- Количество слайдов: 12
TOPIC 2—日程安排
Reference • • 钟鼓楼 the Bell Tower, the Drum Tower 大清真寺 the Great Mosque 大雁塔 the Big Wild Goose Pagoda 秦始皇兵马俑 Emperor Qin’s Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses • 仿唐乐舞 Music and Dance in the Tang. Dynasty Style
译: 史密斯先生,我们现在来谈谈你们在西安的活动安排怎么 样?我先谈个初步日程,如果你们有什么不同意见或建议, 请不要客气。 G: That will be fine, please go ahead. 译: 今天是星期一,你们将于星期五下午飞往上海,对吗? G: Yes, We’ll fly to Shanghai by the Eastern Airlines at 4: 15 Friday afternoon. 译: 这几天是这样安排的,如果你们不累的话,我们今天下午 就去参观钟鼓楼和大清真寺、大雁塔,这些都是具有不同风 格的中国古代建筑。 G: We are not tired at all. We want to see Xi’an as much as possible. 译: 我们尽量安排。今晚 6: 30,我们市长在西安宾馆宴会厅举 行欢迎宴会,请各位光临。 G: That’s very kind of you. 译: 星期二我们去临潼,上午参观“世界第八奇观”秦始皇兵马俑, 中午在那里吃午饭。在回旅馆的途中,我们参观半坡博物馆, 看看6000年前中国人是如何劳动生息的。晚上,我们去西安 市人民剧院看一场仿唐乐舞。 G: That’s wonderful.
译: 史密斯先生,我们现在来谈谈你们在西安的活动安排怎 么样?我先谈个初步日程,如果你们有什么不同意见或建 议,请不要客气。 G: That will be fine, please go ahead. Host: Mr. Smith, shall we start discussing your program in Xi’an? I’ve worked out a suggested schedule. If you have any objection or suggestion, please let us know. 客: 很好,请讲吧。 译: 今天是星期一,你们将于星期五下午飞往上海,对吗? G: Yes, We’ll fly to Shanghai by the Eastern Airlines at 4: 15 Friday afternoon. H: Today’s Monday and you’ll fly to Shanghai on Friday afternoon, is that right? 客: 是的。我们将于星期五下午4︰ 15乘东方航空公司的航班飞往上海。
译: 这几天是这样安排的,如果你们不累的话,我们今天下 午就去参观钟鼓楼和大清真寺、大雁塔,这些都是具有不 同风格的中国古代建筑。 G: We are not tired at all. We want to see Xi’an as much as possible. 主: Here is the suggested program: If you are not tired, we’ll take you to the Bell Tower, the Drum Tower, the Great Mosque and the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the ancient Chinese architecture of different styles. 客: 我们一点也不累,我们在西安想尽可能多地看些地方。
译: 我们尽量安排。今晚 6: 30,我们市长在西安宾 馆宴会厅举行欢迎宴会,请各位光临。 G: That’s very kind of you. H: We’ll try our best to arrange. At 6: 30 this evening, our mayor will host a dinner party to welcome you in the dining hall of Xi’an Hotel. So you are welcome to the party. 客: 非常感谢。我们一定去。
译: 星期二我们去临潼,上午参观“世界第八奇观”秦始皇兵马俑,中午在 那里吃午饭。在回旅馆的途中,我们参观半坡博物馆,看看6000年前 中国人是如何劳动生息的。晚上,我们去西安市人民剧院看一场仿唐 乐舞。 G: That’s wonderful. H: Tuesday morning you’ll visit the “Eighth Wonder of the World”, Emperor Qin’s Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses. You’ll have lunch there. On the way back to the hotel in the afternoon, you’ll visit Banpo Museum, where you’ll see how the Chinese people lived and labored some 6000 years ago. You’ll watch an evening performance of Music and Dance in the Tang -Dynasty Style at Xi’an Opera House this evening. 客: 那真是太好了。
回译 Host: Mr. Smith, shall we start discussing your program in Xi’an? I’ve worked out a suggested schedule. If you have any objection or suggestion, please let us know. 客: 很好,请讲吧。 H: Today’s Monday and you’ll fly to Shanghai on Friday afternoon, is that right? 客: 是的。我们将于星期五下午4︰ 15乘东方航空公司的航班 飞往上海。 主: Here is the suggested program: If you are not tired, we’ll take you to the Bell Tower, the Drum Tower, the Great Mosque and the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, all this ancient Chinese architecture of different styles.
客: 我们一点也不累,我们在西安想尽可能多地看些地方。 H: We’ll try our best to arrange. At 6: 30 this evening, our mayor will host a dinner party to welcome you in the dining hall of Xi’an Hotel. So you are welcome to the party. 客: 非常感谢。我们一定去。 H: Tuesday morning you’ll visit the “Eighth Wonder of the World”, Emperor Qin’s Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses. You’ll have lunch there. On the way back to the hotel in the afternoon, you’ll visit Banpo Museum, where you’ll see how the Chinese people lived and labored some 6000 years ago. You’ll watch an evening performance of Music and Dance in the Tang-Dynasty Style at Xi’an Opera House this evening. 客: 那真是太好了。
(2) • David: Could we have a quick word about the sales conference, Mr. Chen? • Chen: 当然可以,会场已经预定好了。 • David: Good. And I’ve got some definite number now. there are 107 delegates. • Chen: 好的。 这个礼堂可以容纳 130人,我还预定了另外两间。 • David: We need to sort out the program. • Chen: 不知道参加每次讲话的人数,议程很难定。大会议室可容纳 60 人,小会议室可容纳 30人。 • David: Well, everyone’s going to Mr. Thompson’s presentation. He’s giving the opening address. But I’ll find out about the others. • Chen: 你问问讲话者是否需要其他设备? • David: Do you have microphones and video projectors? • Chen: 所有房间都有。 • David: Ok. Then I think we can begin at nine in the morning and we can fit two sessions in before lunch. What are you doing for lunch? • Chen: 我们准备了自助餐。
Listening & translation --going to theatre • • respectively adv. 分别地 stall n. 书摊 near-sighted a. 近视的 theme n. 主题 plot vi构思 Seats in the stall 正厅前排座位 In the dress circle. 花楼,特等包厢
Task • Design a schedule for your guest and work out a dialogue with your partners.