«To be a secretary — a vocation…» How

«To be a secretary - a vocation…»

How your trade (post) is called? The secretary – responsible enough, demanding fast reaction and presence of organizing abilities a post.

In what your work, and what duties at you consists? Into daily duties of the secretary enters: the answer and fulfillment of calls, reception / sending of faxes, maintenance of internal activity of the organization (purchase of a stationery, the order of delivery of water, tea/coffee and other). However primary activity which distinguishes it from the simple secretary – planning of the working day of the chief, namely: appointment and the organization of meetings (for example, the little table order at restaurant for carrying out of business lunch), the order railway and air tickets, room reservation in hotel and other.

What formation is necessary to receive your post? For work on this post higher education isn't required, but for this purpose what to become the irreplaceable assistant, the right hand of the head, it is necessary to pass a special training course from which it is possible to learn about details of conducting documents and other official papers. Also, for creation of favorable conditions in working collective and promptings of business contacts, the administrative assistant should familiarize with bases of business ethics.

Describe the working day. My working day began at 16.00 and came to an end at 22.00. As the publishing house it was necessary to accept/send often enough faxes was a place of my work, to answer phone calls, to book tickets and to reserve hotel accommodations for employees and visitors.

Conditions of your work (all the day in the street, or at office with a coffee cup) are how much comfortable? As a whole work was enough pleasant and quiet – a gentle music, a comfortable workplace, tea/coffee …

What most of all it is pleasant to you in the business? Most of all it was pleasant to me that during the working day there was enough free time and it was possible to pay attention to private affairs. What most of all it is not pleasant to you in the business? Absence of prospect of development was a unique minus of such work, such post doesn't mean career growth.

If not a secret, your wage level (to write enough arranges or not)? The wage level corresponds to employment degree on work, but isn't satisfactory (an order 300$). What human qualities, in your opinion, are most important in your business? It seems to me that in any business it is important to remain the person, after all everyone has problems and black strips in life, but friendly support and understanding do our life more softly, and efficiency of work – above.

You have a possibility to estimate on five-point scale the work, what estimation you would put? For the work I would put 4 + as all the same it isn't a post of my dream. Why you have chosen such work? I have chosen this post as here I could combine study and work.

All thanks!

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