Скачать презентацию Tony Smith Headteacher What makes Priory outstanding Скачать презентацию Tony Smith Headteacher What makes Priory outstanding


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Tony Smith Headteacher Tony Smith Headteacher

What makes Priory “outstanding”? Excellent and improving examination results High quality teaching An exciting What makes Priory “outstanding”? Excellent and improving examination results High quality teaching An exciting curriculum which offers breadth and depth Many extra-curricular opportunities Numerous awards (International School, Healthy School, CPD Mark)

Experiencing Teaching and Learning at Priory Osho Field - Year 8 Freya Austin – Experiencing Teaching and Learning at Priory Osho Field - Year 8 Freya Austin – Year 8

Education at Priory Education is more than passing exams! Renaissance approach Preparation for life Education at Priory Education is more than passing exams! Renaissance approach Preparation for life

Extra curricular activities Naomi Lee – Deputy Head Girl Rohan Nijhawan – Deputy Head Extra curricular activities Naomi Lee – Deputy Head Girl Rohan Nijhawan – Deputy Head Boy

Enrichment and Enhancement Ø Priory in the community Ø Priory beyond the local community Enrichment and Enhancement Ø Priory in the community Ø Priory beyond the local community

School Trips Sophie Boddington - Year 9 School Trips Sophie Boddington - Year 9

Pastoral System Well resourced Personalised – founded on respect House system Same age tutor Pastoral System Well resourced Personalised – founded on respect House system Same age tutor groups Tutors - first point of contact House or year approach as appropriate Developing continuity Additional support staff and external agencies

The House Structure Ø Organisation of Houses HOUSE (e. g. EARTH) LEARNING AREA (e. The House Structure Ø Organisation of Houses HOUSE (e. g. EARTH) LEARNING AREA (e. g. SCIENCE) LEARNING AREA (e. g. TECHNOLOGY) 5 TUTOR GROUPS Y 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

House Structure Ø Management Structure of Houses Assistant Head (e. g. Earth House) House House Structure Ø Management Structure of Houses Assistant Head (e. g. Earth House) House Assistant Learning Manager (e. g. Science) Learning Coordinators (e. g. KS 3, KS 4) Learning Manager (e. g. Technology) Learning Coordinators (e. g. ICT, DT) Teachers/Tutors Y 7, Y 8, Y 9, Y 10, Y 11

The House System – the students’ view Lewis Massie – Year 8 The House System – the students’ view Lewis Massie – Year 8

Ethos Relaxed and friendly Orderly and civilised Considerate behaviour Whole school community Mutual support Ethos Relaxed and friendly Orderly and civilised Considerate behaviour Whole school community Mutual support and encouragement Students engaged and involved

Head Boy Head Girl Deputy Head Boy Transition Team Well being Team Student Council Head Boy Head Girl Deputy Head Boy Transition Team Well being Team Student Council Teaching & Learning Team House Team Eco Team Community Team Example of responsibilities Example of responsibilities Y 6 transition Peer supporters Council meetings Sports reps Run Eco club Volunteer groups Y 7 Tutor support Enrichment publicity House meetings Lesson Observation Charity reps School sustainability Tea party Y 6 webpage Meet & greet mid year joiners Student tours Library team Learning mentors Webpage Priory focus page Governors meeting Student vision Student voice drop in LA review Curriculum review LA Notice boards House notice board Monitor school environment Support HA Eco projects Community links School publicity Talk with NQT’s Garden project Student Awareness day Talk with trainee teachers Fair-trade group Meet & Greet Transport monitor

Priory School Serving young people and their parents Providing the best possible education and Priory School Serving young people and their parents Providing the best possible education and preparation for life Meeting the needs of every student

The (nearly) Last Word…. Year 8 Lilah Peters Year 8 The (nearly) Last Word…. Year 8 Lilah Peters Year 8

Finding out more • Visit our website • Read the prospectus • Speak to Finding out more • Visit our website • Read the prospectus • Speak to our students ……………… and their parents Speak to our partners Talk to Governors Look around

Important Dates - National Ø October 31 st – closing date for applications Ø Important Dates - National Ø October 31 st – closing date for applications Ø March 1 st – allocation letters sent out by schools Ø March 19 th – closing date for acceptance letters Ø March 19 th – closing date for appeals Ø April / May / June – appeals heard

Important Dates – Priory School Ø April / May / June – visits to Important Dates – Priory School Ø April / May / June – visits to primary schools Ø June 19 th – Taster Day Ø July 16 th/17 th – parents, tutors and students meet Ø September 4 th – first day of term Ø September 19 th – parents and tutors meet Ø October 18 th – Fish and Chip supper

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Ø Classes set by ability: English, Mathematics, Science, Modern Foreign Key Stage 3 Curriculum Ø Classes set by ability: English, Mathematics, Science, Modern Foreign Languages Ø Mixed ability classes: Art, Classics, Dance, Drama, Design Technology, Geography, History, ICT, Life Skills, Music, PE, Religious Studies

Key Stage 4 Curriculum Ø Core Subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, ICT, Religious Studies, PE Key Stage 4 Curriculum Ø Core Subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, ICT, Religious Studies, PE (non-exam), Life Skills (non-exam) Ø Options Subjects: Art (BTEC/GCSE), Arts Award, Classics, Citizenship, Dance (BTEC/GCSE), Drama, Design Technology Food/Product Design/Textiles, English Literature (A/S), French (NVQ/GCSE), Geography, German (NVQ/GCSE), History, ICT, Latin, Media Studies, Music, PE, Philosophy (A/S), Photography, Religious Studies, Sports Leadership, Separate Sciences, Sociology, Spanish (NVQ/GCSE), Sport BTEC, Statistics, Travel & Tourism Ø Level 2 Diplomas: Creative and Media (Expressive Arts) Ø Vocational Qualifications: Catering, Construction, Hairdressing, Public Services, Agriculture, Child Care, Motor Vehicle Maintenance, Plumbing, Small Animal Care…

This Evening Programme/prospectus Presentations at 6. 30 and 7. 30 Student helpers operating tours This Evening Programme/prospectus Presentations at 6. 30 and 7. 30 Student helpers operating tours throughout the evening (start in Reception) Ø In Reception: l Senior Leadership Team l Governors l House Assistants Ø Displays/activities/staff in Learning Areas Ø Tea/coffee in the Servery/Lecture Theatre Ø Bell at 8. 30 Ø Close at 9. 00 Ø Ø Ø

Beyond This Evening Ø Department for Education’s comparing schools facility www. education. gov. uk/schools/search Beyond This Evening Ø Department for Education’s comparing schools facility www. education. gov. uk/schools/search Ø Priory School Performance Summary Website > Student Info > Exams Ø This presentation Website > About > Admissions

Have a great evening. Have a great evening.