Topic 2. 2 D Transformations Homogeneous Coordinates Homogeneous 2 D Transformations Affine Transformations & Restrictions
Points in Euclidean 2 D coordinates
Euclidean coord-s into Homogeneous coord-s
2 D Homogeneous Coordinates
2 D Homogeneous Coordinates: Equality
Homogeneous coord-s into Euclidean coord-s
Homogeneous coord-s into Euclidean coord-s
Points at in Homogeneous Coordinates
Points at in Homogeneous Coordinates
Points at in Homogeneous Coordinates
Line Equations in Homogeneous coord-s
The Line Passing Through 2 Points
Intersection Point of Two Lines
Intersection of Parallel Lines
Intersection of Parallel Lines
Lines from Points & Points from Lines
Topic 2. 2 D Transformations Homogeneous Coordinates Homogeneous 2 D Transformations Affine Transformations & Restrictions
2 D Transformations
General Linear 2 D Transformations
General Linear 2 D Transformations
Homographies: Basic Properties
Homographies: Basic Properties
Homographies: Basic Properties
Homographies: Geometric Intuition
Homographies from Point Correspondences
Homographies from Point Correspondences
Homographies from Point Correspondences
Topic 2. 2 D Transformations Homogeneous Coordinates Homogeneous 2 D Transformations Affine Transformations & Restrictions
General Linear 2 D Transformations
Affine Transformations
Affine Transformations: General Matrix Form
Affine Transformations: General Matrix Form
Affine Transformations: Basic Properties
Affine Transformations: Basic Properties
Affine Transformations: Basic Properties
Affine-Transforming 2 D Points
Affine-Transforming 2 D Points
Affine-Transforming 2 D Points
Geometric Interpretation of Affine Matrix
Geometric Interpretation of Affine Matrix
Geometric Interpretation of Affine Matrix
How Affine Transformations Affect Area
From Affine to Rigid Transformations
Rigid Transformations: Rotations
Rigid Transformations : Translation
Composition of 2 D Rotations & Translations
Composition of 2 D Rotations & Translations
From Affine to Conformal Transformations
Conformal Transformations : Reflection
Conformal Transformations : Uniform Scaling