Topic 5 — The managing of natural resource

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Описание презентации Topic 5 — The managing of natural resource по слайдам
Topic 5 — The managing of natural resource potential of the region 5. 1 The evaluation of natural potential and management of nature objectives 5. 2 Management forms and methods of natural-resource potential of region
5. 1 The evaluation of natural potential and management of nature objectives Natural resource potential (NRP) of a region – is a combination of all natural means, resources that may be mobilized and used for a particular purpose.
NRP includes only the studied environmental elements divided into two groups: 1. The natural conditions 2. The natural resources
• The natural conditions are the bodies and forces of nature that at a certain level of development of productive forces are essential for life and work of human society in manufacturing and non-production fields.
• The natural resources are the bodies and forces that at a certain level of development of productive forces and exploration can be used to meet the needs of human society in the form of direct participation in material activities.
The main tasks of environmental management in the region include: • The natural resource potential maintaining and strengthening of the territory; • The ensuring of the rational and integrated use of natural resources; • The reduce of the negative impact of production activities and utilities on the environment; • The reproduction of flora and fauna; • The creating of the favorable conditions of life, work and leisure.
The local administration authorities in the use of natural resources and environmental protection are: • The programs development and implementation of rational use of lands, forests, increasing soil fertility, which are in the state property; • The preparation, submission for the proper council approval and the implementation of regional environmental programs;
• The measures to reconstruct the damage caused by violation of laws on environmental protection by the enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens; • The proposals submissions to the relevant local authorities to organize the territories and objects of nature reserves of local importance;
• The informing of the public about environmentally hazardous and accident situations, environmental conditions as well as measures taken to improve it; • The work organizations on environmental consequences of accidents, drawing to these enterprises works, institutions and organizations regardless of ownership forms and citizens;
5. 2 Management forms and methods of natural-resource potential of region The main management forms of natural resources in a region are: • ecological standardization, • regulation, • use permit, • ecological economic control
Methods of management of natural resources: • Legal • Administrative • Economic
• Legal methods are determined by nature protection legislation, land, water, forest codes and code about “The entrails”.
• Administrative methods are used by Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of ecological security and its management with the regional state administrations, and also the local state administrations.
• Economic methods of management of natural sources are mostly based upon the programming and planning.