit cards offer points or cashback. Play your cards right, and you may be able to begin saving for that vacation, or enjoy a bit of free cash, just for using your credit cards wisely.
For those people with good habits and financial self-control, credit cards offer points or cash-back. Play your cards right, and you may be able to begin saving for that vacation, or enjoy a bit of free cash, just for using your credit cards wisely мудро self-control самоконтроль cash-back возврат наличных
Credit card companies are betting that they can get you to over-spend so they can charge you their exorbitant interest rates. Don’t ever carry a balance! Play the game right and you can have all the benefits without any of the drawbacks.
Credit card companies are betting that they can get you to over-spend so they can charge you their exorbitant interest rates. Don’t ever carry a balance! Play the game right and you can have all the benefits without any of the drawbacks. carry нести, иметь drawbacks потери, убытки exorbitant непомерный; чрезмерный
Meal planning is a practical way of stewarding the responsibility of caring for a home and family. Meal planning also allows you to know what you should not buy and ensures that you use every bit of food before it goes bad.
Meal planning is a practical way of stewarding the responsibility of caring for a home and family. Meal planning also allows you to know what you should not buy and ensures that you use every bit of food before it goes bad. bit кусочек, частица allows позволяет stewarding распоряжение
Eating out is just so easy, and sometimes so pleasurable. But it also tends to cost an awful lot more than eating at home. Not only that, but the nutritional value is usually much lower.
Eating out is just so easy, and sometimes so pleasurable. But it also tends to cost an awful lot more than eating at home. Not only that, but the nutritional value is usually much lower. awful ужасно; очень tends to имеет тенденцию pleasurable приятно; что-то доставляющее удовольствие
The freemium model is the new trend in gaming —to charge nothing (or almost nothing) for a game, and then to make the game agonizingly slow or agonizingly difficult unless you spend a bit of money on upgrades.
The freemium model is the new trend in gaming—to charge nothing (or almost nothing) for a game, and then to make the game agonizingly slow or agonizingly difficult unless you spend a bit of money on upgrades. gaming компьютерные игры upgrades модернизация, улучшение agonizingly мучительно
It always surprises me what I can get by asking. Cell phone bills, bandwidth overage charges, gym fees—many of these things are negotiable. We even asked our dentist if we could get the up-front cash rate for my daughter’s braces and he gave it to us just for asking.
It always surprises me what I can get by asking. Cell phone bills, bandwidth overage charges, gym fees—many of these things are negotiable. We even asked our dentist if we could get the up-front cash rate for my daughter’s braces and he gave it to us just for asking. overage избыток negotiable договорное bandwidth пропускная способность сети
On the money
On the money – совершенно верно
A run for his money
A run for his money – придется попотеть
Put your money where your mouth is
Put your money where your mouth is – отвечать за свои слова; поддерживать то, что говоришь (деньгами)
A day late and a dollar short
A day late and a dollar short – кто не успел, тот опоздал
My two cents
My two cents – вставить свои 5 копеек
Green Backs
Green Backs – доллары, зеленые, баксы, баки
Moolah – деньги, бабки, бабло, бабосы, капуста, тугрики, зеленые
Duckets – деньги, бабки, бабло, бабосы, капуста, тугрики, зеленые
“used” + infinitive I used to drink coffee everyday, but now I prefer tea. **When describing a habit or regular action from the past which no longer happens in the present.
“used” + infinitive verb – NEGATIVE FORM She didn’t use to play chess, but now she really enjoys it. OR another negative form… She never used to play chess, but now she really enjoys it.
He didn’t use to walk to work, until his car broke down. He never used to walk to work, until his car broke down.
QUICK QUIZ 1. When Sam was young, he ______ to eat a lot of candy. Now he doesn’t.
QUICK QUIZ 1. When Sam was young, he ______ to eat a lot of candy. Now he doesn’t. used OR didn’t use
2. Sara _____ to read a lot of books when she was a student, but now she reads all the time.
2. Sara _____ to read a lot of books when she was a student, but now she reads all the time. used OR didn’t use
3. I like having short hair now, but when I was younger I _____ to like it.
3. I like having short hair now, but when I was younger I _____ to like it. used OR never used
4. You _______ to watch that TV show all the time. Why don’t you watch it anymore?
4. You _______ to watch that TV show all the time. Why don’t you watch it anymore? used OR never used
5. Peter _______ to love playing tennis before he hurt his shoulder.
5. Peter _______ to love playing tennis before he hurt his shoulder. used OR didn’t use
We need to crack down hard on the. . . . abuse of drugs. average outright widespread frenetic careless
We need to crack down hard on the. . . . abuse of drugs. average outright widespread frenetic careless
He was able to predict what was going to happen with. . . . accuracy. itemised uncanny careless luxury glowing
He was able to predict what was going to happen with. . . . accuracy. itemised uncanny careless luxury glowing
They've made some highly. . . . accusations about us. itemised uncanny damaging luxury glowing
They've made some highly. . . . accusations about us. itemised uncanny damaging luxury glowing
We need to find a new site with. . . . access to the European motorway network. ready outright widespread pronounced wholehearted
We need to find a new site with. . . . access to the European motorway network. ready outright widespread pronounced wholehearted
This will probably be the. . . . achievement of her career. itemised uncanny damaging crowning glowing
This will probably be the. . . . achievement of her career. itemised uncanny damaging crowning glowing
Pearl of Wisdom
Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants. An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. – Benjamin Franklin
A wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart. –Jonathan Swift
Many people take no care of their money till they come nearly to the end of it, and others do just the same with their time. –Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
My favorite things in life don't cost any money. It's really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time. -- Steve Jobs
Everyday is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we’ve got 24 hours each. – Christopher Rice