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Titanic (1997 film) Презентация по Английскому языку Ученицы 11 класса «А» Калюжной Екатерины. Titanic (1997 film) Презентация по Английскому языку Ученицы 11 класса «А» Калюжной Екатерины.

Titanic is a 1997 American epic romance and disaster film directed, written, co-produced, and Titanic is a 1997 American epic romance and disaster film directed, written, co-produced, and co-edited by James Cameron. A fictionalized account of the sinking of the RMS Titanic, it stars Leonardo Di. Caprio as Jack Dawson, Kate Winslet as Rose De. Witt Bukater and Billy Zane as Rose's fiancé, Cal Hockley. Jack and Rose are members of different social classes who fall in love aboard the ship during its ill-fated maiden voyage.

Upon its release on December 19, 1997, the film achieved critical and commercial success. Upon its release on December 19, 1997, the film achieved critical and commercial success. It equaled records with fourteen Academy Award nominations and eleven Oscar wins, receiving the prizes for Best Picture and Best Director. With a worldwide gross of over $1. 8 billion, it was the first film to reach the billion dollar mark, remaining the highest-grossing film of all time for twelve years. In 1998 "Titanic" has been put forward on competition of the award "Oscar" in 14 nominations, has as a result received 11 of them, including an award «the Best film» 1997.

Creation history The best friend Lewis Eberneti in birthday of the director has presented Creation history The best friend Lewis Eberneti in birthday of the director has presented to it the work about "Titanic". By 1994 Cameron has written the scenario, and in the beginning to 1995 has offered movie companies 20 th Century Fox which has allocated for starting expenses of 3 million dollars. Even prior to the beginning of shootings at studio Digital Domain belonging to James Cameron, computer animation of process of wreck of the ship which has been used subsequently in a film has been created. Shootings of a film have begun on September, 16 th, 1996, and the initial budget then made all 110 million dollars. James Cameron Lewis Eberneti

Plot In 1996, treasure hunter Brock Lovett and his team explore the wreck of Plot In 1996, treasure hunter Brock Lovett and his team explore the wreck of the RMS Titanic, searching for a necklace called the Heart of the Ocean. They believe the necklace is in Caledon "Cal" Hockley's safe, which they recover. Instead of the diamond, they find a sketch of a nude woman wearing it, dated April 14, 1912, the night the Titanic hit the iceberg. Rose Dawson Calvert finds out about the drawing, contacts Lovett, and says that she is the woman depicted. She and her granddaughter Elizabeth "Lizzy" Calvert visit Lovett and his team on his salvage ship.

In the meantime the Rose Dawson Kalvert (Roza Djuitt Bjukejter), elderly, but still the In the meantime the Rose Dawson Kalvert (Roza Djuitt Bjukejter), elderly, but still the woman full to vital energy at the age of 101 years, pays attention to the message of TV channel CNN on that expedition and sees on the TV a portrait of the nude woman. She calls to the hunter behind treasures of Broku Lavettu and informs it that knows about a brilliant «ocean Heart» and about the one whom is that beautiful young girl on a portrait: «Oh, yes. You will not believe, but there I» . The rose accompanied by grand daughter Lizzi Kalvert, takes off on research vessel "Academician Mstislav Keldysh" used by Lavettom and its command, to a place of immersings and starts to tell to hunters behind treasures the story about "Titanic".

On April, 10 th, 1912 the seventeen-year Rose appears onboard the ship in cabins On April, 10 th, 1912 the seventeen-year Rose appears onboard the ship in cabins of the first class together with the mother Djuitt Bjukejter and the groom — industrialist Kaledonom Hokli. The rose did not wish to marry Kaledona, however her mother in every way aspired to give out the daughter for the nouveau riche to correct the reeled financial position among elite. In the meantime, the tramp and the artist by name of Jack Douson and its best friend Fabritsio De Rossi win tickets of the third class for a vessel in poker. A rose, suffering from the imposed marriage, wants to commit suicide, having jumped off from a vessel stern. Jack notices it and does not allow to make so a daredevil act.

 Jack falls in love with the Rose but since and Ruf have learned Jack falls in love with the Rose but since and Ruf have learned Kaledon where there was a Rose, they charge to protection of cabins of the first class not to let in Jack to them. On April, 14 th by means of Fabritsio and to Tommi Jack it was possible to creep on a main deck and to steal a coat and a hat that will allow it to be on a deck, without inspiring suspicions. Conversation with the Rose in what does not result, but later the Rose finds Jack on a rostrum. They, having embraced, look at a sunset, last for many by the ship.

A bit later the Rose asks, that it has drawn its portrait — she A bit later the Rose asks, that it has drawn its portrait — she wants to pose bared and only with a coulomb «ocean Heart» on a neck. The rose hides drawing together with a brilliant in the safe. Spajser Lavdzhoj, valet Kaledona, finds out Jack and the Rose together and starts to pursue them on all ship, but loses a track at an input in a boiler-house. The Rose admits the love to Jack.

In the meantime, captain Smith ignores preventions of the numerous icebergs which are on In the meantime, captain Smith ignores preventions of the numerous icebergs which are on a way of a vessel, and "Titanic" continues to go in the night from a great speed on an insisting of the executing director «White Star Line» Joseph Bruce Ismeja. At 23: 40 two patrol see an iceberg directly in front of "Titanic". Despite efforts of a command engineers, the vessel faces an iceberg and water starts to get into ship compartments.

