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Title • content SUMMARY PRESENTATION GROUP 4 International Science Programme for Indonesian Researchers (In. Title • content SUMMARY PRESENTATION GROUP 4 International Science Programme for Indonesian Researchers (In. SPIRe) Stromness, Scotland, UK, October 19, 2016

Title • content GROUP MEMBER: 1. Euis Hermiati 2. Debora Christin Purbani 3. Septiani Title • content GROUP MEMBER: 1. Euis Hermiati 2. Debora Christin Purbani 3. Septiani Dian Arimukti 4. Muhamad Muhaimin

Title • content In. SPIRe Program: Ø Aberdeen Ø Edinburgh Ø Inverness Ø Orkney Title • content In. SPIRe Program: Ø Aberdeen Ø Edinburgh Ø Inverness Ø Orkney Islands

Title Curatorial Group Museum: Aberdeen Maritime Museum, Zoology Museum Aberdeen, • content National Museum Title Curatorial Group Museum: Aberdeen Maritime Museum, Zoology Museum Aberdeen, • content National Museum Scotland, Fossil Centre, Stromness Museum, Orkney Museum, The Pier Art Centre, Tomb of the Eagles, Skara Brae Building: Edinburgh Castle, St. Magnus Cathedral, Skaill House Botanic Garden: Royal Botanic Garden of Edinburgh University: UHI – Inverness College (Genetic lab), Heriot-Watt Orkney Campus (marine biology), UHI – Orkney College (archaeology) Sites: Standing Stones of stenness, Ring of Brodgar, Skara Brae

Bioindustry based bioresearch Group Title Company: Nigg Waste Water Treatment, BALCAS, Scotrenewable Tidal • Bioindustry based bioresearch Group Title Company: Nigg Waste Water Treatment, BALCAS, Scotrenewable Tidal • content Power, Sustainable Marine Energy, Fjords Processing University: Aberdeen University (biomedicine), Robert Gordon University (production microalgae & bionanocomposites), Heriot-Watt Orkney Campus (marine technology) Organization: SEATIS, Aquatera, ICIT Community: Findhorn Ecovillage, Shapinsay Development Trust

Title • content Curatorial visiting Title • content Curatorial visiting

Title • content Bioindustry visiting Title • content Bioindustry visiting

Title LEARNING OUTCOMES (General) Key learning points that we get: ü Understanding applied research Title LEARNING OUTCOMES (General) Key learning points that we get: ü Understanding applied research methods ü Understanding the steps required to bridge research and implementation ü Research projects socio-economic impact ü Research projects environmental impact ü Understanding international drivers for multidisciplinary research ü Performing comparative studies ü Participating in discussions with researchers and industry practitioners ü Creation of a network with international researchers ü Management, commercialisation and sharing of information and research products ü Scaling up and commercialising research outputs ü Multi stakeholder engagement ü Project management ü Policy & technology interface • content Key learning points that we don’t get: X First hand interviews and focus group discussions with end-users X Exploring the steps required to set up business cases X Understanding donor requirements in funding research X Donor management X Having royalty and license of technology from research X Spin-off, company start-ups, and investments

Title Understanding applied research methods - Applied research plan • contentresearch often makes the Title Understanding applied research methods - Applied research plan • contentresearch often makes the multidisciplinary and society. and not only involve academics, but also industry, government, Understanding the steps required to bridge research and implementation - Understand the products, local resources available, socio-cultural condition, politics or policy of the government. Develop a roadmap to set a goal and make a back casting Planning multidisciplinary programme, including initiative scooping, project design, work delivery, and dissemination and replication. Focus to solve specific particular problem in industry Prove the research finding can be applied in industry

Title Research projects impact • content Social – Economy impact: research about natural and Title Research projects impact • content Social – Economy impact: research about natural and antrophogenic contaminants affect seafood safety and socio-economic implication, research about fishery sustainability, and research about marine spatial planning. Environment impact: research about energy extraction impact to rocky shores communities, research about biosecurity (marine invasive and nonnative species), research about biodiversity and planning of protected areas in Orkney.

