TMA chair of the English language The abstract on a theme of «Digestive system of the human» Fulfilled student 218 group Erkin Igor Tyumen 2012
Digestive system • The digestive system (the digestive apparatus, the systema digestorium) - a combination of digestive organs in animals and man. The digestive system provides the body with the needed energy and building material for the restoration and renewal of cells and tissues, constantly breaking down in the process of vital activity.
Part of the digestive system
1. The mouth - it contains the teeth, tongue and salivary glands. In the oral cavity food mechanically crushed with the help of teeth and felt her taste and temperature, is formed of the food bundle with the help of a language, 2. Esophagus - the upper part of the digestive tract, is a pipe length of 25 cm.
3. The stomach is the expanded portion of the alimentary canal, the walls are composed of smooth muscle tissue, lined by glandular epithelium. Gland produces gastric juice. The main function of the stomach, digestion of food. 4. Digestive gland: the liver and pancreas. The liver produces bile, which comes in the intestine during digestion. The pancreas also secretes enzymes that cleave proteins, fats, carbohydrates and produces the hormone insulin
5. The intestine begins duodenal intestine, which opens the ducts of the pancreas and gallbladder. 6. The small intestine is the longest part of the digestive system. The mucous membrane of the forms villi, to which fit the blood and lymphatic capillaries. Through the villi is the place where. 7. The large intestine has a length of 1. 5 m, it produces mucus, contains bacteria, which cleave fiber. The final division - colon - end of
The function of the digestive system: • Motor-manual (grinding, movement, selection of food). • Secretory (production of enzymes, digestive juices and saliva, bile). • Suction (absorption of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water).
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