Survived wait in boats liner Survived wait in boats liner "Karpatii " which soon should arrive to a place of wreck and pick up them. On a deck of "Karpatii" she sees Kaledona who searches for it, but passes by, without having learnt the girl. Later, during census escaped the Rose names itself the Rose Dawson, connecting thereby the life with Jack for ever, breaking off with the last. After the arrival to New York the Rose finds out in a coat pocket «Heart of Ocean» , which Kaledon has put in a pocket when the vessel sank.

Already grown old Rose in 1996 goes on a deck of Already grown old Rose in 1996 goes on a deck of "Academician Mstislava Keldysh", and we see that it all this time stored «Ocean Heart» . Nobody noticed, the Rose, having risen on a hand-rail, throws a coulomb in dark water of Atlantic where its last memory of Jack is based, having solved that a brilliant place — near to "Titanic". In a room of the Rose spectators see its photos, on one of pictures the girl is embodied sitting on a horse on landing stage in Santa Monica — they with Jack dreamed to visit there together. The rose lies down in bed and easy plunges into darkness.

 Shootings of this epic picture, having lasted about 7 months, have ended on Shootings of this epic picture, having lasted about 7 months, have ended on March, 23 rd, 1997 «After I have seen fragments of present "Titanic", it became clear to me that I have no right in what to fake. When we with Russian have finished underwater shootings, I have asked all to gather on a deck. Before it we removed all night long and all the day long, it is more than 17 hours. People have been extremely exhausted, but all have gathered on a rostrum, and we have floated a wreath on which have written: „Memories of passengers and crew of"Titanic"“. Our film — a cinema wreath to these people » . James Cameron about film shootings

Film crew the Director: James Cameron Script writer: James Cameron Producers: James Cameron, John Film crew the Director: James Cameron Script writer: James Cameron Producers: James Cameron, John Landau, Pamela Isli, Grant Hill, Sharon Mann.

In roles v Leonardo di Каприо- Jack Doyson- Perished v Keyt Yinslet - Rosa In roles v Leonardo di Каприо- Jack Doyson- Perished v Keyt Yinslet - Rosa De. Vitt B`ykeyter Survived v Billy Zeyn -Caledon of Hokli- Survived v Cathie Beyts -Molly Braun -Survived v Фрэнсис Fisher- Ruth De. Vitt B`ykeyter Survived v Hill -Captain Smit -Perished v David Warner of - Spajser Lavdzhoj-Perished v Victor Garber-Thomas Endrys -Perished v Jonathan Haid -Брюс Ismey- Survived, but was stamped by disgrace v Dzheysan Berri- Tommy Rain -Perished v Danny Hyhhi -Fabricio- Perished

Characters on a vessel Characters on a vessel "Academician Mstislav Keldysh", 1997 Gloria Stewart - the Elderly Rose Bill Parkston- Brook Lovett Suzy Amis-Lizzi Kalvert Lewis Aberrant - Lewis Boding Anatoly Sagalevich - Anatoly Sagalevich

 By this time the film By this time the film "Titanic" has 87 awards and 48 more nominations which have remained without victories. Most significant of them are 11 awards of the American academy of motion picture arts.

 At shooting of last scene of immersing of the ship in ocean it At shooting of last scene of immersing of the ship in ocean it has been used about 120 tons of water. The film "Titanic" cost more than the ship "Titanic". Building of the ship of "Titanic" has managed in 4 million pounds that in modern money makes 100 million pounds, and cost of a film of James Cameron – 125 million pounds. After end of shootings the full-size model of "Titanic" has been taken to pieces and sold on scrap metal. The drawing representing the Rose, has been made by James Cameron, his hands we and see in a shot All other drawings in Jack's album also are results of work of the director. But that James Cameron the lefthander, at installation the finished shooting shots have been mirror inverted.

 In total 12 immersings have been carried out. At last two picture дистанционно In total 12 immersings have been carried out. At last two picture дистанционно it was transferred by the special device established in remains of "Titanic". And some shots have been simulated on the computer. The majority of scenery by the ship — from carpets to chandeliers — has been reconstructed or was under supervision of the companies which once equipped the present "Titanic". Before starting Rose drawing in the album, Jack speaks to it: «there, on a bed, ммм … on a sofa» . Actually here there should be a phrase «Lie down on a sofa» . It happens when on shootings Leonardo di Caprio has slightly confused the scenario text. But Cameron liked this reservation, and this double has entered into a total variant of a film.

 When one of operating the ship says «Full speed!» , we hear as When one of operating the ship says «Full speed!» , we hear as someone picks up «Full speed!» On a background. Actually it was the voice of director James Cameron. The model of "Titanic" full-scale did not have nose. Its each time added on the computer. When James Cameron has seen, in what sum these special effects have managed, he has exclaimed: «Is better we would construct it!» At statement of special effects Robert Skotak used the techniques which have been thought up by Soviet film director Pavel Klushantsevym. In 1997 the film has been awarded awards "Oscar" for the best special effects

Каждую ночь во сне Я вижу и чувствую тебя. Так я знаю, что ты Каждую ночь во сне Я вижу и чувствую тебя. Так я знаю, что ты по-прежнему любишь меня. Я любила тебя, И это была единственная любовь в моей жизни. Мы будем любить друга вечно. Преодолев расстояние И преграды между нами, Ты пришёл, чтобы доказать, что по-прежнему любишь меня. Близко или далеко, где бы ты ни был, Я верю, что любовь вечна. Ты снова открываешь дверь, И ты здесь, в моём сердце, И я буду любить тебя вечно. Любовь приходит к нам только раз И длится всю жизнь, Пока мы не уйдём. Бывает любовь, которая не заканчивается… Ты здесь, и я ничего не боюсь. Я знаю, что буду любить тебя вечно. Над нашим чувством не властно время. Ты всегда в моём сердце, И я буду любить тебя вечно.