Title LEARNING OUTCOMES (Curatorial Group) • content Key learning points that we get: ü Title LEARNING OUTCOMES (Curatorial Group) • content Key learning points that we get: ü Participation in in-depth academic discussions with researchers in curatorial practices ü Knowledge exchange in Botany ü Knowledge exchange in conservation ü Knowledge exchange in cataloguing ü Knowledge exchange in exhibition and outreach programmes ü Understanding current thinking, research methods and research trends in the UK/Europe/Global markets on curatorial ü Insights on public engagement strategies and awareness raising push and pull factors ü Access to recent journal publications in curatorial practices area of research ü Knowledge exchange in Zoology ü Knowledge exchange in Microbiology ü Knowledge exchange in sample and specimen handling ü Knowledge exchange in preservation ü Knowledge exchange in database and documentation Key learning points that we don’t get: X Hands-on lab experience in curatorial practices

Title Participation in in-depth academic discussions with researchers in curatorial practices • Discussions were Title Participation in in-depth academic discussions with researchers in curatorial practices • Discussions were done with researchers, curators, directors, content guides, and interpreter in some museums and archaeological sites • Discuss about: collection management, museum management, public engagement (exhibition planning), preservation, research, cataloguing, funding, etc. • Place visited: Museums University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen Maritime Museum, Edinburgh Castle, National Museum of Scotland, RBGE, Orkney Fossil and Heritage Centre, Heart of Neolithic Orkney, The Orkney Museum, The Pier Art Centre, Skaill House, Stromness Museum, Tomb of The Eagles, UHI Orkney College

Title Knowledge exchange in Botany and conservation • Place visited: RBGE and Orkney content Title Knowledge exchange in Botany and conservation • Place visited: RBGE and Orkney content • RBGE: research, funding, partnership, collection management, herbarium management, library, database, living collection management, etc. • Orkney: Observation in rocky shore ecosystem Observation in coastal organism (kelp and biofouling) Observation ecology of peatland in Hobbister RSPB Reserve, ecology in Dingieshowe and Mull Head Local Nature Reserve Birdwatching (ornithology observation) in Barnhouse Bird Hide

Title Knowledge exchange in cataloguing • With Janette Park (Stromness Museum) content • Collection Title Knowledge exchange in cataloguing • With Janette Park (Stromness Museum) content • Collection documentation, code of ethics for museum, loan mechanism, museum and collection insurance, collecting policies, repatriation issues, etc.

Title Knowledge exchange in exhibition and outreach programmes • content. Museum of Scotland Aberdeen Title Knowledge exchange in exhibition and outreach programmes • content. Museum of Scotland Aberdeen Maritime Museum • National are some examples of museum with an advanced, comprehensive, and informative exhibition • Orkney Fossil and Heritage Centre and Skara Brae Exhibition are some examples of museum with good and informative exhibition • Museum University of Aberdeen is an example of a museum that held some outreach programs to build public engagement and increase public awareness

Title LEARNING OUTCOMES (Bioindustry based Bioresources group) Key learning points that we get: ü Title LEARNING OUTCOMES (Bioindustry based Bioresources group) Key learning points that we get: ü Understanding current thinking, research methods and research trends in the UK/Europe/Global markets on bioindustry based bioresources ü Understanding the concepts of Eco-house and eco-village ü Knowledge exchange on Bioenergies and other renewable energies ü Knowledge exchange in bionanocomposites, including polymer composites for automotives and electronic devices ü Participation in in-depth academic discussions with researchers in bioindustry based bioresources ü Witness biomaterial, bioenergy, waste water and water treatment technology in practice ü Knowledge exchange on Bioresources ü Knowledge exchange on Biomaterials ü Knowledge exchange in ethical commercial exploitation of bioresources and biotechnologies ü Knowledge exchange in industrial system of bioenergy and microalgal based product technologies ü Knowledge exchange in sustainable energy and resources management • content Key learning points that we don’t get: X Hands-on lab experience in bioindustry based bioresources X Access to recent journal publications in bioindustry based bioresources area of research X Insights on industrial sector for utilising bioindustry based bioresources X Knowledge exchange in lignocellulosic materials and termites

