Today at the lesson we are going ► to speak about different kinds of shops ; ► to use the active vocabulary; ► to find necessary information in the text while listening and reading; ► to talk about shopping in Britain, ► to understand the song in English about shopping.
Phonetic drill Shopping, shopping Let’s go shopping. We can buy a lot of food. Bread and butter, cheese and sausage, Vegetables and fruit.
Answer the questions. ► 1. Do you often go shopping? ► 2. What do you like to buy? ► 3. What shops do you know? ► 4. What can you buy at the dairy? ► 5. Do you like to buy presents? ► 6. What kind of shops are there near your house? ► 7. How often do you go shopping?
Checking up homework What kinds of shops do you know? SHOPS
Baker’s Supermarket dairy cosmetic shop grocer’s Greengrocer’s flower’s SHOPS toy's shop butcher’s depart ment store fishmonger’s newsagent’s chemist’s sport shop
Different kinds of shops Sport shop Chemist` Newsagent’s Greengrocer’s Butcher’s Dairy shop Florist’s Baker’s Grocer’s Fishmonger’s Toys י shop
What products can you buy at the baker’s shop?
at the butcher’s?
at the grocer’s shop?
at the dairy shop?
at the greengrocer’s?
at the fishmonger’s ?
Physical activity Open, close, open, close, Everybody clap, clap. Open, close, open, close, Everybody touch your eyes.
Pair work ► ► ► ► ► We buy … 1) to buy medicine, make-up 2) to buy fish, crabs 3) to buy potatoes, bananas, onions, apples 4) to buy meat, sausages 5) to buy milk, sour cream, curds 6) to buy tea, sugar, salt 7) to buy a loaf of bread, cakes, rolls 8) to buy a newspaper, a magazine 9) to buy cream, deodorant, shampoo, lipstics. at the…. a) baker's b) chemist's c) butcher's d) grocery store e) greengrocer's f) fishmonger's g) cosmetic shop h) dairy i) newsagent's
Physical activity If you wearing red, shake your head. If you wearing red, if you wearing red, If you wearing red, shake your head. If you wearing blue, touch your shoe. If you wearing blue, if you wearing blue, If you wearing blue, touch your shoe.
Listening Ex. 5, p. 115.
Listen to the song and name the shops that are in the street where John lives. Baker י s shop, Greengrocer י s, Supermarket. What can we buy there? Fresh bread, Fresh fruit, Vegetables.
Summing up the result of the lesson. Today we spoke a lot about shops and shopping in Great Britain. Answer my questions: What did we do at our lesson? ► 1. We have learnt some useful information about “Shops” and “Shopping in Great Britain” ► 2. We have learnt about goods which these shops sell ► 3. We found necessary information in the text while reading ► 4. We listened the song and named the shops.
Homework To the next lesson you have to do ►Level 1 Ex. 2(b)p. 114, ►Level 2 Ex. 3 p. 114, ►Level 3 Ex. 4 p. 114