Title Understanding current thinking, research methods and research trends in the UK/Europe/Global markets on Title Understanding current thinking, research methods and research trends in the UK/Europe/Global markets on bioindustry based bioresources • ü Exploring organisms having important economic value, or those from extreme content environment. ü Production of high value-added chemicals or products. Understanding the concepts of Eco-house and eco-village ü Eco-house: the house uses as little energy as possible, and part of the energy comes from renewable energy; the house uses eco-friendly building materials, which are locally available and non toxic. ü Eco-village: a village that provides as much as possible self sufficient for food and energy, practicing environmentally friendly agriculture and waste management, so that it could minimize the ecological footprint, and the community lives in harmony

Knowledge Title exchange on Bioenergies and other renewable energies • ü Exchange of knowledge Knowledge Title exchange on Bioenergies and other renewable energies • ü Exchange of knowledge on the generation of pellets. from municipal wastes content as well as the production of wood power Limited infromation from and wood Indonesian side. ü Exchange of knowledge on the generation of power from wind, tide and wave. Limited infromation from Indonesian side Knowledge exchange on bionanocomposites, including polymer composites for automotives and electronic devices ü Exchange of knowledge on the production of biocomposites and polymer composites for automotives. Enough infromation from Indonesian side

Title • content A new, universal set of goals, targets and indicators that United Title • content A new, universal set of goals, targets and indicators that United Nation member states will be expected to use to frame their agendas and political policies over the next 15 years. Places, Activities, Organisation and Workshop/Field-work in In. SPIRe contribute to 14 SDGs ( out of 17)

Title Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all: q NIGG Title Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all: q NIGG Waste Water Treatments Works q Findhorn Eco-village • content Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all: q SEATIS q University of Aberdeen q BALCAS q Findhorn Eco-village q Heriot Watt University q Scotrenewables Tidal Power Ltd. q Sustainable Marine Energi Ltd.

Title Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable: q Robert Gordon Title Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable: q Robert Gordon University q SEATIS q University of Aberdeen q Findhorn Eco-village q HIE q Heriot Watt University q Shapinsay Development Trust • content Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss: q Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh q BALCAS q Findhorn Eco-village q Inverness College-UHI q Fossil and Heritage Center q Orkney College-UHI q Pier Arts Centre q Shapinsay Development Trust

ACTION PLANS Title • Ø Implementing of knowledge obtained during the content internship in ACTION PLANS Title • Ø Implementing of knowledge obtained during the content internship in the development of Museum Nasional Sejarah Alam Indonesia (Indonesian National Museum of Natural History) Ø Improving skill and knowledge on research management Ø Improving of cataloguing process and database, exhibition program, and capacity building Ø Improving of management of living collection and herbarium in botanic gardens

ACTION PLANS Title • Ø Improving in implementation of research on content bioresources to ACTION PLANS Title • Ø Improving in implementation of research on content bioresources to industry Ø Suggesting establishment of biopellet industry, which is integrated with agroindustry Ø Sharing information about marine resources and marine energy in Scotland to Deputy of Earth Sciences and Deputy of Engineering Sciences LIPI

Title SUGGESTIONS: • content v. More fieldwork at Scientific museums and culture collection in Title SUGGESTIONS: • content v. More fieldwork at Scientific museums and culture collection in microbiology v. Longer duration of fieldwork at Botanic Gardens v. Longer duration and more fieldwork in bioindustry and bioenergy plants

Title • content THANK YOU. . . Title • content THANK YOU. . .